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Everything posted by kayinv

  1. Sorry I haven't been posting much work. I've been working on two new characters (complete with custom armor mixes) and new eye sets that will be released "soon."
  2. Awesome new shot for my new character - Aseria! http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=93581 She's on fire!
    1. bison1967


      When your hot... Your hot!! :D Great image indeed!
  3. *peeks back*

    Home exams went well. Dunno if you post at TES Adventures, but that's where I've been posting for the most part. Nexus has been rather...slow. :P

  4. New close-up shot! These hair brushes for Photoshop are amazing.... http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=92017
  5. After finishing Mistborn and seeing a wonderfully crafted main character turn into a powerful woman on her own...that I Rai will be the exact opposite. So far you've seen Rai with amazing god-like powers. The idea is for Rai to eventually lose these powers and finally be...happy. She wants nothing other then the freedom of mortality - and to be forgiven for the lives her powers have taken.
    1. wolfsangeleyes


      Good for her. Immortality is highly overrated. Hope she gets her wish.
  6. Just think, once you're done with school and working full time, everyday gets to be an exam!

    Exams from your boss...every damn day.

    GL with the tests though! :P

  7. I've been reading the first Mistborn book and can't put it down except when the creative bug bites me too much and forces me to write my own work. Since the series has a female protagonist, its also an important reference for Rai and my own work. I highly recommend it!
  8. Forever Valkyrie back up! Hope you enjoy the story...it's a long one.
  9. Forever Valkyrie released with changes and my longest story excerpt yet! Read the story tied to Bride of the Absence to get more background on Lilith as well. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=90998
    1. bison1967


      Forever a masterpiece! Great story and image :D
  10. Hey amnis, your series is awesome! You put so much work into staging all the work, and the editing...it's awesome!
  11. Hey, just wanted to pop in and say how much I enjoy your own work, and thanks for the support and comments with my pieces. Sorry I killed Forever Valkyrie, it needs some fixes and now its getting a story.
  12. Also, after I fix Forever Valkyrie and another shot I'm working on, I will be taking a break to finish an illustration/digital art piece. It will be featured here and at deviantart (which is sorely lacking illustrative work.
    1. bison1967


      Looking forward to it! :D
  13. Sorry I deleted Forever Valkyrie, I saw some errors that I couldn't allow to remain, so I will be resubmitting it over the weekend - along with a story!
    1. bison1967


      Sounds good! :D
  14. Tonas Mods Store has a white room, a black room, and a starfield room, as well as a new dressing room, where you can try on all the outfits and armors in the store before you buy them. It's clearly time for me to update that mod then, thanks!
  15. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/36563-1-1294993557.jpg Where do I find this gray/white room that characters and armors are modeled in? I already have the black room, but Rai has black hair and a black background makes the photoshop selection process more troublesome then helpful.
  16. Let me ask you this. If you are low to the ground, getting as low as possible to secure the shot, which gun would be easier to fire? A gun with a bolt that you pull from the side... Or a gun with a lever that is pulled from the bottom and needs clearance to be pulled... This is just my dumb observation, but in terms of ease with trying to perform a sniper shot...a lever action doesn't make sense. Now please continue with the technical advantages that far outweigh anything I just said.
  17. Happy Easter everyone! I wore a tie to church today - it looked good (and itched like crazy because I just shaved before putting it on.)
  18. Alright, it's serious story scene time. Showing Rai in her glory and beauty is one thing, but to show her triumphs and failures is another. The purpose of this upcoming shot is not to flaunt her valkyrie powers, but to show her humanity. I should provide a warning. I intend for Rai to be a part of some truely tragic trials, and I hope you'll keep an open mind when you see her experiencing them.
  19. Desu, from what I've been reading on your site...


    Sounds like me at work this week. Every machine broke in one way or another. Fix one thing then something else breaks. I need alcohol this weekend.

    Still, we greatly appreciate the effort.

  20. Lilith is done - or done enough I guess. Comment away! http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=88635
  21. Hey DK, hope to see you posting more shots again! Stop by my own gallery sometime, lots of new stuff!
  22. Working on a new character and the sworn enemy of Rai - Lilith. I have a variation of Lilith in my DA shots, but with all the options in Oblivion opposed to DA in with poses & textures...expect her to be one of the most frightening female characters to be shown in the imageshare!
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