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Everything posted by GBHis

  1. I'd love to have the mod as well, buddah. Can you give us a link?
  2. My two cents: I think people should get less focused on making armor / weapons and get into doing actual quests. Maybe the excuse is that writing plots, building cells, writing scripts, eg is way harder / more time consuming than making armors and weapons, but I honestly doubt that. I've created quite a few stand-alone spells (even uploaded some of them), which I think is a step in the right direction, but unfortunately I haven't yet created and released a full-blown questmod as to statute an example myself :(
  3. First... The mod probably won't updated or added to any time soon. Both the person who was doing the mod, as well as pretty much everyone who was in any way related to this mod have vanished. I'd almost be tempted to think that of anyone still around, I probably have the most connection to this mod, despite the fact that I really didn't do much of anything other than help with some issues early on. I might at some point considder the possibility of finishing the mod, or atleast fixing some of the issues related with it. But that isn't likely for two reasons. First, it wasn't my mod, I have no more right to do anything to it than anyone else. Second, I would probably end up changing some aspects of the mod according to how I think they should be, and that may not necessarily make the mod better. That said. containers opening slowly would be because of all the stuff you place in them. If you spread out your stuff between multiple containers, or better yet, just sell sets of stuff you'll never use again, loading those individual containers to look for your stuff would probably be faster than loading one containing everything. There are no hallway pieces of castle rooms with windows. Furthermore, the castle is built into a mountain, windows wouldn't look right. While you can get around that tombish feeling by adding pictures and other clutter as well as adding some NPCs and using good lighting, since the mod isn't being worked on any more, and hasn't been worked on in well over a year, that probably won't happen. Finally, the map is never right when you enter buildings. This is partially because of how the map works with doors that connect multiple areas. The map showing that you're in anvil would likely mean that there is a doorway within the castle that links to anvil somewhere. Trying to replace a whole town with anything would be just plain silly, not only would it take a hell of alot of work, it would also probably screw over several game quests, and have numerous conflicts with other mods. As for why you can't have a moving castle... It's mostly due to having to build the exterior multiple times (everywhere you want the castle to end up) and then having a very long script which would only enable one of those exteriors at a time, and make adjustments to the doors so that they link properly. In short, not viable outside simple structures like towers. Oi Vagrant0! I'm here :) I used to do scripting... WarKirby decided long ago to leave this mod - finished or not. I don't know what WarKirby'd say, but I'm pretty sure that he'd love anyone to complete the mod in whatever way they want. I can send him an email, asking him, if you want me to -GBHis
  4. Yay! Now they work on all windows systems (that I know of, at least) :D Ye' know, some people keep their system stuff on other partitions than C:
  5. Write your own. Really. Reznod's is long and ... hard to read. WK fixed quite a bunch of things, though. Let's hope he replies "yes" :)
  6. Lucky you! I hope it's me next time (I can point quite a few out ;)) -- I never finish my projects anyway :) Say hello to her from me! -GBHis
  7. "My brain? I bought in on eBay. Only place I could something cheap that WON'T work with anything official! (Such as school, other languages and bills.)" Lol... Paulo_Minty made his own forum? Great! What does it look like? (I dare not enter it. Afraid of the loadtime due to his insane use of images ;))
  8. Thanks, Povuholo! I think I wrote something for you, but not sure? Maybe it was another guy... Off to experimenting: Put the mapmarker over an item. When the player gets near, the game will say "You found The Sword of Über Pwning". Then, right after, remove the mapmarker from the player's map (and the world). That would be so cool :)
  9. That esm totally vulked up my new character... Water level raised 200-500 points... Am I using the broken one, or is this a local conflict on my pc?
  10. Sizes? Shrink and Enlargen? Wait for my update of "GBHis Modders Spells" later on the week ;) Otherwise, you can set _scale_ via scripting and console: [ref/target.]setscale *float between 0.01 and ?2?* Ooor, if you want to change a mod, use notepad :) There is probably some weird way of changing size/scale in the CS, but I couldn't find it :(
  11. Yeah! Can't wait to cast "Mass Taunt" at those sheeps... Uhm! Can we have secret traps, holes and such in the arena? ;) It's 12 pages here ... must be one of the longest threads. If this was the Official Forums, the admins had closed it! :) if (50 * 12 == 600) Set IamRight to 1 message "Wow, lots of posts..." else Set IamRight to -1 message "I'm so bad at counting..." endi :)
  12. Oh, WK... What have you done THIS time? :) Tried using my method to "undo" the cell-changes? @Paulo: Cut your sig down. It messes with everyone's screens and increases the load-time... Thank you!
  13. That's planned! To make sure everyone needs my ultra fps-booster _2000_ of DOOM :)
  14. I have some homework from school. Sorry. Aaand after that's done, I need to finish some Serpent work. This *could* make slight changes to fps. I'll explain when I come with an updated version :)
  15. It's a bit messy, but should work for now? I'll write a new version whenever I get around to it...
  16. Blender is fine as well, it's just harder... Lots of tutorials :)
  17. Here's a quick one... scn loyalguards ; By GBHis. Attaches to actor. Begin OnStartCombat player Stopcombat End
  18. I really don't feel like releasing details of it before it's done. (Someone might steal my idea... That happened last time I bragged :)) Loyal Guards should be easy, but needs a little digging in the wiki. It's prolly just an IF check and one or two function-calls. I meant Reference Editor IDs (refs) :) Why do you have so many different? Can you give them a referance editor id? If you can, can you post the schedules for the refs? Like, between 01 and 14 it's guards 1 through 20 that keeps the castle alive. Then we could order only the guards on duty to help :)
  19. The finger of pointing is done, but it needs some testing. I've just made a FPS-increasing mod, and I need some more testers. My own box has no problems at all :) (Oh, I should make a new topic) EDIT: Will the guards be named? (can I count on refs)? Right now, they attack the target on sight. But they don't search for it.
  20. I can reproduce his example, but my own always fail. I *think* the trick is to call GetButtonPressed one if-layer deeper, and in another frame. Any idea of when the 1.5 will be out?
  21. PM/Email me the script, maybe I can help :)
  22. I don't speak to Nazis :) You can either a) Get better at english. (MUDs are a good way to go. Click here. - I learned most of my english at LOFE. Click *here* to give it a try.) b) Trial-And-Error learning is always (though time-consuming) a good way to learn...
  23. Beautiful, Omegano :) I really was in a hurry (It took 4m30s to write the script, from I read the request to I hit "Submit.":)) I was *so* close to missing the bus. I thought that I would just put up an example, then expand it and put in all of the weather later, if you liked it. My problem is, that my flags (here, sw) always return -1... When I tested the namescript, it worked, but just one time.
  24. Okay, here goes the weather script: scn MyCastleWeatherSwitch ; By GBHis. Attaches to an activator. short cw;Current Weather short stayput; The weather may not change when leaving the area. Begin OnActivate ;Cycles through weathers ; set stayput to 0 (If it doesn't work right) set stayput to 1 if (cw > 3) set cw to 0 else set cw to cw + 1 endif if (cw == 0) ForceWeather Clear StayPut elseif (cw == 1) ForceWeather CamoranWeather StayPut elseif (cw == 2) ForceWeather Thunderstorm StayPut elseif (cw == 3) ForceWeather SigilWhiteOut StayPut elseif (cw == 4) ForceWeather OblivionMountainFog StayPut endif END I haven't tested this (I'm on my way to school), but it should work.
  25. I can make the weather. I think it's some pretty simple functions. (The hardest is the messagebox. I've only got it working ONCE.) @Tiberiu: Just wait till you see my Project Serpent work :)
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