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Everything posted by manlyMAN0890

  1. Can anybody figure out how to rig the Dragon Age Keep world states to handshake with Dragon Age 2's save import feature?
  2. Here's my problem. One of the mods I have installed has messed with the third person camera. It moves it off-center and goes for an over-the-shoulder look to the right-hand side while also lowering the camera's elevation slightly. I didn't install any mods advertising edits to the camera modes. I suspect DarNified UI or Coronerra's Maximum Compatibility Skeleton. If I could just open an .ini file and tweak a camera setting, I'd be satisfied. I prefer combat in 1st person, but I like to run around in 3rd and sometimes do melee in 1st. Even if I didn't it would still annoy the hell out of me. Steam version. Stability / Root Install WRYE Recently, my computer at one point must have crashed or restarted and when I started Wrye back up it showed all of my installers as having never been installed before and the load order listed by package title (A to Z). So I'll be listing these from A to Z. Thankfully this is just an issue with Wrye and my modded game remains unaltered. It should be completely separate from the bug (?) in Wrye. OBLIVION MOD MANAGER I left out the replacers (meshes, textures, sound, etc.) LOAD ORDER (no bash patch yet)
  3. As a vampire, I can't feed from Lydia or Marcurio. Lydia is currently my housecarl and Marcurio's my husband. The prompt doesn't come up (Feed or Talk/Pickpocket) for either of them whether sneaking or using Vampire Seduction, or when the person is in bed. What's weirder is that it doesn't affect Lydia, she apparently resists it (I get the message "Lydia resists Vampire Seduction"). Interacting with Marcurio when he's affected by Vampire Seduction just opens dialogue. I have placed a few follower faction NPCs near me to test what the problem is, and I can feed from them. I don't think I could feed from Marcurio even before he became my follower. I've tried a few things... Redo LOOT order and bashed patch. Nothing. Praestare Sanguinare spell in Better Vampires mod. Nothing. Resetting and disabling AFT (Amazing Follower Tweaks). Nothing. Paying off my bounty in Marcurio's home hold, which was the Rift. Nothing. So it's not related to the "bug" "[NPC name] has already caught you" that occurs when the player's sneaking around in a hold that has put a bounty out for them and trying to pickpocket NPCs. I discovered this problem with Marcurio when I tried to turn him during the Dawnguard quest "The Gift". I've turned people for the Volkihar faction before, so I knew I would have to work around it, but I wanted to go through the motions first. The problem occurred before completion of The Gift, not after. Load Order.
  4. I don't believe it is Better Vampires, but the speed bonuses granted at the 3rd/4th stages of vampirism helped me figure out that my character was using two different speeds, one in combat and one outside of combat. WIthout that, I would've never known. That power you're describing is "Blink", and I've never once used it. I believe the problem must have happened after I was hit with a frost spell and started sprinting to mitigate the speed reduction, and for a while I didn't realize I wasn't supposed to be able to move as fast as I was while cursed with vampirism. I downloaded and installed a fix that forces the game to recalculate movement speed during and after the frost group magic effect ends, but I have yet to test it in-game. Until then, I'll have to be content with starting over - I accidentally hit delete on all of my then-current character's save files without the steam sync/backup turned on(a long time ago, it got annoying trying to permanently delete files I didn't want, what do you want form me?). That file is called "Frost Magic BugFixes". I will post the results of that testing if the problem persists, or if it consistently fails to proc. For a few days though, I'll be content with playing catch-up for a bit to deal with my frustration. I'm sure you understand.
  5. I have a specific issue with movement speed. It's doubled. However, while in combat, it's normal. Whatever the problem is seems to mess with my movement speeds in combat and outside of combat. When in third or fourth stage, the bonuses are applied as normal to my character's speed, but entering combat reduces 100 off the top. Using the player.modav command to reduce it to default puts the value at 0 during combat, which seemingly has no effect(probably defaulting to 100), but in the third or fourth stage, the -100 puts the speedmult at 10-20, which then dramatically reduces my speed to almost nothing, practically overencumbered or less. I have Better Vampires installed. I have tried resetting vampirism. I looked up the frost damage 'group of effects' to use the player.removespell command for each frost spell's corresponding ID variant(includes ice wraith cloak damage). I wasn't sure if that was a solution, but I tried it. I have done this in combat as well. I've completed every step to remove the mod when upgrading(including .bat file). I've done everything short of uninstalling SKSE or Skyrim. I've used the speedmult value with player.setav, modav, and forceav. as the 'getav' command will show me, none of them work and setav seems to do nothing. I am at my wit's end. I can just avoid combat and stay in the first or second stage of vampirism at all times(which I have no trouble doing), but I'm going to want to be at the third-fourth stage when I want have real fun with being a powerful vampire. Mods and load order: Not in list, but bear mentioning: SKSE, Save Game Cleaner, TES5Edit
  6. It's a little disappointing that as a vampire, the player never has the option of turning his/her spouse if they don't join Volkihar. What I would suggest is a little dialogue option that appears when a script checks two things before allowing that option to appear: A. completion of the Dawnguard questline with the Dawnguard faction B. being a vampire Choosing the dialogue option begins the quest "The Gift" with unique quest footnotes in the quests tab. For flavor, the option can be a persuasion test the player can make once a day, to roleplay being a convincing/charming character for people who invest in raising Persuasion, or being persistent in trying to convince their spouse(not investing much into Persuasion), so that players don't have to level the skill if they don't want to. Turning spouse from diseased immortal to Vampire Lord If turned into a 'lesser' vampire the first time, aka not a vampire lord, a second script can be made to check spouse's race and allows a second option to appear(possibly after a few days for roleplay purposes) to prompt a second turning, this time for Vampire Lord. If the check is positive for 'lesser' vampire race, the dialogue option appears and can be selected to start "The Gift" again, this time to turn regular vampire spouse into Vampire Lord (only special change being 'turn [spouse] into a Vampire Lord'). This would work in hand with Better Vampires, a mod which allows the player to turn whoever they want, but it would allow the quest to be available to players who choose the Dawnguard faction.
  7. I accidentally double-posted a duplicate of this topic. Sorry about that. It's a little disappointing that as a vampire, the player never has the option of turning his/her spouse if they don't join Volkihar. What I would suggest is a little dialogue option that appears when a script checks two things before allowing that option to appear: A. completion of the Dawnguard questline with the Dawnguard faction B. being a vampire Choosing the dialogue option begins the quest "The Gift" with unique quest footnotes in the quests tab. For flavor, the option can be a persuasion test the player can make once a day, to roleplay being a convincing/charming character for people who invest in raising Persuasion, or being persistent in trying to convince their spouse(not investing much into Persuasion), so that players don't have to level the skill if they don't want to. Turning spouse from diseased immortal to Vampire Lord If turned into a 'lesser' vampire the first time, aka not a vampire lord, a second script can be made to check spouse's race and allows a second option to appear(possibly after a few days for roleplay purposes) to prompt a second turning, this time for Vampire Lord. If the check is positive for 'lesser' vampire race, the dialogue option appears and can be selected to start "The Gift" again, this time to turn regular vampire spouse into Vampire Lord (only special change being 'turn [spouse] into a Vampire Lord'). This would work in hand with Better Vampires, a mod which allows the player to turn whoever they want, but it would allow the quest to be available to players who choose the Dawnguard faction.
  8. Awesome. Are you gonna work on the soundbyte too? Because that specifically would make this killer.
  9. Done. In link format. Not allowed to use a specific extension. Because Nexus is being a b&@*$.
  10. It'd be pretty cool if someone created a playable preset for a William Carter cameo(XCOM Declassified). Included, an .esp with a rip of the soundbyte of when he says "Say goodnight, Gracie", set to play when exiting combat after defeating a high-level/boss/unique enemy. It's not a repeated or stock phrase in the game... The game was set in the 60's. Carter would fit right in with the crowd. Here are some reference images. Profile http://www.entertainmentbuddha.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/xcom2.jpg Sideview http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af200/Hbh128/AgentCarterSideview2_zpsb67cc608.jpg~original Close-up http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130816193813/xcom/images/4/4c/TheBureau_AgentCarter_1.png Close-up minus angry eyebrows http://www.incgamers.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/bureau-2-1024x576.jpg
  11. This topic contains spoilers for two quests from the mod Anna NPCs 2.0 I recently decided the mod Anna NPCs 2.0 is not for me. I decided it wouldn't be right to simply say that and let it be, since I did say that I loved it in one of the file threads and went on to give feedback on a mod I previously thought was a must-download. So, I owe it to myself to immortalize my thoughts on what I feel are where it falls short, and for the most part I'll be leaving out my personal preference. Yes some of it comes from personal preference and what I'm willing to put up with, but for the most part this is meant to be mostly objective. I didn't put it all into the thread for the mod because I didn't want it to be swallowed up. I do my business here in the corner, and people can ignore it if they want to. A glaring peeve for me was that one person voiced almost all of the women added to the game, which makes the female companions sort of blend with each other. People might point to the dev team's voice-acting budget like that somehow makes it more bearable, but even then different actors recorded lines for their own voice type(s) that they contributed to the game. All of these new additions of the female gender are voiced by one person, and it's obvious. The quests were thought out and unique to the person of each companion they were attached to, but they felt slipshod or forced in their setup. E.g. Elyndra's quest felt like it should have been over before it began: a few fools planning a hairbrained scheme that was doomed from the start get killed earlier than they would have if they actually made it to the palace. Case closed, and they wouldn't have succeeded in the first place, so I couldn't comprehend the motivation to go tell someone about it. The meadery quest I thought was particularly asinine. Props to the character for being strong and independent and pursuing her dream, but was that after raising enough money doing what she does best, or after retiring from it? Her independence is spoiled when the option to help is "here, let me pay to have the whole thing built", and it's a negative gameplay-wise that the player has to go out of their way to visit every prospective settlement she has her eye on. "Is it Falkreath?" "I dunno, we should go check out Riften and Solitude first." "It's Falkreath, isn't it?" And it was. I liked Dragon Age too. I liked the companions, but when having three of them following the player at once, even two, it removes the challenge of combat...in Skyrim. This mod tries to add one awesome thing to another, but reese's peanut butter cups was far from the result. When I confirmed the option to "go to the camp", I found myself imprisoned in a valley surrounded by unclimbable cliffs on all sides. I couldn't figure out how to get out, so I had a fake panic attack just for laughs(I'm so lonely), but it was jarring for this place to exist. Dragon Age is not a sandbox, Skyrim is. A cell that exists solely to be "this is where you set up camp" is fine in a game that doesn't have the whole in-game world mapped out and prone to the ravages of exploration. Skyrim is that kind of game, Dragon Age is not. Props for all the work put into Anna NPCs 2.something, but these problems, personal proclivities withstanding, are why I've decided I won't be taking the whole package.
  12. It always bothered me that the Shrouded Cowl stops at the neck. Anyone interested in creating a version of the Shrouded Cowl that goes over the shoulders? In front, it should up over the underarms at collarbone level. Across the back, it should remain at the same length as the part draped over the shoulders. Maybe even add a little clasp in front with the Dark Brotherhood's hand symbol. This could be either a replacer or an add-on, with the modded version placed in a little chest at the entrance to the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary, on or nearby the table with the map and dagger, plus added randomly to Dark Brotherhood hostile assassins. The mod Bandolier - Bags and Pouches adds dark leather and a recipe for the Dark Brotherhood carry weight items. Creating a patch to add the modded version of the Cowl(requiring said recipe) requiring the dark leather to the crafting menu would also be appreciated.
  13. Nah, personally can't be bothered with work encouraged to be pushed onto users that is apparently easier than eggs and toast, and modding in general. Sorry if that affects what you think of me. I'll come up with a way to compensate you, but I think I'll keep my current hobby thank you. Only one person has to do it and then no one else ever again. If it takes 10 minutes and a few mouse clicks, there is just no excuse.
  14. Well, the problem seems to have solved itself. Fast traveling definitely did not work in my previous game. when I finally tackled the quest, I fast-traveled to Dead Men's Respite and arrived at about 10 til 6am in game time, completed the dungeon, left the way I came, and returned to Solitude without encountering the crash. In any subsequent playthroughs, I'll just repeat the scenario if necessary. As for cleaning mods, it seems complicated and above me. Besides, I don't believe that making sure a mod works properly beyond reporting problems and conflicts is my responsibility. I believe that if you have the patience and the innovative mind to create your own mods and make them publicly available, then it should be your responsibility to make sure they work correctly, including ironing out problems and conflicts caused by dirty editing.
  15. Okay. 1. yes. 2. enb .0246, all disabled except for ENBoost(speedhack). My bad, I meant 0.246 3. no. 4. no.
  16. During a reinstalling of my game, I seem to have lost a certain mod or some armors from a mod. The mod contained versions/replacements of vanilla light armors with backstab bonuses attached to them, "+5 backstab damage" on rough leather armor, for instance. If you have any idea, please tell me. This mod seems to also have affected heavier armors, cuz now all the guards in Redcliffe castle are walking around in their underwear. I was also wearing such a set while I was still in the Circle tower. When i returned, I thought nothing of my indecently exposed rogue at the time, but I decided to continue with a new, separate save when I noticed the merchant near the Circle entrance was also indecent. Of course, I did not think this would continue to be a problem in other cells until I returned to Redcliffe after completing the entire Broken Circle quest(thank the Maker I have "Skip the Fade", but still). Until someone tells me, I will be playing the warrior character I created afterward. I would prefer not have to redo my desired character, from the entire origin all the way through Lothering and the Redcliffe assault and the journey to the Circle.
  17. Yes. I also posted my problem to the EA answers forum, and they responded with the same solution, just digital install the original game from Origin. So I did that and got my problem fixed. Headaches like this could be avoided if, y'know, they actually fixed them. I mean I know I don't need the CD anymore, but I should have had to uninistall the entire CD install and reinstall via digital just to work around their oversight. Besides, the CD install is 5 minutes. I had to keep myself busy for 5 hours. Is 400-600 kb/s slow? After that, kinda feels like it is.
  18. I have owned and played this game a long time ago. I was getting back into it recently. I reinstalled the original game, got the dlcs from my user entitlements(I resent them using that word, just another kick to the face), and my nexus mods(all of which I installed correctly, very little that can go wrong here). I had to go chat with customer support to get the Awakening expansion again, downloaded that fine. After installing Awakening, I get the titular message, "could not find the dragon age disk. Please insert the disk and try again." Two other threads have been started requesting assistance with this problem, but my circumstances differ slightly. The first thread, started by the user alvintanasta, asked for assistance after a patch update. I had already updated my game to 1.05 before installing Awakening. The second thread, started by the user nurosis, was for an entirely different problem. He uninstalled all mods and updated to 1.05 and then got the same message as me, and he also has Awakening installed. The solution suggested to both people having trouble was to dump the Steam install for the Origin install(the fact that this solution was suggested or worked is an issue all of its own). I own a physical copy of Origins, installed with dlc and Awakening digitally via Origin client. I have had no trouble starting up the game with mods and the 1.05 patch. I only had trouble with the crash and the message after the Awakening expansion was installed. I updated the game with the patch for Awakening, but the problem persists. I will list my specs here. OS: Windows 7 Ultimate(64-bit) RAM: 4GB CPU: AMD A6-3670 APU Video: AMD Radeon 6700 Install method: Origins, CD; Awakening, digital via Origin client
  19. Well, a reinstall and a new everything did not work. And apparently nobody wants to acknowledge this crash problem or even talk about it. For a while now, I've been embarrassed by my own post. Just...read it, read it, ugh! But I'm glad I did post something, because it provides me my own problem thread I can follow up on. Because my encounter of the problem again with my new character and new install+mods led to some troubleshooting and an unexpected though unreliable workaround, possibly a one-time occurrence in which the awoken sentience composed of my computer with all its data and the data of the game. I thought back to a time when I wondered if perhaps Skyrim Immersive Creatures(SIC) might have been the culprit, as I have crashed while strolling about with the random encounters toggled on. At the time, I toggled off all of the extra encounters, which seemed to work after crashing at a particular spot somewhere near or in the hot springs of Eastmarch. Except it had no effect when I was tromping along the main road from Morthal to Dragon Bridge. This is where my crash and troubleshooting starts. I reloaded and approached from Tall Mast Tavern(I nearly went on a rant, but I'll save that for when I post on the mod page) and crashed after discovering Fort Snowhawk, just standing there. Then I reloaded and waited halfway between the two locations for two minutes, then shot mages and skeletons from that spot with magic, and finally jumped the western fence of Fort Snowhawk and killed everyone there(a follower did most of the work), so it's not an issue with that cell. I then created a new save and used console command "tfc 1" to pause the game while flying to Dead Men's Respite. I then did it again without pausing, opened the console again and clicked on a stone platform on the ground leading to the ruin doors, and(basically) teleported my character to that spot. After the loading screen, to my surprise, the game didn't crash. So I toggled off "tfc" and avoided "discovering" the place for the moment, killed a pygmy hill trol(SIC) that had spawned as well as the dragon spawn. I then traveled to the locations in the area to see if they might give me the crash I desperately yearned for. I visited Crabber's Shanty, Orotheim, and Brood Cavern in that order without crashing. So, deciding against pushing my luck and because I was lazy, I fast-traveled to Dragon Bridge and saved there. So I'm not quite sure what was the solution or the workaround. Since the first and consecutive crashes involving the spawning of a troll in the distance, I have begun to suspect the troll spawns added by SIC. How telling. But, in addition to the "player.moveto" command working, this also happened at night. I was a vampire in need of my vitamin blood, so I waited until 7pm and then flew to the location, and "flying" is slow, and the location is some distance from Snowhawk, but perhaps not coming up with a way to do it while moving faster worked to my benefit. Every other time it happened, there was daylight. Until I get the quest "Tending the Flames", I will leave the location undiscovered until the proper time, just to be sure. I'm not going to "guinea pig it" and go through the dungeon, leave, then come back just to see if it will crash. I've lost almost all of my patience for this particular problem, thank you very much, so I will simply find the dungeon while on the quest proper so that I don't have to return later only to discover that I can't approach without crashing as in the first time. At that point, I will troubleshoot one more time to see just what worked and, if applicable, at what time of day. But for now, I'm having fun(what a concept!), and so I can't be bothered.
  20. Aww. I sure hope someone experienced is lurking on this thread, because that stuff would be cool. Tell me none of those ideas would be great to add for conjuration levelers and mages in general.
  21. A complete remaking of the vampire robes would be great. As is, they're just reskins of vanilla clothing to be darker, and I've always hated female clothing in this game. They're all dresses and gowns. The only time women in Skyrim aren't wearing dresses is when they're in armor(which makes sense), but the Dawnguard DLC was a way to cast off the mandatory proper dress in Skyrim...for vampires. Let's look at Olfina for an example, and bear with me. I know Olfina Gray-Mane is supposed to be that type, let me quote her: "There's nothing a man can do that I can't do better, whether it's serving drinks or slaying trolls." Give her a sword and some armor and she'd wear it like the best of them(as far as lore is concerned, but in the game she runs from combat). As a vampire you might continue to concern yourself with gowns and dresses, but once you are a vampire you no longer have to. If people know you're a vampire, you're outright ostracized from society if not killed on the spot. I'm sure that--bringing it back into Olfina--if she were turned, she'd be one of those who no longer cared about "looking proper". But for the women vampires, the only option is dress or vanilla armor. Some of us are mages who took the mage armor perk, dammit, give me some pants!! That, and because the reskin was just laziness on their part. And the title of that mod would be Vampire Clothing Redux, or something! Just that easy. Whaddaya say?
  22. 90 Conjuration? Why? What's the point of having it level with the player from a minimum of 2 if it's going to require 90 Conjuration? Most players would be around level 20 by the time they leveled that stat alone to 90. It's not like you'd be getting a super power. I would be interested in seeing the Familiar meant to be player-controlled with abilities meant for taking advantage of that, there are a few I can come up with, basically your DnD Familiar Tactics 101: Activated abilities - Lure Prey(like Throw Voice, except the Familiar returns to the player via pathfinding) - Growl(Combat: area of effect, targets suffer penalties to armor and stamina) - Mangle(Combat: single, target has a chance to be staggered, AI targets nearest enemy attacking the player) Passives - Perception(Detect Life+Undead, limited radius) - Trap Sense(trap triggers are highlighted, your choice of color :) - Alpha Predator(prey and canine creatures suffer health/stamina debuff) - Guard Animal(bark to notify the proccing of a radiant event(M'aiq the Liar, Talsgar, Giant vs Dragon etc) Player controls - sneak(Ctrl/L3) - "fetching"(being able to pick up one item of appropriate weight or proportion via mouth and returning to the player, activate player to transfer said item to player's inventory) So that's a very tall order, but it would be pretty neat. Better yet, include other animals to conjure. Skeevers could have disease-related debuffs for combat abilities, hawks could, heh, "go for the eyes" or whatever. Hope you like these ideas or thought of some of your own, would be nice to have a Familiar that takes on more than just the role of combat ally.
  23. Something in or around Dead Men's Respite causes my game to crash when I approach with a radius of the location. I have already traveled to Dead Men's Respite and discovered the location. I have never entered the dungeon. I had never activated "Tending the Flames". "Listen to my story. This...may be my last chance." --an annoying "main" character from a different game I've been googling and searching these forums for solutions, and all I can turn up are threads with "I have the same problem" chains, no one offers any solutions. I have a Steam installation. Auto-updates have been enabled. I have verified the Steam cache. It keeps telling me that one file failed to validate and will be reacquired, but as far as I can tell it has yet to reacquire said file, which may be entirely unrelated. I've completed the main quest, and have largely paid no attention to quests that just get stacked on me via leveling and as a result of mandatory/forced NPC interactions. If talking to the Orc recruiting Dawnguard members counts as starting the Dawnguard quest, well I guess there's that to think about. I have started to whittle away at these side quests before launching into a DLC campaign, and set my sights on the miscellaneous quest "Word of Power" in Dead Men's Respite. Having already discovered the location, I wanted to fast travel to speed up my quest-tackling. After exiting the loading screen, my game crashed before it even showed me where I was. Not to be defeated, I decided I would travel there on foot. Thankfully I was loading from Rorikstead. I got as far as the bandit camp on the other side of the river north, and before long the game crashed again, with Dead Men's Respite over the hills and out of sight. I tried again from Morthal, thinking perhaps the problem was much closer than I presumed. The game crashed again, and I found that there was a radius beyond which my game would crash if I attempted to cross. This was the point at which I started looking online for solutions, and discovered that people who had been following "Tending the Flames" had this problem after-the-fact. Thinking I might stand a chance to take the quest and complete it and the "Word of Power" miscellany and never look back, I went to Solitude and joined the Bards' college to do just that. My plan was doomed from the start, and I crashed when I fast traveled to Dead Men's Respite. Since then, I haven't been able to find the spirit to keep playing, knowing that part of the game was basically forbidden land and would pose a problem should I ever happen to cross it in my travels. The fact that it exists and that I have to avoid it in order to keep the game running is disheartening. This is an SOS. This is my last option before tearing the whole thing down and building it all back up from scratch, fresh install, fresh mods, new game and everything, which I am loathe to do. If that happens to be the case, I probably won't return to Skyrim for quite a while, there are other awesome games out there. Sorry if I sound dramatic, I tend to get that way when I'm angry or frustrated with something I can't find a solution for. This is my load order, listed for you. Read this, in remembrance of me. IE In case you haven't scrolled yet, this is VERY long. My game is mod-heavy. Skyrim.esm Update.esm USKP.esp Dawnguard.esm Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Hearthfires.esm Unoficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Dragonborn.esm Unoficial Dragonborn Patch.esp SPERG.esm TKChildren.esm Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp HiResTexturePack01.esp HiResTexturePack02.esp HiResTexturePack03.esp Brawl Bugs CE.esp Marked For Death Voice Fix.esp Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp AOS.esp 04CombatMusicStop.esp FantasySoundtrackProjectCombatMusic.esp TouringCarriages.esp Cutting Room Floor.esp AK-Boethiah Alternate.esp Prometheus_BeastSkeletons.esp Chesko_WearableLantern.esp GuessDistance.esp HARODATH_ImmersiveSoulgems.esp hdplants+herbs.esp HigherLevelEnemies.esp HoldBorderBanners.esp leavemealonebryjolf.esp MenuShoutsInDragonsAndEnglishLanguage.esp skyBirds - Airborn Perching Birds.esp Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp Skyrim Immersive Creatuers - DLC2.esp Traps Make Noise.esp Traps Are Dangerous.esp Destructible_bottles.esp Character Creation Overhaul.esp RaceMenu.esp RaceMenuPlugin.esp SkyUI.esp Headtrack Crosshair.esp College_of_Winterhold_Shop_Fixes.esp FA Hide Armor.esp Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Immersive Weapons.esp LeftHandRings.esp LeftHandRings - Dawnguard.esp lightdaedric.esp Lore Weapon Expansion.esp NobleFemaleClothes.esp OMageReplacerPack.esp Dr_Bandolier.esp Erso 09 - RUS-Npcs overhaul USKP compatible.esp Erso 09.1 - Essential Children.esp Erso 30 - Better Enemy AI Dawnguard&Dragonborn.esp ERSO 30.1 - Better Expert Level.esp AdalMater.esp ArmorDisguises.esp boethia_fix.esp DragonmournInn.esp HouseOfHorrorsAlternateEnding.esp Hroldan VillageV1_2.esp Run For Your Lives.esp When Vampires Attack.esp TheDomain.esp TheFrontier.esp ArmorCap90.esp BarbasLessAnnoying.esp Default Temmate Weapon Draw Distance.esp faster arrows.esp Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp Headtracking.esp HoodsAndCirclets.esp dD-NO Twitching Dragon Death Animation.esp norecruitment.esp NpcHavokHit.esp PalistovSpinningArrows.esp RealisticHumanoidMovementSpeed.esp SkyTEST-REalisticAnimals&Predators.esp Convenient Horses.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp Thieves Guild Requirements.esp HelgenReborn.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp abotFiresHurt.esp GetSomeRest.esp RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp RND_Dawnguard-Patch.esp RND_Hearthfires-Patch.esp RND_Dragonborn-Patch.esp RND_USKP-Patch.esp SkyrimHeartRate.esp DVA - Dynamic Vampire Appearance.esp Better Vampires.esp Brevi_MoonlightTales.esp SmartCast_1_0.esp BFSEffects.esp FNISspells.esp Artifact Disenchanting.esp EnchantingAwakened.esp The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition CCO - Dynamic Skill Progression.esp Character_Generation.esp SkyXP.esp Sneak Tools.esp Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp SPERG.esp SPERG-DG.esp SPERG-DB.esp EnchantingAwakenedSPERG.esp dD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp Dovahkiin prayer.esp AzarHairPonyTail 03 - Havok.esp reduced distance npc greetings.esp Odvar.esp BVFE_Serana.esp marriagemod - alpha v3.esp Get Out of my Bedroom with Chair.esp amazingfollowertweaks.esp CCO - Diverse Races And Genders.esp dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Medium.esp Undead vampire player and npcs with harkon eyes.esp ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp Dynamic TimeScale.esp GreenWaterFix_v2withDawnguard.esp TKChildren_HF.esp TKChildren_V.esp TKChildren_DB.esp childskeletonfix.esp RND_AnimalLoot.esp DA_SkyrimUncut.esp DA_SkyrimUncutDG.esp AOS2_EBT Patch.esp AOS2_GDO Patch.esp AOS_TAD Patch.esp FSP - Dawnguard Edition.esp FSP - Unique Towns & Locations.esp WEBS extended.esp SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB.esp SkyFalls Dragonborn Small waterfalls.esp CompanionArissa.esp Loraine.esp WM Trap Fixes.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp Difficult Archery_30.esp
  24. I'd be interested in an idle standing animation made to replace the vanilla counterpart for females in the game. I'm making this request because none of the mods in the searches I've made come close to what it is I'm looking for. What annoys me is the wiggling, swaying, twitching of the head, body and shoulders of the vanilla animation. The player character just won't sit still. In contrast, what I want is an animation that has some movement, but with a minimalist approach. None of the body parts "not" moving should not be static, or moving because they're fixated to the movement of parts attached to them(eg the shoulders move and the head moves with them), but realistically lax. Body: A slight heaving of the torso that doesn't reverberate through the arms and shoulders, which should remain in the same pose(perpendicular to the ground, not static). Maybe a slight raising of the shoulders due to the movement created by breathing. Head: Keeping the gaze level and forward(shouldn't conflict with headtracking mods), instead of turning this way and that on its own while not prompted or scripted to do so by any form of headtracking, vanilla or otherwise. Legs: movement made more subtle, no "swaying" or wiggling Basically a reimagining of the vanilla idle standing animation to movements far more subtle, realistically so, and less like a child who won't sit still while getting a haircut. So subtle that you might choose to watch the PC in 3rd-Person-mode during a framerate chop to discern whether the framerate has caught up, but would defer to the movement of other things, like grass. More subtle than grass or tree movement, I think that sums it up pretty well. I'm currently playing a female PC(non-Orc) in the game, and while I'm really bugged out by her standing idle, I'd be interested in a replacement for the male idle standing animation as well. These idle standing animations seem to have a universal "wiggle" or "sway", and a "restless neck" syndrome, if you will.
  25. I just want to be able to sneak and avoid being detected. With Moonlight Tales installed, I could change under the fullmoon when I travel and the time it takes for me to reach my destination puts me at or after 8pm, and being able to sneak out of the city during the "warning" interval after telling my followers to stay put would be nice.
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