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Everything posted by Aricole

  1. I just found this: ff7legendPosted 11 August 2018 - 11:35 PMResident poster "The memory manager (OS Allocators) caused Skyrim SE to freeze with the following error in Windows (Windows 7 Professional x64): SkyrimSE.exe1.0.0.0 5aba8acb ucrtbase.DLL 10.0.14393.2247 5adc1d0b c0000417 000000000006d669 112c 01d431f3636cc651 D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\SkyrimSE.exe C:\Windows\system32\ucrtbase.DLL 48bf0d71-9de8-11e8-b1bc-e04f436fe4f5 Errors like the one above only occur when the memory manager (OS Allocators) is set to true in the .ini for SSE Engine Fixes. Please fix this whenever you get back to updating this aers. If I turn the memory manager off, errors like the one above do not occur." Since I Have SSE Engine Fixes installed, I am trying this out. I am slow figuring out what the information and directions mean exactly. I thought I'd put this up here so those with computer science experience can try it faster. Ciao for now
  2. In response to post #31699195. #31709590, #31710865, #31717215, #31727420, #31727725, #31727755 are all replies on the same post. +1
  3. Well, I'm female, 65 and I love Skyrim. I started with Daggerfall. I even update my computer with the latest hardware whenever a new TES comes out so I came play it without lag. Gaming keeps you young.
  4. I had the 'iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=4000000000 ' and resultant message error also. I changed the iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes number to my maximum paging file size number and no longer have the error. I wondered at the time when I changed it why it was an even number since memory amounts are usually not - e.g. 256, 43057 etc.. I'm not sure if that was before or after I changed my bInvalidateOlderFiles=0 to 1. I had seen the setting at 0 and it didn't make sense so I changed it after placing a comment on why I had done that in case it turned out to be a grave error. Just more information for the pros to mull over. I am no pro by a long shot. :blush:
  5. I've been fighting this for days trying to figure out what I tweaked that caused Skyrim indigestion. (Answer: I tweaked the .ini files' [Map Settings]) I love this community! Thank you millennia.
  6. @ Ishar: Thank you for the very clear explanation of scripts in saves. It explained the list of 'errors' for things that hadn't happened yet in-game. Is there a log somewhere that tells/hints at what causes a CTD?
  7. This may help some folks: I was having a problem with Skyrim freezing after about 4 minutes. The screen would freeze and the computer played the last note the game was playing when it froze. The only way to 'un-stick' the game was a hard reboot. I noticed that the computer sometimes though rarely froze again at the login page after the reboot. I did some creative case modifications which involved placing a 9" fan over the back of the CPU and aiming a standing fan at the video cards (SLI). I can now play the game without having it freeze. i almost forgot how to correctly quit the game. I had run a utility that showed me the mb, cpu and video card temperatures before doing this. It had been running very warm but not out of specs while the computer was in general usage. The fan over the back of the CPU helped bring that temperature down from ~96 degrees to ~70 degrees, The video cards were still very warm and the game froze. I then directed the standing fan towards the video cards and pulled the tower into the center of the room to improve overall circulation. It works. The gods of Skyrim and computers are so far appeased. This may have been a tad overkill cooling wise but whatever works. I was about ready to consider building a case inside a refrigerator if I could've solve the condensation issue.
  8. Is it possible to make a mod where your followers walk where you walk while sneaking thereby preventing them from tripping every trap available in a room? Even a mod that makes them smart enough to get off the flaming pressure plate would be great. :wallbash: I figure if the player scouts out the safe path and uses it then the followers could follow BEHIND (single file) using the same path. I would attempt it only I haven't a clue where to start and it is something I would like to use before Elder Scrolls XX. Aricole
  9. I'm 19 with 40 additional years experience. My first game was Jill of the Jungle I really liked Daggerfall with the pocket horse that was always with you when you left a dungeon no matter where the exit was. My daughters now game as much as I do. It is nice being thought of as a cool mom.
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