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Everything posted by hector530

  1. still think its a pretty neat entertainment box, would i buy one hell no i already do all that crap on my PC already and without paying 65+ dollars for a game. also for the PS4 i wouldn't be surprised if they sneak in some DRM or fees to used games. im not really shocked about a console having DRM because i thought it was happen next gen anyways. as for the reveal itself i can't get over how STUPID it was to show EA sports games and close with COD they closed with COD, which looks the same, sounds the same, and doesn't look as good as BF3 on PC.
  2. not a big deal as kinect will come with it
  3. and i used to be the crazy one who said gen consoles would have DRM in some form
  4. LOL you're joking right??, though it does have dx11. Woo, means better games for pc. no im not, as an entertainment box the xbox one is vastly superior to the PS4. the PS4 has built in facebook and twitter in the OS, the xbox one can use TV, games, apps, web browser, skype, at the same time seamlessly on the demo at least. it is far better than facebook. like i said xbox one is a far better entertainment box, PS4 seems to be a better video game console
  5. https://www.google.com/finance?q=NYSE:SNE sony's stock jumping 9% after xbox reveal
  6. getting more news, yes the XBOX ONE is pretty much confirmed to have DRM. all games will be installed onto HDD to play, it will also save the game in your account. so if you give the game disk to a friend you have already install on your console, your friend will have to pay a fee to use it. gamestops stock is falling right now because of this news.
  7. so it has DRM but not always online DRM
  8. on OS side on it the XBOX ONE is vastly better than what sony showed. sony has facebook and twitter built in. xbox has television, internet browser, tablets, phones, games, apps all integrated and working seamlessly together and controlled by kinect, smartglass and of course the gamepad. as an entertainment device they are years away from sony even coming close to the XBOX ONE with its PS4 on an entertainment box. as a video game console.... they didnt show much. of the games shown 2 were exclusives froza and some game by remedy. they spent that rest of the time showing EA sports games and ended it with COD.... how disappointing. which by the way still looks worse than BF3 on PC at high setting not the highest settings either. they said they would have 15 exclusives at the first year of xbox one, yes its called "xbox one" and more of those games would be shown at E3. so to sum it up xbox one is far better entertainment box and PS4 is looking like a better video game console
  9. I've seen one. Didnt know what it was and never really gave it a second thought. I saw it in the tower where you fight Taurus demon
  10. new trailer and fromsoft says the the PC port was half assed.... which we all knew http://www.gamespot.com/news/dark-souls-pc-port-was-half-assed-says-director-6406838
  11. it wouldnt play at 720p for me the game looks way more optimized than DS1 was, didnt look like it was dropping fps during particle effects
  12. http://www.ign.com/videos/2013/04/10/dark-souls-2-gameplay-reveal-12-minute-demo hardest part of this gameplay video is...... making ign's mediaplayer play it
  13. yet more evidence about the nextbox using always online drm http://www.gamespot.com/news/subscription-based-xbox-720-priced-at-300-with-500-standard-model-6406544
  14. well the ea COO spoke out about it and by spoke out i mean dodged the questions, made excuses, defended its actions and said NOTHING about how it would fix the problems EA has. one of the best was "Some claim there’s no room for Origin as a competitor to Steam. 45 million registered users are proving that wrong." yes because they didnt force it on its biggest games! EA still defended its micro translations on full priced games. classic example of accepting responsibility and then claiming it's everyone else's fault. is EA the worst company in america? no. worst company is gaming? is it even a contest?
  15. thats not drm that just an online system, the nextbox is said to not run games or app when not connected to the internet. so basically the nextbox becomes a useless brick when it doesn't have the internet
  16. actually they have said its on ps3, ps4, 360 and im sure it will be one the nextbox. its also an mmo, online only.
  17. i dont see how it could be like halo its an mmo with classes and powers and spells , quests, and crap like that
  18. the walking dead game looks like crap, has many reviews saying it is crap. its probably crap.
  19. yet they strangely port every resident evil to PC
  20. meh i dont think much of it, i read it this morning and already completely forget about it.
  21. http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/06/03/kojima-fox-engine-e3-2011-demo he says its a multi platform game and holds his hand over a mouse, 360 and ps3 controller i thought i would mean a future PC release also the ground zeros was running on a PC not a console dev kit
  22. so much for making games on the all 3 platforms
  23. chris avellone on the project entirety stream that he would love make a new game with bethesda's IP fallout or elder scrolls
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