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Everything posted by aesfocus

  1. I generally change mine out every so often. while currently I am using A Forest, previously I was using my own mashup of about 6 mods, but my attention span is lessened now.
  2. In the game not through the app. From the main menu I think I was -> multiplayer -> prestige -> challenges -> general -> I think I was in the first or second challange I was in? There is a MP challenge that awards APEX points for the same goals as the Origin achievement and I feel like logically looking at that might pop it but who knows. LOL you'd think if they linked the app to the game the achievements would be bound as well but nah. What I know for certain is the achievement popped for me in the multiplayer menus about 3.5weeks after I -should- have gotten them.
  3. I have them and they are bugged. I've seen rumors that you must get them in the multiplayer screen. I did not and the achivements didnt pop. However they DID pop when I was looking through all the prestige stuff when playing MP. Couldnt tell you what exactly but just poke through multiplayers prestige menus.
  4. especially when there are a ton of basic shapes already present within the game, and some have holes already. there are even some collisions even within some of the test shapes/nifs, that are just basic squares and rectangles in various sizes.
  5. even with jury rigging collisions in nifskope, unless you have a window or hole the size you want in some other mesh you won't be able to do it. if you want info on how to export and import collisions from one mesh to another you can find an amazing tutorial in the tutorial sticky in the mod talk section. You would need 2013 3ds max to make new collisions. It isn't like mesh editing where you can move a vert manually in nifskope, you'll be working blind with collision and you can not alter it like you can a mesh for fo4. There might be a way to manually change the values in the export/import function but you'll be working in the dark.
  6. a rigged body in either 3ds max or blender would work perfectly for what you are talking about. I can't speak to 3ds max but with blender you can take say a shirt and give it cloth physics and drop it. Outside of that you could use the move tool at a very high brush setting to push pull in outfit studio but that'll be a lot of push pulling and distortion to your meshes.
  7. The description field will display in game! It just depends on which one you use and for what item. We don't know what kinda of item you have made, something for a settlement? Or an armor? Weapon? For settlement items like the Vault Tec's powerbike or in mods like Homemaker or NMW's Playing House you'll use the DESC field in the Constructible Object to convey various bits of information, like "Settlers stay fit and generate power at the same time." While in the build menu the description appears up top. For armor or weapons you've got kinda an issue, once something is crafted unless it is legendary the DESC gets tossed outside of crafting stations. With armor you would use Armor's DESC field (not Constructible Object as it won't show up) the description then will show up in the chem station or armorsmith workbench or whatever on the right above the components. Then if your weapon/armor has attachments the info for each attachment is also held in the DESC field but it'll be within the Object Modification section. But this description won't carry over to the pipboy. If it is a legendary item then Chucksteel is 100% correct, the info is in the DESC field of a special sort of Object Modification. As far as I can see the fact that it is an ap_legendary seems to be the reason it shows up in the pipboy!
  8. This is really good information, the way I was doing it before was trying to clean the .nif completely of everything but collision and then copy all the branches in. And that is an extremely imperfect system. Thank you so much for this.
  9. not the engine but nearly everything related to building which is kinda what OP is talking about but that's a like... insane task. Sanctuary is not 1 cell in game, its 10 I believe, my own sanctuary mod altered something like 13 cells so I could have lots of brambles and no decals or trash. None of the cells are straight. After that the cell markers would all need altered, all quest markers re-tooled. Then the entire build system. The grid system is... I mean you might be able to make a HUGE mesh like the helper meshes but this is straight up an overhaul mod that would take minimum hundreds of hours. While yeah its a neat idea, it isn't something I see as..well I would even say feasible but one can dream, a 'mod' that would happen soon. SO 2 things, you can kinda get this by jury-rigging various mods together, there are straighter boarder mods, there are also a lot of snapping unit mods, things like SNB and Snappy House Kit also have mesh helpers. There are even snapping dirt mods! Then mods like Vanilla Extensions and when I'm done my, furniture will snap. The issue with crops is the vanilla land isn't flat so trying to have it snap doesn't make sense, no one wants crops 5ft in the air. which is point #2. This is a lot of work, with a lot of heavy moving pieces. When I say a lot of work, I mean it. So if this is something you really want to see I would highly suggest learning some very basic modding and starting in. Stuyk(the one who made alt settlements and SMH)has some good tutorials about snap points. Because there isn't a single part of hundreds upon hundreds of meshes that wouldn't need work. <3 good luck
  10. idk that I'll do reskins for blast radius but in the vein of d&d I have been working on a d20 set. Got the dice meshes made and brought in and now am just working on some semi-transparent textures but I am the worlds slowest modder so it'll be the year 2525 before I'm done with the dice and other goodies (I should be working on campaign planning but here we are) I'd love to see some old clue but idk how copyright works with boardgames... clue becomes klue?
  11. So I am nearly done with updating Renovated Decorations and releasing a modders resource of snapping carpets and rugs. Outside of mods like SMH they will fully snap to the edges and middle of flooring, and I am looking at having them snap to themselves as well. My issue comes into play when floor pieces are fully surrounded by other floor pieces. The carpets and floors will not snap to these middle floor pieces. Like this, a floor surrounded on all 4 sides by other floors. I believe this is because of the nature of snap points, for instance vanilla walls won't snap to this middle piece either. So I may not be able to get around this limitation, but I would love to know if there is something I am missing? With carpets snapping to each other via custom connection points it isn't a huge deal, but I see people do huge builds and I'd like to be able to snap in the middle of middle floors.
  12. a lot of the more detailed install directions will be included in a read me, BUT you could also make yourself a little text document read me with directions and move it into the file. I will also advise keeping backups. Nearly every single Mass Effect and Dragon Age mod I ever used was up on the BSN forums, then bioware decided to slowly shut the forums down. luckily I'd saved the mods over multiple computers and moves, but that was an official place for mods and the company shut it down. I will also say that eventually I will have some of the carpets in renovated decorations snapping to each other, doesn't make sense for all, but even for myself I like having some carpeted rooms. I adored friffy's textures and tried to ensure none of mine were too close to hers so unfortunately for the most part it'll just kinda be ehh but I will put making a modders resource of snapping rugs, carpets, curtains on my list of things to do.
  13. I missed it as well, but I saw their vvitch house mod and checked out everything else they'd done and ??? how did I miss it to begin with?
  14. I will also chime in that 100% of Renovated Decorations also has post-war textures thanks to sootdirt! :laugh: In addition to that mod, I also have Renovated Furniture, which about 1/4 of the ~250 items also have post-war versions(also a lot of work has and will continue to go into Renovated Furniture's main pre-war work). Nomadwarmachine's playing house isn't hugely popular but is a really solid post war clutter mod, with custom furniture textures... some other custom textures as well. Bellwood's Mod Storage 2 has the most fun structure build set I've ever played with, and is one of the most overlooked mods. and finally g2mxagent's G2M workshop is also always getting fantastic updates. The fish farm set is great but they have put a lot of work into things that beth should have had in the game to begin with.
  15. Friffy is still active, and I could shoot her a message asking why, but honestly if she wanted to discuss she might have left a 'heres what happened'. The thing is, when looking at the comments of her newest mod, tbh I would have washed my hands faster of modding than she did, but it may not be that at all. She could just be done with FO, she could be busy IRL, who knows. My point is, she didn't just remove her mods, she also removed all her images. That is a big pullback. In addition to making some sweet mods, and fun shots with little stories, she was and IS also super helpful to other modders, including myself at a time when things were bad for me she was super positive(and let me tell you having help & having my textures used in someones mod was a major bright spot for me), and as a user is super good at leaving fantastic feedback and comments. She's a fantastic person. And I hope that these posts about where her mods went aren't spilling into her message box,. She is a fantastic mod user, on top of the whole mod maker thing, hell even her comments on screenshots are great. I wish her the best and a whole boat load of motorcycles awaiting her.
  16. Ethreon is correct but you can also open .nifs in photoshop to edit on. Kinda. Export the .nif to an .obj in nifskope and in any of the newer versions of PS you can open the object, it'll take you to the 3d editing menus. This will allow you to assign your material files and see them on the 3d object, and then edit them on the mesh/object. And by clicking on each material layer in object view as you're texturing you can open the material and save it. This is amazing for things like tattoos that you'd like to have wrapping around the mesh. Or if you really want to see it 100% real time. If you search for 0s-mod's tutorials on tumblr you can find really solid point by point photo tutorials on how to edit materials in photoshop by painting on the object, but they are very NSFW tutorials(adobe itself also has some good tutorials and YT might have some if you search for .obj rather than .nif). You'll still need to save as .dds so on and so forth, but its still useful to know you can open 3d objects in photoshop.
  17. There are blue/purplish versions, go check out the river across from Covenant, the pines has a few instances of them(I will say I am using 4 seasons so I'm not 100% certain of the vanilla coloring of them). There are in game the vases with blue flowers and the kinda.. yellowish, and 1 single vase with roses from the pre-war intro. OCDecorator added most of the vase options, institute, dirty, and clean versions with and without flowers, except for the roses.
  18. NVIDIA Tools NormalMapFilter makes it easier.
  19. It is kinda a multi-layered issue. I agree with what has been said before that it has something to do with the ease. To go to the original to black and white takes a few moments and 1 or 2 layers max. To go to bright and stupid like I love to do.. well It is 40 layers and an episode of Off Topic, and you'll note how dirty most of the fallout textures actually are. To keep contrast and detailing you are spending a lot of time making sure the details come through, but not the nasty grunge. Then you have work on the normals and spec maps, which bethesda intentionally left dirty and damaged, a outfit might look bad with them left as they are. (the retextures for renovated furniture I first released vs. the stand alones) It also has to do with personal taste. IRL I like things to be bold, annoying, bright and tacky as hell. A lot of people IRL prefer to wear nothing but darker tones. And finally it may have something to do with retexture vs. standalone. Making yourself a cute retexture doesn't mean you'll want to or can release it. Maybe FOEdit isn't your thing, maybe you are like me and pressed for free time, or you don't think you'll have an audience. At this point a lot of modders may still be fiddling around with the tools as well. You may be able to find a few modders who are excited and want to produce content you want and you only need ask them politely to make something a bit different. Once more variety of armor mods exist, you'll see more retexture artists come out. Cause right now a lot of the vanilla meshes force you into a certain sort of thing. So the long and the short of it, the people who are currently modding are generally stickin to their aesthetic, you'll see more variety as time goes on, but if you have a specific thing you want you'll either have to request or get frustrated like me and make your own.
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