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About NexBeth

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    United States
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    Modding Skyrim

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  1. Well I am with you in wanting a good, or better yet, an excellent ES6. Bugs are the developers' fault, not the engine of a game. Bethesda does not implement the best QC. At this point, I think they do it on purpose just to encourage modding. Who knows why they seem to always release buggy games.
  2. Unreal Engine began in the 90's and has since been built upon numerous times, just like the Creation Engine. The Creation Engine 2 just came out in 2021 for Starfield. You think there is a chance they won't use it for future Bethesda games? UE is not owned by Bethesda. So if they use it for their future games, they could well be jeopardizing their unique modding community. You think they may do that? Bethesda's games are quite unique and it's a part of their branding--in large part based on the design and look of their games. And its ability to attract a massive modding community that fuels their games playability for years, even decades. Degrading the ability to mod its games, would be no small impact on the Bethesda gaming experience.
  3. Which is great since modder's won't have to completely relearn how to mod when ES6 comes out. I use the CK method to delete dependencies as well. Very easy.
  4. One thing not lacking at Nexus is opinionation.
  5. I've done 2 house mods before but with 3rd mod I'm currently working on, I am having an issue. While testing with adoptive children (4) and spouse, they seem to all congregate at one single XMarker LOCATION: BYOHExteriorSandboxing radius rather than using the other Xmarkers that I have set up around the exterior house for the same purpose and labeled with the BYOHExteriorSandboxing. Basically, using only a single sandboxing Xmarker and ignoring the others. 2 previous mods I've made, the kids and spouse sandboxed throughout, using all the designated X-Marker locations set up. Anyone have insight on this behavior?
  6. Oh no, please don't turn this place into Reddit. Wonder how many people will stop posing once they start getting down-voted..... Plenty of negative emojis to choose from if you must express dissatisfaction with a particular person. Or maybe just post back with your own insightful opinion.
  7. You should not have overlaying navmesh. You need to find the overlayed one, be sure it is not vanilla and delete it. It may take more adjusting in XEdit once you do this. Be sure that there are only single navs, and not navs overlying each other. You must have all navs named vanilla ID. You can have unique navs you created, but not overlaying existing navs. Once all is correct with no more errors, finalize each of you modded cells in the creation kit Nav Toolbar.
  8. So, I am understanding that you only have 1 (of 4 cells) in your mod with a nav problem, which is a single vanilla nav was deleted? In this cell, it is shown as an island (the whole cell?). How many navs are in that cell? Do you know enough to tell me that? If you open your mod, go to the cell in the CELL VIEW area and count the navs. Then open up Vanilla skyrim and count the navs. You can compare the navs by opening up two CKs at once. This will get more involved as you work through this. This is a very old guide, but still holds up. XEdit is shown here, a much older version, but still the basic process is the same. [Skyrim] Fixing Navmesh Deletion Using TES5Edit - Knowledge Base - AFK Mods
  9. Yes, you will need to use the kit, but XEdit will be very helpful in finding and resolving the problem. So, is XEdit telling you that you have deleted vanilla Navmeshes? Are you just using one exterior cell?
  10. Maybe provide some more information about what you were working on and what you did that may have given you this error message. You can hide the mods obviously that is a judgement call. If you have a lot of users complaining, then that would be a good idea. But if you can resolve this quick enough, then you can just re-upload the corrected mod.
  11. This is very helpful for modders. It should be placed in the modder's resources category. There is all kinds of stuff that aren't mods in the resource section so this should be allowed. It could also be a sticky topic in the CK section.
  12. Well, at least my eyes on the forums is no longer on "life support".
  13. Thank you! Hope Nexus is able to consider doing the same for other editor locations, such as the mod description pages.
  14. So how did you solve it exactly? I just encountered the exact same problem. UPDATE: In case anyone else runs across this issue, apparently you do need to perform a windows update to ensure pc windows is fully updated. Now, I have no idea why this matters to the operation of the CK but it did seem to resolve the issue.
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