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About vancleef

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  • Country
    United States
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    at being a responsible adult...and playing poorly!
  • Favourite Game
    Oblivion, FO3, Far Cry

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  1. I am suffering from status update block. Make up one for me.
    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Ha ha haaa! You appear to have been blocked by something commonly known as, "Empahy". 5746s empathic YouTube comment may help you to realize you have been close, too close, to someone who is having a different type of empathic feeling and it has Blocked your comic strip enthusiasm. ;- } Give it some time. Relax. You will find the flow of your comic strip force return. "Pagy Wan CAnOpener" says so!
    3. BlueDanube


      lol lennon ......

      i think i just find a good place to post all my bieber pic.

    4. CheeseyBall
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