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About vancleef

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    United States
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    at being a responsible adult...and playing poorly!
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    Oblivion, FO3, Far Cry

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  1. I'm forming the USA Slacker Army. Who's with me?
    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Slacking off a bit and decking the Hall's next door Might make you feel better but no...lol Here's an idea for the Slacker Army mascot. Of course I imagine You might be snoozing or about ready to rise to the call of the Addam's Families African Vulture's. I think I saw one of their comic strips where one African Vulture turned to his mate one evening, "Wait, wait?! I'm tired of waiting! I am going to kill something!"

      Or it could be the Slac...

    3. Deleted54170User


      Slacker Insignia? Two vultures, the ultimate slacker's, sitting on a branch. Waiting. -.- what do you think? That all the non-slacker stuff I am going to add until I am a full fledged member of the Slacker's Army. -.-
    4. VxdVxn


      I wanna be a Ninja Turtle <3 all the pizza I can eat and when I'm not feelin social I hide in my shell haha
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