It is now four months after the release of Skyrim and I have barely been able to play. I am 1% of the way in, level 3. I continue to get a complete PC crash after 10 minutes of play. I have tried all the things Bethsoft has suggested, including uninstall/reinstall. I'm not sure if that included a need to delete all saved games too, but that I haven't done yet. My GPU (nVidia 9600 GT) gets to about 72-82 C, which doesn't seem super high. However my computer fan remains in high gear when I am in the game. I have tried underclocking, but not sure I'm doing that correctly. To add insult, I have seen Skyrim in the stores and it is 20 dollars less than when I bought it. Frustrating. I want to play the game! I feel like I purchased a really expensive paper weight, one that wouldn't really even do the job of a paper weight well. Anyone hear of any MODs that alleviates issues?