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Everything posted by PolarBeorn

  1. Has anyone concidered bringing the Stone of Learning mod into Skyrim SE? Or something similar?
  2. If you guys know of any good mods for this that are already out, lemme know.
  3. Okay so I do apologise if someone already posted something similar, but so far havent seen anything about the topic at hand. Now don't get me wrong, I know there's a few weapons out there that cover that niche. The Rhino M1 Revolver mod and the M2045 Magnum Revolver Rifle are amazing examples of that. But I couldn't help but notice a lack of power armor siezed automatic rifles/weapons. Yes, there are a few anti tank rifle mods around, but the kick (and noise) on those make them quite unpleasant to use on the long run, and the existing coregame ones simply don't have enough "umph". I was wondering if there was anyone planning to add semi or fully automatic power sized rifles and/or pistols to the available weapons, something on the kin of bolters from Warhammer, the rifles from Starcraft Troopers or even some of the weapons from Glimmer Rats (the Magnum Rifle made me think of those straight away, plus bonus points if you know what I'm refearing to). Also, is anyone concidering adding more WWI and WWII weapons to the game? I feel like there's a bunch of them that could easely fit the style of Fallout (BAR and German MGs come to mind). Now the only reason why I'm not adding this kind of content myself is frankly because my modding skills are absolute zero :S In any case, thanks for reading.
  4. Its Capcom. The fact that the PC version of the game is more or less polished is already a good thing. We could have gotten a crumy console port so... I'm counting my blessings. But being a Capcom game, the lack of costumization is not surprising either.
  5. So I've been playing Dragon's Dogma for a while now, and I find it a bit anoying that my Fighter can't weild maces, larger shields or even two handed weapons, and that my Strider pawn can't use longbows instead of shortbows. Also, kinda anoying when paws start looting everything on the ground without letting me see what has dropped. So, point being, anyone planning or making a mod for shared gear within same type classes (heavy armor and weapons for warrior type classes, bows and longbows and medium armor for rogue type classes, etc), and to keep pawns from looting anything that is not bolted to the ground?
  6. That would be great if you could do that. I just feel that its the only thing missing from the perfected versions of the rifle I see around. I would do it myself by my knowledge about modding resumes pretty much to install them.
  7. Greetings. Was wondering could take on the task of making a mod that exclusivly adds more magazine capacity of the Automatic/BAR Rifle, and that it would actually show in the weapon. Was thinking that from 20 to either 40 or 50 would be great. Maybe even an old fashioned weapon grip, you know, the ones made out of wood?
  8. Wait, wasnt Dragonborn DLC going to bring back spears???
  9. God i would love to see this (amongst other dwarven gear like some of their swords, axes and maces) on Skyrim.. would be quite awesome.
  10. If you mean the dragonstone thingy, yes i already have it. The issue is that the Jarl doesnt even start the convo with the wizard for me to be able to deliver it. Whenever i try talking to him just says "you can find the Jarl on his throne"
  11. took a screenshot of what im talking about.
  12. Sorry to be posting this here but... official foruns have said squat so far... So i decided to start a new character in order to get ready for the coming expansion Dragonborn. All was fine and well untill i get to Dragonsreach, after i first talk with the Jarl. When he goes to talk to his wizard lakey, he simply stands there, without saying a word. The quest marker is already aimed at the wizard but whenever i go to talk to thim the convo forces me to wait for the Jarl to "introduce" us. Is there anyway to bypass this? Im pretty much stuck there (main storyline wise) and dont know what else to do, concidering i tried re-loading a savegame before i entered whiterun, re-installing and even remove all mods and try it without them. Any thanks in advance for any help granted. Before asking, the mods im using are mostly armor and weapon mods, no change to animations or even quest, with the exception of Paarthornax Dilemma and also Amazing Follower Tweaks, but tried turning both off and it still didnt worked.
  13. well i thought about posting this on Steam forums but.. truth being told i would prefer it on Nexus. Plus truth being told i have no idea on where on Steam i should post this.
  14. Adding to this... how about adding spears and lances to it as well?
  15. I agree with this. I always found it funny that you could make items but not comission them from other crafters. Bumping this up
  16. Well maybe they could upload it into steam then?they dont seem to bother much with that. or change a few small things just enough that they could avoid trouble?
  17. Dragon Age Origins does have some amazing looking armors and weapons as well. As I mentioned before i would be glad if someone just made the Qunari sword though.
  18. I dont know, i mean ive seen a LOT of DA2 weapons on Steam (though i know Nexus frowns uppon or downright doesnt allow them in their site), not to mention some other games/movies. Even some of the most popular armor mods are based off other IP's
  19. The armor WAS made before for Oblivion, along with the mace, but the thing is, it might be trickier on Skyrim sinse now you can vary (to a degree) the thickness of a body, Sauron's armor would look fine on a thin and slender elf body but not sure how it would look on a bulky and thick nord or orc.
  20. the trick might be making it fit larger/bulkier bodies... sauron's armor seems to be quite slim.
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