First of all greetings everyone! Now that we got the pleasantries out of the way lets get down to the point. Been playing Skyrim on a regular basis pretty much ever sinse it came out, and by doing so i've been getting a few ideas for mods. But sinse my modding skills are pretty much next to nothing i thought i'd toss them in here and see if anyone would be interested, and if so, go ahead. Well the first (and biggest idea) is mostly this. Skyrim is amazing, no doubt about that, but i feel that the scale of the game is too small. Not content wise, but in actual size. Everything is cluttered up, and you cant take two steps without stepping into a dungeon or a cave or a shrine. Ill try to explain what i mean by using Lord of the Rings as an example. Im pretty sure that if not all then most of the people here read the books and saw the movies. Well they were both awsome and all and they are the perfect way to show what i mean. Using the actually quest to deliver the ring from the momment it is discovered till the momment its actually destroyed, all those events take place withing what is almost a full year, as it tooks days and even weeks to go form one place to the other. And yet did anyone felt that in the movies? Or like me did they felt that everything was a few hours of walking away from everything else? A particular scene that shows this is the last part of the last movie. Right after they win the battle of Minas Tirith and decide to go to Mordor for the last big fight. The entire thing felt like it happened in hours. Now i know that this is mostly becouse they couldnt make the movie exactly like the books, but i do hope it illustrates my points of view. Another thing that makes me wish the scale of the game was bigger were the sieges to the towns and fort battles. Instead of epic confrontation between armies you feel like you are just fighting small skirmishes, hardly worthy of a full fledged civil war. Now i learned a few weeks ago that apparently ALL (or most of it) of Tamriel is built into the engine of the game, even if just the land and not anything else. Now sinse i dont know squat about modding i was wondering if once the CK comes out if it would be feasable to use that space to make the scale of Skyrim feel a bit.. grander, as in spacing out locations and landmarks... as in taking a bit more to go to one place to the other instead of a few short steps. I know its possibly a pipe dream but i would like to know what you guys think. Ok now that the big one is out of the way lets go to the smaller ones. Its mostly small tweaks and things to help immersion into the game. First one is... well.. cloacks! cloacks, capes, long furs and the such. I know its probably silly but i find the lack of these things in a cold place like Skyrim unsettling. Admit it, even you wanted a nice warm bear fur cape on your imperial armor while travelling along the snows and mountains of Skyrim. The people there must be freezing their butts off. Second one.. more variety of items in shape and texture. And i mean general items, like torches (magical, ancient, etc), plates, cups, intruments, furniture, etc. Like for example, i always imagined the torches in burrows and dragon temples (any place where Draugr are resting) to be shaped like dragon mouths, and Labirinthian, being a magical place and all, would have enchanted torches, that would have a bright magical light instead of fire. I mean small things like those. Third... and i know this one might happen when the Creation Kit comes out.. more variety in the existing armors and weapons. I remeber seeing artwork for the Imperial armor and i thought to myself "awsome... costumizable armor!" but unfortunatly i was a bit disapointed when i saw that instead of being several models of one type of armor it was several different ones. Nothing wrong with that, i would just love to see more kinds of armor and more customizable options on them, like adding extra platting or padding (in case of leather armors) or actually having differnt models for differnt levels of armor (from regular to legendary). Plus it would be nice to see new kinds of armors introduced in previous games. I was surprised to see that the Thalmor werent using mithril armor anymore. Bring back the armors (if only re-designed) from Morrowind and Oblivion, some of those were awsome. As for weapons i miss spears... and crossbows... and halbers. Well if you read this far i only have to thank you for having stuck with my ranting for this long, this is all i wanted to suggest and i do hope at least some of those ideas are caught by some skilled modders, tho i do have my doubts sinse most of them are just silly stuff. But i thought id share them with you guys and see how it goes. In any regards, thank you all for your time. Peace out!