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Everything posted by Bornor

  1. I cant believe people always are getting told to be nice against each other on a forum.. How old are they?
  2. Watch the movie and youll know.. :ermm:
  3. I am quite good at hacking computers.. :whistling: my elder cousin is working with computers and programming so i learn something new everthime i visit him.. Id like to be stronger phsycical maybe some MMA sort of thing or just being able to beat people :biggrin: .. Maybe just rule math like Pytagoras or Newton that would be awesome even though i am decent at math..
  4. Bornor


    Americans are in my eyes people with guns still thinking its the 19th century.. Im just saying..
  5. lololol non-logical choice in front.. PS3 FTW! :biggrin:
  6. On my PS2 now and then.. i am max rank and got all medals and stuff like that.. Was ranked 26 online when i played 8 hours a day..
  7. Pitbull and Ezio because i was playing AC2 and Dao at the same time.. lol
  8. I like Morrigan, good spells i like when she is full in primal then she is like.. OMG and the romance is nice too..
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