Until I can be reasonably assured that my experience without using adblock will not be drastically different than my experience using adblock, I will keep it active. Which is to say, it's going to stay on. Permanently. I'm sorry. I love Nexus, I really like this attempt at positive incentives, but at the end of the day, ad-makers have no scruples and they cannot be trusted to follow the rules, ever. Even with ad reporting, the end result remains the same, because ad providers simply do not care. It doesn't matter which supplier you go with, they're all out to make money by any means necessary, and they will simply make new obnoxious ads to replace the ones that get reported or blocked. And on my end, I end up having to reload the page more than three times as often because one stupid little ad didn't load properly, or at all, and is holding up everything else on the page, which has already loaded and is simply hanging in limbo because you didn't get to shove your commercial down our throats. That being said, I use Adblock Plus, which has the white-listing capability for non-instrusive ads. Your move, Nexus.