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  1. I could swear there use to be one but I cant find it now I want to be able to scavenge tires and destroyed cars and stuff like that OUTSIDE my settlement radius Anyone know if such a mod still exists and if so what its called I been scrolling for 30 minutes so figured best to just ask Thanks
  2. ea easiest way I found is look in Vortex what mods conflict with each other Then set the proper load sequence for them or disable certain mods so no conflict I run 64 mods myself and had to prioritize about 10 of those mods (and disable 3 of the mods out right)
  3. just a FYI, your guys help solved his problem completely So just wanna say thanks!
  4. Think so. Its one of the things I went over with him (but impossible to tell when you cant see it for yourself) I'll link replies to him The picture should help allot Thanks!
  5. So had a buddy load up Vortex and get all set up But the problem he seems to be having is when he clicks to download a mod from nexusmods it doesnt appear in Vortex for him I click same mod and it appears fine for me So really at a loss as to why this would happen or how to fix it hes not getting any error messages but the files are not appearing in Vortex to install and enable Anyone have any ideas or thoughts on this? Thanks
  6. Thanks M4 and Dub the clean reinstall worked so it must have been that I installed the archive invalidation individually and over wrote the NMM causing the problem.
  7. - hmmmmm that very well might be the problem then as I definitely did download and install the Archive invalidation separately (twice actually as before bed I redownloaded it again and followed a utube step by step instruction as the files he was speaking about were not in my files like he said they needed to be (but that was right before I uninstalled completely). So might be cancelling each other out as you say (I ended up uninstalling game completely and letting it reinstall while I was asleep so will try that today. - Was actually 3 different programs (but as I said, tried them separately in case of conflicts and combined ...just to say I did try that) Dimonized Type 3 Female body https://rd.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/54438 Super Mutants HD - 4k Retextures https://rd.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/64214 And then when Dimonized wasnt working tried Beware of Girl Type 3 HiRez HiDetailed Replacer (but the installing for this says to not run it and Dimonized togather, so thats why I was trying this after Dimonized failed) https://rd.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34702 But as I said, all 3 of them would disable themselves when I hit launch, be it as the only one of the 3 being loaded, or 2 of 3 being loaded, or all 3 being loaded. The other mods I was loading went through fine - Nope, installing it to D: Steam Built this computer with a 4 TB D Hard Drive and only a 500 Gig C drive so all gaming is directed specifically to D Drive yeah I started looking at that last night as well but was to tired to really get into that portion of it so left for today swearing contest :D I was just using the default set up (what i've always used in past)
  8. So got a new computer so have to redownload Fall Out NV and all the mods that I had working on old computer Mostly no issues Even remembered Archive Invalidation and downloaded via NMM So most mods get added and updated and work but for some weird reason when I try to load up any Type 3 body replacer I notice 2 different things I click the mod on activating it and hit enter Fall Out NV but of course its obvious the mod not working as soon as you kill a raider and loot them to see the default underwear still on. So I exit and the mods have been disabled and I have no idea why I didn't have this issue on old computer Its not just nude mods either Tried the 4k Super Mutant upgrade and same thing its active when I enter but inactive soon as I look at the launcher list of mods Like entering the game is instantly turning these specific mods off I have reinstalled them all individually I have reinstalled the Archive Invalidation Even toogled it off and then back on after reinstalling a single replacer mod But same thing every single time I activate (the check mark showing) I enter and quickly see mod not working exit to see list and sure enough that specific mod (no matter if alone or with others) all disabled (red circle) So asking for help, Ive read the different instructions 100 times and they dont cover this issue and im using the NMM to avoid manually installing any mods and having to mess with files and such So any help would be greatly appreciated. I really wanna try Fall Out NV through my HTC Vive VR headset but not even going to mess with that part of equation till I can get the game loaded up fully as desired.
  9. put in wrong forum please delete as seems I can only edit, not delete thanks
  10. Oh figured it out! Tape is not a body texture but is a armor so I was looking in the wrong sections need to look in the armor mod section and then just find a mod (was a number of them) that replace that armor design. When I made post I was thinking it was a specific body texture that was censored.
  11. So I've looked through the mods, the mod requests, even searched tape less I'm looking for a mod that removes the annoying black tape from the strippers on prostitutes Not looking to turn game into a nudist colony :P heh just those specific NPCs I know its kinda petty but playing a game that has swearing and violence and blood galore (but your not allowed to see a topless stripper) just drives me batty! I figure I cant be only one with this particular complaint But cant seem to find the mod to do it I've tried a few Body mods and while they great mods for sure, they change body under the clothes/tape. The exterior still stays the same as taped Thanks in advance for any help directing me to the required mod for this
  12. ahhh I saw that in their write up but lucky I'm a limited mod user :) Ill probably never hit 10 mods, much less 250 limit LOL! But definitely strong advice for folks that are mod heavy I just like having a few options in games when I'm able to have them. Otherwise I stick mainly to base game mostly. Thanks again
  13. Thanks :) Little reading up and worked like a charm ! Many thanks as really was pulling what little hair I have left out trying to figure out what wasnt working with the NMM utility! I went with OBMM just because write up on Wrye says its got one person doing bug fixes due to real life issues on the designers. Not sure if thats current but figured best to wait on change before tackling that See! I do read :P hehe Thanks again
  14. Just spent the last 5-6 hours dowloading mods that are suppose to make the graphics smoother and sharper I got the NMM beta version I got the Archive invalidator Ive downloaded 4 or 5 different mods including HGEC Body Selector HGEC High Rez Skin Textures HGEC Body Seem Reducer F-INevOblivion Skinset I havent bothered with facials and enviroment yet as figured those would be the easiest to tell if working and they simply are not working for me They load using the NMM (the high rez one takes like 10 minutes to load up after you have the HGEC Body Selector on) but none of it changes in game Im wiped and out of ideas on whats going on here Ive read the suggestions (thats where I found out about Archive Invalidator and I think I have it running right, Ive turned off the need for it completely) Im out of ideas on getting these mods (just the 2 mentioned, I got other 2 to try a different route when first 2 wouldnt work) to work Any help would be appreciated
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