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  1. vortexposer's post in When I "purge Mods" does it only affect that Vortex profile I am clicking that tab in? was marked as the answer   
    On Profile tab there's an independent button (lower, middle) to Add "<game>" profile which starts user off with no existing mods enabled but you could clone, hold ctrl+A to select all and disable as well.

    To maybe help clarify further; all profiles share its staging folder, so if collection uses any of your existing mods it'll simply enable them for that new profile. However, if collection sets specific install instruction on an existing install that differs in any way from current install, it will prompt to either replace or make a variant - which will install a 2nd copy of the same mod with their different configuration - preserving your other profiles copy of that specific mod. This is why I personally create local draft collection that can reinstall the entire thing in case anything unforeseen gets broken. Permanently preserving that profile's dependencies.

    E.g. I often uninstall everything (for various reasons) and rely on drafts to reproduce a profile's state at a moment's notice
    This also includes custom bundle and anything else that profile may need or dump in game folder (filegen, ini tweaks etc)
  2. vortexposer's post in hello, please help. Archive is broken Error. was marked as the answer   
    Go to downloads tab, open skyrimse downloads folder and delete Immersive--Adult-145943-80-1694195700.7z - it's corrupt/incomplete.
  3. vortexposer's post in "cyclic rules" except there aren't was marked as the answer   
    An .esl master can't be set to load after .esp
  4. vortexposer's post in Stuck with non-existent "modvortex"-folder (Witcher 3) was marked as the answer   
    Check if that .exe is set up on Dashboard tab as a tool, remove it from tools and reboot Vortex to confirm.
  5. vortexposer's post in Is there a way to Manually purge? was marked as the answer   
    Deleting vortex.deployment.json in game folder would likely force reset.
  6. vortexposer's post in Unknown operating system error was marked as the answer   
    Delete the FNIS tool path on Vortex Dashboard tab > Tools in above pic. It was set to expect that tool and is missing = error being displayed.
  7. vortexposer's post in A lot of "failed"messages after last night "critical update" was marked as the answer   
    There was temporary site outage yesterday, so those are just failed attempts by Vortex to connect. Can x out their notifications.
  8. vortexposer's post in Mods From Collections Not Downloading was marked as the answer   
    Do you have a Collection tab?
  9. vortexposer's post in Is it possible to manually add a collection without using 'add to vortex'? was marked as the answer   
    Can add intended download "manually" from backup or direct link, then drop/paste the .7z or URL to Vortex like any other custom source.
    E.g. Grab direct link (rt click, copy link from pages Add button), go to Vortex downloads tab and paste its URL into lower drop-box window.
  10. vortexposer's post in Left menu "plugin" option not showing was marked as the answer   
    Gamebryo Plugin Management is for BGS games.
    It is unlikely that Mechwarrior3 even uses plugins.
  11. vortexposer's post in Unable to delete cloned themes. was marked as the answer   
    Remove theme in UI has never worked. I've always had to go to themes install folder to manually delete various throwaways.
  12. vortexposer's post in Vortex replaced/destoyed files from a wrong mod folder was marked as the answer   
  13. vortexposer's post in Vortex Dependencies Drag & Drop (BG3) was marked as the answer   
    Although I'm not familiar with that game specifically, "deploy after" is for all intents and purposes useless regarding conflict resolution or their load order management. The only practical use of "deploy after" I've ever seen (in BGS games) is when making one game config ini file deploy after another copy of the same game config ini file that don't share the same name (not in direct conflict), which both edit the same values = deploy after enforces these value changes in one game ini config file over another.
  14. vortexposer's post in Bug with a mod for BG3 was marked as the answer   
    It's a problem with that specific archive (corruption).

    Close Vortex (to release the process) and delete archive, then open Vortex and try redownloading.

  15. vortexposer's post in Combine mods was marked as the answer   
    Anything "combined" gets merged to that targeted output folder, then uninstalled (since their contents are cut from source folder to output folder). You could also target update folder instead for final output (with load after rules in place), which'll pass update checks - rather than fail with only Main file (being technically out of date).
  16. vortexposer's post in Mods tab missing was marked as the answer   
    Have you managed a game yet? From picture it doesn't look like it.
  17. vortexposer's post in Vortex Plugin Tab Not Appearing was marked as the answer   
    Starfield doesn't have a Plugins tab yet.
  18. vortexposer's post in Install Mods when downloaded switch was marked as the answer   
    Your assumption is correct and that is how it is meant to work.

    Only a collection should ever override this toggle.
  19. vortexposer's post in VORTEX DOESNT UNinstall MODS EVEN AFTER PURGE! was marked as the answer   
    Tools that generate files can be redirected to their own custom output directory (user-made folder) in Vortex staging.
  20. vortexposer's post in Vortex Not Showing Game was marked as the answer   
    Go to Vortex Extensions tab, select show bundled at the top and confirm it's enabled.
  21. vortexposer's post in endless LOOT not at D:/ (something) error from Vortex was marked as the answer   
    Change its path on Dashboard tab/tools.
  22. vortexposer's post in Vortex can't find Skyrim .exe was marked as the answer   
    Wait. Hold up.. check your Extensions tab for SSE.
  23. vortexposer's post in Vortex Unable to find SkyrimSE.exe was marked as the answer   
    Go to Tools on Vortex Dashboard tab; select side dot to pop edit option, confirm in target path that it is pointing to your game folders skse64_loader.exe and not Mod's Staging folder. Typically, when skse throws this error it means it was launched outside of the game folder - so it can't find the game's executable.

  24. vortexposer's post in Vortex Feature Request - Collections column was marked as the answer   
    Select collections column in upper right cog.
  25. vortexposer's post in collection Download Problem was marked as the answer   
    You have no Collections tab. Check if it failed/isn't enabled in Extensions tab and look at this forums common solutions megathread for .NET update fixes. Although not having an activated version of windows is likely why.
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