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About sjaakiejj

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  1. Hey Gnat, I haven't really kept an eye on my dragon age save reader tool, other than occasionally checking if the server is still online. I created the tool you find on Stinstin's website, and developed the Dragon Age 2 support. With that in mind, I'd like to answer your question - unfortunately there's nothing better for getting DA2 world states. Reverse engineering the Dragon Age 2 save files is a long, tedious process for simple quests, but the weeks I put into making that work pale in comparison to how much time and effort it would take to support even the most basic romance options. The reason for this is that these romance quests span the entire game, and it becomes very difficult to associate the correct quest flags with the correct activities and quests. In order to support Dragon Age 2 in full, I would need Bioware's support (or they'd have to create their own tool), something I would welcome, but also something they'd be unlikely to give.
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