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Everything posted by Astaril

  1. I thought of a couple more.. Running out of my house naked! Especially in Windrun when I have been sorting through armour and items and have some how unequiped my robe. I once bumped into Ulfberth War-Bear and he said "umm.. you're not wearing any clothes....you should get some" Found this funny. :biggrin: Also saving a new game instead of saving over old ones, I have a column of about 80 old saves, and have to go through and delete every so often :)
  2. When I am driving along in my car and see a bush with berries on it and I get the urge to go over and pick them..."ooh Snowberries" :teehee:
  3. I don't think they are, which is a shame. Maybe a mod can be made to fix this issue will put one on the request forum.
  4. Aww that sucks... and doesn't make any common sense. I had hoped there would be some way around it like a console command, but I guess I just need more packmule. :down:
  5. Hi there, I am using Janassa as a follower at the moment and she is skilled in light armour and one handed weapons. I would like her to stay in light armour and carry the one handed weapon I have made for her but whenever I give her some heavy weapon or Armour to carry she equips it, even though she has no skill in this area. Does anyone know of a way I get her to carry my heavy stuff without equiping it?
  6. I don't know if it is the same in Skyrim (will try in a min) but in Oblivion you had to select it - then drop it - then walk out of the house - reload your auto save and they should be lit, may be the same.
  7. Wow, loads of ideas here thanks all! I am trying out Janessa at the moment but she is VERY abrupt in her dialogue, she sounds angry with me but she is good sneaky fighter. I am going to try out J'zargo next due to popular opinion :D I don't think he will be my long term choice, but I love him. The Delf from the Azura quests sounds good and will try Macurio and Erandur too, then the Companions, I will find my perfect partner soon! :wub:
  8. Am I paranoid? or does anyone else wonder if the use of Steam for Skyrim is in some way preparing us for an MMORPG? I just can't think of any other good reason why they would use it for a single player game. I guess maybe the "were making modding more accessable" reason holds...? but do Bethesda really make enough money out of PC sales for this to be worth their while? I don't know a lot about it to be honest but I have some concerned feelings... If they did an MMORPG they would stop making single player games and that would be sooo not cool. :facepalm: although I confess I would probably play it ...reluctantly hmm contradict myself much? lol p.s. Able Gnome, I love your avatar. :thumbsup:
  9. I play with an xbox controler on my laptop and hook my laptop up to a television for a larger screen, Its worked really well for me although I did have to buy the charger pack too as normal batteries only last about 20hours. I like to play lazy, so I can recline while I play rather than sit at a desk on PC, this used to give me backache.
  10. I love it, especially the kitchen area. Must have taken a while and lots of patience! I did this with all my Oblivion houses but am finding the grab mechanics harder in Skyrim so haven't done as much in my house yet. This has given me some inspiration though :)
  11. You still don't know [%$%$$£$ attacked by. And by the time it gets relevant, it'll be obvious either way, so not much has been spoiled in-game. And too early? Strange, here I was thinking the game was effectively dead now since everybody has started getting bored and stopped playing. Its been a little over 1 month? I have limited play time (one to two hours a day) plus I Roleplay in game so things take a LOT longer, I doubt I will have completed the game for another month or two. and sorry but it does feel like a spoiler to me, I really didn't know this and would have prefered not too until the right time. Perhaps you could hide it or rephrase it just incase someone else has same problem.
  12. Disagree entirely. There's nothing immediate about Skyrim's design to prevent more lively NPC interactions and events. Hell, Oblivion even had a mod called “Rebuilding Kvatch” where your decisions actually took time to take effect and had world-changing impact. It goes to prove that it's up to modders to add the depth to the game that Bethesda is incapable of providing. The closest thing &^^&%%&^^%^& which was *exactly the same* after the attack, with some minor differences. Please don't post spoilers! I haven't finished this quest line and now I know *(&(*&&%$%$£... Great. :sad: Its too early on since release to risk posting stuff like this, it ruins things for people.
  13. Some of mine... The Quest Log - Oblivions was far far better and felt more personal and RPish. Elves - While I think the Dark Elves suit the new look, I don't like the new look Woodelves and Highelves, I am finding they all look too similar and I hate that they have made the Bosmer look evil and scary. Dunmer and Altmer already fill this role, the Bosmer suited being that little bit cuter imo, it gave you a little more variety of characters through the game. Lack of characters - I haven't completed the game yet, so this may be a bit unfair due to it being early days, but so far there is no one I really care about that much in the game, (hope this doesn't sound over the top) but I just don't feel anything in my heart for any of the npcs, I just don't care that much about what happens to them. In other games like Fallout and Oblivion I would cheat and reload my game and spend ages trying to save a character that I liked! lol, but I only reload if my companion dies now because I need them to carry my loot home! I haven't found the dog yet though, so will get Meeko at some point. Grab function control - I don't know if it is just me but I am not finding the grab function easy to use, I really like to decorate my houses and place objects but they don't seem to turn right its like the gravity settings are unbalanced and it is hard to control. Scrolling - I really really really really hoped they would sort out all the time consuming, immersion breaking scrolling you have to do in the inventory, chests and spells etc but it is worse! Potions are even harder to find and I can't rename them all, chests and wardrobes don't have sub sections like in Oblivion and you can't sort by price or mana cost anymore. Gutted! On the whole though I am really liking Skyim and there are loads of things I LOVE about it, but am hoping they will get these little things right for the next game. I am really glad I am playing on the PC this time though as I am really looking forward to seeing how mods can improve things.
  14. Been trying out lots of things but unfortunately still not working for me, I have asked a couple of friends to have a look too with no joy. :sad: No idea why it won't change back from the black screen, I have tried everything suggested but I think it must be something weird that I will never figure out ....so I give up. But just wanted to say thanks for your responses and trying to help, as soja said this is a fantastic forum with a really helpful community. :biggrin:
  15. Same here, the robes are boring. I guess if you have high enough enchanting you can put an enchant on some of the clothes but none are very wizardy looking. The current robes are quite realistic and practical for novices but when you are all powerful you want something a bit more fitting to your status!
  16. It's me then :P Thanks! I'll try it out. I'm one of those people who wants to own at least one copy of each available book in the game, but I think I'm gonna need a bigger house with more bookcases. hehe same here, and there just isn't enough space! I find the bookshelves are not that easy to activate either, takes some fiddling.
  17. There are two bookshelves in Breezehome, one by the fire and one in the alchemy lab, to activate the bottom shelf you need to move the curser quite low on the bottom shelf, try also moving the curser over at the side edge of the bookcase rather than in the middle of the shelves as this seems to activate it better, just keep trying different positions with the curser as its not brilliantly sensitive. Hope this helps :smile:
  18. heh I do this too, just can't walk past the blue mountain flower even though I know I have 100 in my chest at home but I am sure I will need them later on in the game *nods* This and collecting stuff I just can't leave them tempting items, am always over imcumbered then have to spend ages in dungeon sorting through stuff I need to drop and keep. "Oooh steel ore can't throw that away as it could be useful if I decide to level blacksmithing one day!".......and I'm a mage !!! and this Dwarven Bowl might look nice in my house I better keep it just incase I decide to decorate again.
  19. Do you play in windowed mode? It seems to go auto to full screen for me, what I mean is when you say "I click on the skyrim program" how do I do this if not playing in windowed mode? Many Thanks
  20. Merry Christmas! When you say that it takes two cycles of window manager to get alive again, can you alaberate please? This might be my problem, I get the black screen too, but don't know how to get it back, I just end up having to right click to close the tab at the bottom of screen and reload, I use windows 7.
  21. I have this exact same problem, I wondered if it was something to do with one of my addons, do you use any of these? - No script, Ad Blocker, Bookmarks and a no cookies one (can't remember the name now ) My laptop is an Acer Aspire 5739G, Intel Core 2 Duo, NVIDIA GeForce GT130, 4GB Mem. I have to reload a lot, its a real pain when I want to Alt/Tab something quickly like chatting on messenger. I am a bit of a noob with tech stuff but can follow clear instructions well if anyone knows what this might be or how to fix it? :thumbsup:
  22. love that :) he missed one thing though, that fat useless security guard won't prevent that car from getting stolen right off the lot...he ends up bound, blind-folded, gagged and tossed in the trunk by thieves who never have to deal with him again. while people who actually bought the car have to deal with everything quoted. The fat useless security guard will sometimes not even let you drive your car! and will make you late by 30minutes while it fafs around trying to prepare your car for launch!
  23. (*^&*&^%^&% STEAM!!! It wont let me play, its been 20 minutes now trying to get it load, I just get the preparing to launch screen, I have done everything reloaded, turned computer off and on again, my internet is fine full signal so it must be problem with Steam! I have limited time to play so am NOT happy! I don't want this crap, I just want to play the damn game, can't they just keep it simple like put a CD in press play game, I feel like I am relying on a unpredictable server, this isn't fair as its not an online game!!! ...rant off phew feel better now. Game still not working though :wallbash:
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