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Everything posted by 888mikem888

  1. I've Google searched this but can't find a solution. I'm trying out an enb but I because I have so many mods I need fnv4gb.exe so that my game wont constantly crash. I've installed the enb and set fnv4gb.exe as a target in the .ini but it wont work. When I launch NVSE launcher it works fine, so I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.
  2. Thinking if starting a new character and tagging both medicine and explosives, maybe be a demolition doctor or something. Still not sure about the third tag skill, maybe guns, idk. Seems like a bit of a weird combination Any one ever try this?
  3. I never knew you could change the settings through FOMM. Thanks a lot, now I don't even need falloutlauncher.
  4. For some reason when I open falloutlauncher.exe, it doesn't let me change the games settings. My only option is to install the game, even though it is. When I click install, it runs the setup for face gen exchange. I tried removing it but now it's saying setup is missing. I've tried deleting it and validating integrity of game cache (Steam btw), completely removing the game and re installing it, twice, and nothing seems to work. I really need it to work so that I can properly change the graphical settings. Any help? I'm completely baffled.
  5. I tried to check through the normal FalloutLauncher and it says my game is not even installed.... I'll just reinstal my game and my mods. Thanks for the help any way though.
  6. So I accidentally deleted the Zeta esm from fomm and now my game crashes. The esm is still in the main folder but I can't get it back into fomm. What can I do?
  7. Me personally, in all playthroughs that I've actually gotten further than Honest Hearts dlc in (which is about 5 hours total or something for me) I've always had guns instead of energy weapons. But energy weapons are kinda cool, and I've hardly used them since I've been playing FNV. And with a mod that makes them as equally dangerous as they were in the classic Fallouts as well as EVE, they become pretty appealing. I've never really considered tagging both guns and energy weapons before though, has any one tried that before? Was it really helpful? Or did you feel it was a waste of a tag skill? EDIT I messed around a little bit with a character that had both guns and energy weapons, and now that I think about it, it seems a bit like there's too much to choose from when you've got both, if that makes any sense. So with that in mind, I think I'd just keep one of them as my main combat skill. But I'd still like to hear your thoughts.
  8. Lol yeah, may as well learn how to use it if I want to make the armor. Thanks for the responses.
  9. There is a Blender master file setup on the oblivion nexus http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/12248/? has everything needed. Unfortunately the newer version of blender are not supported that I am aware of. Good Luck, Geoff Thanks for that. But Cheesets friggin Crust Blender is a nightmare to use. At least for me. Thanks for the help every one.
  10. Ok, thanks for the replies. I'm going to try to work it with Blender, as soon as I figure out how to get Blender to load .nif files.
  11. So, I'm trying modify Joshua Graham's armor with pieces of the Elite Riot Gear armor and Ulysses' armor. Specifically, I'm trying to take the shoulder and arm pads from the ERG and add them to Joshua's armor, and replace the pants and boots of JG armor with Ulysses'. I'm having a couple of problems. 1) I can't select specific pieces of armor from the ERG and Ulysses', it makes me select the entire body, but for some reason lets me select the arm pads and copy/paste them. 2) Like I said, I can take the ERG's arm pads and add them to JG's armor, but when I save and load my game to test it out, they don't appear on his armor in game. I'm new with this stuff, and I can't find a tutorial that helps me at all. Any help would be appreciated, and I really hope it's ok if I post this here. Thanks in advance.
  12. So, I'm trying to change the armor that Joshua Graham wears in HH to the Desert Ranger armor, but I can't get it to work. I go into GECK, change his armor, save the .esp, click it, and he will still be wearing his default armor. I'll put the .esp above and below all of my other mods in the load order and it still wont work. Sometimes, he'll wear his default armor, but without his head wrap for some reason. I don't really know what else to do here, I've been working on this on and off again for months (yeah, I know, I suck at this). Can any one help me out? Thanks in advance. Also, the title was suppose to end with "for some reason." but it cut out reason.... for some reason.
  13. I liked Dead Money, it was pretty hard (for me), but I liked it. My favorite part of it is that Father Elijah was voiced by Richard Herd, who played Mr. Wilhelm in Seinfeld, which is my favorite show of all time.
  14. Maybe I should give more details if it'll be helpful. So I didn't edit the actual Sunny Smiles companion .esp itself. I edited her vanilla self, and put the edited Sunny under the companion mod in the load order. I changed her hair just to make sure it worked, and it did, but she'll just stand there, or now, walk back to Goodsprings. I can't edit her stats in the actual companion .esp because it simply won't let me. The SPECIAL stats are grey so clicking on them does nothing, and when I edit her skill stats, they just revert back to normal once I click off of them.
  15. Hi, sorry for the late response. Thank you, but it didn't work. Now she just walks back to Goodsprings when following.
  16. So, I know how to go into GECK and open the Sunny Smiles companion mod. All I'm trying to do is change her SPECIAL and tag skills stats. I can do this, but when I go back to my game, Sunny just stands there and doesn't follow me any where. This happens when I put the edited .esp underneath the original mod .esp in the load order. When I put it above, she obviously still follows and doesn't have the changed stats. I can't really figure out what to do, can any one help?
  17. For example, with the GRA DLC, there's two Assault Carbine's, one's just called Assault Carbine, and the other's Assault Carbine (GRA). The stats are the exact same to me, so I don't know what the point of having two identical weapons in the game is. Maybe there's an obvious difference that I'm missing, so sorry if this is a stupid question, just wondering.
  18. My answer will probably not be impressive, but I feel one good reason why I, and a lot of people play games like Fallout is because we get to escape from the world we live in and for a while pretend we live in a different universe doing amazing things. For example, in real life I clean hotel rooms for a living, not very exciting. In Fallout, I'm an adventurer taking on dozens of bandits at a time and saving lives from evil. It's an escape from the crap we all get in real life. When you immerse yourself into a fantasy world, for a while you forget all of your troubles. Any way, that's my two cents, because that's exactly what it's worth.
  19. Aaand just found out that my computer doesn't have the wattage to support a new video card (I only have 220 I think). Well thanks for the help anyway guys.
  20. I really like the Hunting Shotgun, the .45 Auto SMG, the Grenade Launcher (The pump action one, not the rifle), the Assault Carbine (Just because I've always liked Assault Carbines in games), the LMG, the Automatic Rifle, and the Marksman Carbine.
  21. Oh oops, didn't notice there was a second page :S I'll upload some pictures in a minute. http://oi39.tinypic.com/xmtnyb.jpg The card: http://oi42.tinypic.com/awxisi.jpg This one was for some reason flipped horizontally and vertically: http://oi42.tinypic.com/w8kl8k.jpg I'm sorry for the crap quality images and them being so large. If I've missed something that you need to see I'll take another picture.
  22. Ah I see, thank you for that. I have a similar computer to his, it's an Acer Aspire AX3475-EF328. Which is like his, but better. EDIT So I skimmed through there and it seems maybe the Sapphire may be best option. I'll think about it a little bit more. From what I can tell, the ones I posted are pretty much the same. I didn't see your last post lol, that's as good as your going to get with that acer, depending how much space you have, if its anything like Ironman5000 situation that may be the only choice you have. He had the benifit of having screenshots inside the case which helped allot. I see, yeah I may as well just go with that. His computer is pretty much the same shape as mine. I'm really regretting getting a mini tower instead of a regular computer :S Oh well, I'll just deal with it. Thanks so much for the help, I appreciate it :)
  23. Oh yeah, I guess that would help lol My bad. Windows 8 1TB Hard Drive AMD A8 5500 quad-core processor AMD Radeon HD 7350 1024MB (Current card) It's a mini tower, so the case is not huge, but I think it can fit the Sapphire.
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