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Everything posted by philip92dk

  1. did you ever find out how the game loads the game files without a plugin file?
  2. Will there be new locations for Zion,the big empty and the Divide?
  3. i have been looking around in the game files and i can't find the files the game uses to connect to the servers pls don't ban me. i am just curiosity how the game works
  4. nice i am looking forward to your mod. i wish i could help you with your mod but i don´t have any moding skilles BTW take a look on this http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vault_Archives the Vault Archives have some new music you could use in the mod
  5. one last question. what are you going to do about music and radio stations in the mod?
  6. not to be an ass. i know you said your only will be remakeing the map and one dlc but what about the creatures in the mojave like the cazador and night stalker?
  7. At the moment the only NV DLC world I plan on doing is the Divide, which will be connected to the rest of the Mojave. While it's unlikely the other DLC areas will be made, I will be expanding parts of the map so there will be some new areas to explore nice
  8. are you using this plugin? https://github.com/figment/max_nif_plugin/releases/tag/3.8.0
  9. is it possible to export the heightmap from the game?
  10. can you use the virtual reality simulators in Nellis Air Force Base?
  11. Hey all Im having trouble accessing the console. Every time I hit ~, nothing happens and I cannot access the console. I created a new save to test out some of the codes, but I cannot seem to open it up. Any help qould be appreciated.
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