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Everything posted by Glenstorm

  1. I've been around a while and am familiar with modding (mostly GECK). Skyrim Creation Kit is due January but I see a lot of ESP mods around. So how do you guys create them without the creation kit? Thanks in advance! Cheers Glenstorm
  2. also you could simply type help in the console
  3. I don't know how they did it in FO3 because I didn't use it. I couldn't be bothered to hoard random junk to use it properly. Off the top of my head though, this can be done very easily in FNV, assuming the model for the Rock-it still exists in the game files. Simply create the weapon, create ammo versions of all items you want to shoot out of it --> put them in a formlist --> assign said formlist as ammo for the gun. Then create a script or something to add the projectile version whenever the regular junk version is added to player inventory (and remove the ammo when said item is dropped or removed). Then simply fire away, using 2 to switch between junk to shoot out.
  4. Short melee weapons holster at the left hip (Ripper for example) so there is no realistic place to put a satchel (except the front) because wherever you put it, it's going to clip through something.
  5. A vertibird crash site not far from the take off site. Add a couple of notes why it crashed (carrying important ppl, chinese sabotage... blah blah blah). A small encampment not far off from the site (like the Sniper's Nest in FNV) with the skeleton of a guy with a unique vertibird blade sword next to it (like that nightkin companion, i forgot her name). Alternatively, add a note there as well and let the players follow a trail of notes to some random obscure site with the skeleton of the guy and the sword. But if you are pressed for time just leave the sword in the encampment. Also add a note how the guy came across the blade. Or not. But adding those tiny details make a huge difference in the player experience. It goes to show how dedicated you are to the mod :D ALTERNATE: Place infested by FEV mutants and everyone is carrying a Vertibird sword. Though this makes sense, it sort of devalues the uniqueness of the vertibird sword model. Enemies can be anything. But it should make sense. If it is close to the water, Mirelurks would be a good idea. Otherwise, raiders or something to that end will also work. That's pretty much about the environment. Except adding aircraft carcasses, but I believe you already took care of that. Also give it importance. An aircraft graveyard is unlikely to have a hi tech bunker attached. Make it a covert research lab or some other s***. Don't forget to connect it with some quests (like the Boomer quest where you need to hunt for stuff at HELIOS). A desolate graveyard would be perfect for scavenging quests.
  6. Next time search the nexus for the mod before requesting it here. The mod you are looking for is NCR Rearmament. Might look way too high tech for NCR though. But that's your request isn't it?
  7. Not unless you installed it without using FOMM. FOMM has this little thing called Package Manager. IMO it's the best part of the program. You can simply create a FOMOD package directly from the RAR archive you download from the nexus (no need for esp/esm to be present) and save it somewhere (I just let it create a copy of the original and then delete the original). The copy is saved as a fomod conveniently in the game folder itself. Then you can activate/deactivate it whenever you want. Honestly I can't fathom how people deal with mod transfer without the use of FOMM when they switch PCs. It's going to be real messy.
  8. So you want a mod to fix something which breaks immersion before you get immersed?
  9. You could use the Dispel function on the user. I don't know what is the "spell" for Stimpaks though.
  10. Carry a minigun and a lot of ammo. Face your fears and let them have it.
  11. What's the point? It serves no purpose. As in the case of super mutants they were supposed to be transported to Vault 87 (or Mariposa, I forgot) to be converted to Super mutants.
  12. Thats not a duel type weapon, it's 2 different weapons using a script to swap it out. My statement still stands, you can't make a single weapon simultaneously have 2 different weapon types. However, this above would be good way to give the "illusion" of having a duel type weapon though. The only draw back is the inability to quickly switch damage modes in a fight. I rest my case. But it's probably way too much work than its worth.
  13. The initial freeze-up is normal as it loads the gigantic FalloutNV.esm file and separate it into different records. This might be some design flaw in the GECK itself because FNVEdit takes a fraction of time to load the same file. Have you tried loading BOTH Fallout3.esm and FalloutNV.esm and succeeded before? Between them, it is around 500 MB of stuff and more loading time is expected of GECK. Maybe this larger amount of time required is larger than what Win7 deems appropriate for a responsive program.
  14. First of all, get his permission to use the thing in your mod. He explicitly stated that you do so. Secondly, getting the armor off is simple as copying the meshes and textures folder packaged with his mod and creating a new armor pointing towards the mesh (make sure you create one for male and female, even though there are no females in the Legion). The custom meshes are found in meshes/Hedszot folder I think.
  15. Find the Armor Addon Objects of the gloves you wish to add. Find the Armor you wish to modify (Hazmat Suit from OWB) and look at the "Biped Model List" or something to that order dropdown. If it has already an item in there, modify that list to include the two armor addon objects (left and right glove). Otherwise create a new list with the two armor addon objects and choose that list in the biped model list. If you want the gloves already included with other armor you can simply point to the biped list pointed to by that armor. Note that if you don't have a pipboy glove remover mod, the left hand glove will not change when you equip the armor. Hope that helps.
  16. Yeah. In the NIF file, bhkRigidBodyT Mass -> Set to higher than 0.0 MotionSystem -> MO_SYS_DYNAMIC Deactivator -> DEACTIVATOR_INVALID Solver -> SOLVER_DEACTIVATION_INVALID I think this should do it. I jotted this down when I saw it somewhere in case I need it later. Haven't tested it though. I think PaladinRider's method would be a lot easier and less resource intensive though. You might want to try that if you just want to get this over with as quick as possible. Cheers Glenstorm
  17. I don't know if this would be resource heavy on the machine but you could make use of the Havok system to simulate a building crash. Have two versions of the same structure. One should be whole and should be static. This is the building itself. The other should be divided into multiple large chunks (around the size of a vertibird or the Boomer bomber if you want to go large) and should be havokable. The havokable objects should vaguely resemble the actual building when put together. Place the static and the havokable objects in the same place (havokable objects fit roughly like a jigsaw puzzle, but don't have to be exactly so). You can also add random junk building parts found in the vegas files. Disable the building parts by default. When you need to explode the building, disable the static, enable the havok and create a giant explosion in the middle of the havok objects. The force would throw the debris in all directions. If the havok mass is set really high, I doubt it will travel much laterally. The blast would simply rattle the havok objects and the building will collapse. Of course the junk parts I mentioned earlier has relatively low mass and will fly much farther. Note that this might be taxing on the computer due to the insanely large havok objects. If you attempt this method, you can also disable the giant havok building parts after the collapse to save resources. But of course an animation is more friendly towards low end computers as it does not require much in the way of computation.
  18. A more practical way would be for the projectile to land somewhere and illuminate that area. That is easily done. I'd do it but I haven't played through to Lonesome Road yet.
  19. Nah that's the one. I just remembered seeing something related to VATS in the dialog. Thanks for clarifying.
  20. Hmm.. It was my belief that there was an option to turn off VATS for specific creatures from the Creature dialog itself.
  21. Get GECK PowerUp. It comes with an option to turn it off. If you have Fallout 3 (with GECK for FO3) then it is as simple as copying the lex folder from the FO3 directory to NV.
  22. Go to geck.bethsoft.com Download the NV GECK and follow the tutorials. After that it's basically trial and error and the wiki.
  23. Why don't you do us all a favor and use the search function over at the nexus? I'm pretty sure they have at least three different flashlight mods - handheld and helmet mounted versions.
  24. You can give a new weapon by creating a new weapon derived from Anti-Material rifle with ammo set to Ammo50CalRobot (or something to that order, it should be right close to the original ammo set) and give that weapon to Boone. You may need to make it Unplayable to make it work, but I really doubt that.
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