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Everything posted by Glenstorm

  1. You shouldn't be. You can't modify an ESM. Whatever you do, when you save it becomes an ESP plugin and if you screw up you can simply delete that and you're good to go.
  2. What is JC's City Kit? I searched google and it turned out nothing.
  3. I can do it. Do you want each of them to be mindless drones with standard commands or do you want them to have dialogue? Mindless drone is way easier to make (like the soldier who comes when you call them through the NCR radio) but I'm okay with the other one too, though the other one needs voice acting (by multiple people). Also send me your ESP with the interior which can act as the base of operations for the mercenary company.
  4. I just typed "player.setav leftmobilitycondition 0" in the console and the player started limping. Make sure the script with this line is executed (setav left...). Put it in the onLoad of the script attached to the dog.
  5. Invest in Explosives Skill. As for Super Mutant Behemoth, that's normal. I usually need about 5 Mini-Nukes or so to kill him (I'm level 11). I keep a good supply of them because I'm using MMM and Behemoths spawn in random places due to that.
  6. Have you tried Misanthropy Pure? It's exactly like you said, except that you'd be fighting them left and right all the time, everywhere.
  7. Have you tried setting the same actor value to 0 at the beginning?
  8. There is a mod doing the exact same thing for Fallout 3: Teleportation Gun. Might want to consider reverse-engineering that... and getting permission from the guy to use his code if you do so
  9. Figured it out by trial and error a while back. Thanks for the reply though!
  10. How do I make someone eat something which is already in their inventory THROUGH SCRIPT? I want it done automatically, not when the player goes to the aid menu and manually clicks on it. So how do I go about doing this?
  11. Sure. PM me when you need my help. It would be a shame to release this without voice acting though. It would just feel hollow and boring.
  12. On top of it all, Attis is dead right? He got a nuke shoved in his face!
  13. Have you tried turning on the Adult Filter and then browsing the clothing section? I don't care for the boner inducing clothing in my game either, what I do is to go to the Top 100 (of all time)(non-adult only) mods and then choose the Clothing (or Armor) category.
  14. If you mean that the NPC holds the weapon such that the whole weapon extends straight from the palm with the palm holding the grip, then you are not alone. It's a pretty common glitch which happens when they are not in combat. I don't exactly know what triggers this. Just go hunt some geckos or something like that with them. As soon as they enter combat and then leave it, it should be fine.
  15. That's odd. I do it this way normally and it works pretty much all the time. BTW, The spawner is the yellow thing right next to doors right? If it is, you can't double click to open the spawner's properties, it would just show up an option to teleport to the linked door. The only way I have found to rotate it is to use the right click drag method. Funny that it doesn't work for you.
  16. I'm lost for words. I'll be very glad to help on completing such a beautiful mod. I can do quests, scripts and stuff like that. Anything that does not involve NVSE or NIF files. Also I dislike doing interiors but I can do it if pressed. Let me know if you are interested. I don't have much credibility in terms of published mods, but I intend to rectify that really soon.
  17. Whoops... I meant right click. Right click and drag. Sorry about that.
  18. Don't double click. Make sure it's selected, then click on it (don't release the button) and drag it.
  19. If you don't mind using the console, you can just type "setalert 1" after selecting your companion in the console (Their name should appear on the top of the screen). Do this for all companions. They will equip their weapons all the time. If you want to set this back, just type "setalert 0" after selecting the desired companion in the console.
  20. I'm afraid this is too trivial to warrant a mod upload on the nexus. Open FalloutNV.esm in GECK. Open the 9mm Pistol weapon and the 10 mm Pistol weapon. Under Art & Sound I'm sure there is a tab for reload animation. Check what is selected for 9mm reload animation and apply the same for the 10mm animation. Save the esp and check it in "Data Files" in the Fallout NV launcher.
  21. Make sure the house is selected. Right click on the house and drag to rotate it.
  22. Hi. Hypothetically, if someone was to create a new town (or worldspace with multiple towns) what would you name it? Please don't hesitate to answer even if it sounds stupid. This thread may come in useful to many who like me, don't have much to put forth when it comes to interesting names.
  23. I believe there is a topic named SpeechChallengeFailure which you should add to your NPC. Any failed speech challenge will divert to this topic. You should probably add multiple responses with accompanying conditions if you have multiple speech challenges for the same NPC. This is just guesswork coz I have seen the topic but don't have actual experience putting a speech challenge in a dialogue.
  24. I've been working on a Boomer Artillery Strike sort of thing, but it's been on hold for a long while now. I'm waiting for some assets from a modeller. Makes more sense than expecting the bomber to show up minutes after the radio call. I believe there is another pure artillery strike mod out there, it's in the nexus. Just search for artillery.
  25. The code above works for any NPC, as long as they enter the trigger. Adding each enemy reference is insane as there may might as well be hundreds of unique references + randomly generated references + ones added by mods. If you want yours to trigger for only one reference (like the Player) you need to specify that in the ontrigger block BEGIN onTrigger Player ... END
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