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Status Updates posted by Salamander8

  1. Belated Merry Christmas to you. Union rules give us off till the third and no school till the 9th so have been playing the snot out of SWTOR. Female Chiss agent is my favorite so far, but I have everything. Bioware adding stories to an MMO makes it far more engrossing.
  2. I don't really watch much sports, I'm too busy with video games ;P. But I do pay some attention and glad the Packers are rocking it well. I was surprised the Bears lost to Denver, and now we'll have to hear more crapola about Tebow.
  3. Oh and Minecraft is amazing. Every time I start one project in game, like build a tower, I find a new cave, or other feature that makes me start 3 others before I can finish the first one! It can often literally be a giant sandbox.
  4. The classes are needed for my overall Bachelor's degree. I was going for just an Associates until I realized that with an AAS, I would make about the same money I'm making now. So I am going to get my AAS in computer science next year and continue on to the BS in the field the year after. Some of the extra classes I have to take look as exciting as watching the Earth erode.
  5. Hiya! Yeah I got Skyrim but haven't played it much yet. Schoolwork, World of Tanks, Minecraft, and some SWTOR beta. Made an orc and redguard and played them through the intro but I found some stuff on the redguard I missed on the orc. My current two classes are Intro to Management and System Design so about as dull as one can get.
  6. It was pretty bad last night, although not too bad up here in Germantown. I ripped the UPS for all the computer gear out of the wall as a precaution since the lightning lit the entire house up. 13000 people in the area are without power.
  7. Dropping by to say hi as I haven't visited the Nexus in some time. Learning HTML and Oracle (bleah) in my current classes, and being addicted to World of Tanks and still building in Minecraft keeping me occupied. Hope everything is good with you.
  8. Hiya! Going ok so far but time is basically gone. I barely have time for a little bit of Minecraft, EU3, and Rift much less Skyrim, ToR, and maybe GW2 later this year. Diablo 3 looks delayed till at least next year. Has your BF found a decent job yet? If you two ever stop near Germantown let me know so I can treat you guys to Robert's burgers sometime.
  9. I'm going for my AAS and maybe go on to a bachelor's in computer science. They gave me creidt for 3 of my old classes from 1989-1991 so I don't have to retake comp, algebra, or psych.
  10. The Packer fever is already dying down and I don't get into it too much, just glad they won. Classes and work are keeping me busy and then Minecraft on top of that eats most of my time. Karl has decided that house and car keys are his domain so picking them off the floor all the time now.
  11. I'm pleased that the Packers won the Super Bowl. My out-of-state friends were happy as well. I'm not a huge sports fan, but it's still a good result.
  12. I drove to Pick and Save which is right nearby and I went in to grab about 5 things and left. When I got back to my car, the driver's side mirror was hanging loose and the door and fender have some damage. Not a good even after having to head to work and then turn around and then missing today from the horrific conditions. It's so quiet around here it's almost like a bad horror movie.
  13. Four to eight foot snow drifts, 44+mph winds and of course ice and visibility problems. Looks like I'll get more work on my Minecraft projects.
  14. I called in yesterday and today. Yesterday due to bad freeway conditions and an accident on my way in and today due to snow drifts so high we had problems even getting the back door open. It's crazy here so I went to the store yesterday since it's close and someone hit my car and caused about a grand of damage so with my deductible being that, I have to pay for it out of pocket anyway.
  15. This is freeway driving on our way to and from Michigan and Wisconsin. One time my dad timed it so we would be in Chicago at about 3AM and there was STILL traffic problems! In my trip 3 years ago to visit my friends back in Michigan, I spent over 3 hours in traffic, some of it actually dead stopped on the freeway!
  16. Ahha! A Bears fan! =P I'm not a big Chicago fan after every single time since 85 that I've been driven, or driven myself through the city I've always lost at least an hour. I don't watch sports much really, I just root for Wisconsin/Michigan teams without much zeal.
  17. Is it bitterly cold by you guys as well? it was -11F on the bank clock when I left for work this morning.
  18. The high today is 6 degrees Farenheit above zero with a negative wind chill. Gotta love Wisconsin weather sometimes.
    1. Illiad86


      Yep, good old winter :P
  19. I worked 2nd and 3rd shift for years when I was young. Second was ok but I never liked third. Minecraft is amazing if you can handle the old-school graphics. Luckily for me, I'm an old fart so the graphics are fine by me. You can build some crazy stuff or just do fun but simple things like make a greenhouse so your crops have sunlight but monsters can't get in. Exploring is fun as heck too.
  20. Minecraft currently owns my attention. Perhaps the ultimate sandbox game?
  21. Not bad. Going back to work after having over a week off was a pita but what you going to do? Karl had to go to the vet since he was acting odd Saturday, but luckily it's just a GI infection and he's already doing better.
  22. Long time no see. Happy New Year.
  23. Happy New Year to you as well.
  24. Thanks. It's 41st for me this year. Merry Christmas to you as well.
  25. New computer is here! Now to reinstall various things including over 200 gigs of Steam games!
    1. Illiad86


      Fun :D I got a new CPU, mobo, and RAM for Christmas :D It's so awesome
    2. TreborMarg


      That's fantastic, congrats !!

      I got a new monitor and now I can tell the difference between i and l LOL

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