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Status Updates posted by Salamander8

  1. Ouch that sucks, especially the timing. Hopefully he can get something decent quickly then.
  2. He enjoys it quite a bit, but he likes to knock it off it's wheels. This will be a great week I think. We only work Monday-Wednesday and then we we have off till the 3rd so we will be getting 2 checks for a total of 12 days. This helps a lot after buying the new machine and then starting school here in January.
  3. I went a little nuts on the new machine as I want one to last awhile. So went a bit over the top, although not too far.

    Cold as heck here too. the bank clock read -5 F this morning when I left for work. The worst part for me is that my QC lab is in building A so I have to go to the other buildings a lot. Not a pleasant thing when I'm officially an inside worker.

  4. Yeah, I'll never do SLI again unless I have to. I'm getting a single 1.5 Gig Gforce GTX 580 with the new machine, and that's expensive enough. SLI wasn't even worth it as it caused more issues than it solved.
  5. I made a post about it at http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/275207-bizarre-computer-behavior-need-opinionsadvice-please/ , it's the reason I broke down and bought the system I did.

    My bad RAM was Corsair RAM so I went back to Kingston for this build. The SLI issue back thn forced me to build this new one as it was the MoBo would support SLI, but only SLI, and not a s...

  6. They're an online PC builder that got very good ratings and were cheaper than Alienware. I built my last 4, but these last 2 have been giving me ulcers. The one just prior to this had bad RAM then the replacement RAM was bad and then when I changed from an older SLI setup to a single better video card, the graphics would randomly scramble. This one has been good up until just a few weeks ago.
  7. Normally I'd build my own, but these last 2 have been such a pain I just threw up my hands and spent the money I was saving for a laptop on a very nice rig from Digital Storm.
  8. Oh and now that Elder Scrolls V is coming out, I have a few games to look forward to in the next year or so. Looking at trying Guild Wars 2 and Star Wars:The Old Republic. Looking forward to my new machine getting here soon with a mix of elation and trepidation. My old rig is getting annoying with it's problems, but I've never used Win7 and then getting old games set-up again, bleah.
  9. Germantown got off easy, we only got about 4-6 inches. My aunt and uncle up in West Bend got so much snow that they lost power and had to go to a hotel for awhile.
  10. I'm not 100% sure. Kramp and Adler (the only morning radio show I've heard in my life that doesn't make me want to stab myself with toast) end at 10:00 and they were apparently just getting the robot set-up. I then put my Ipod on the radio I brought to work to jam some Suffocation and after switching between FM 102.1 and my Ipod the rest of the day I must have missed it.
  11. Side streets are usually pretty bad here too. Our little side road is almost always in bad shape when we get a plethora of snow.

    We had a stand-off on the highway today! Luckily it didn't block my route as I get off at Greenfield Ave. but 94 was a mess for hours. They finally got the guy by using a bomb disposal robot to break the car window and throw tear gas inside!

  12. We're getting the snow now.The drive home wasn't terrible but was unpleasant. It's a pretty basic one I got at Petco for him. I only got 1 present online for my uncle Mike as he is hard to shop for so I got him a book on the history of the US Air Force as he's been in it, as a regular and reserve forever.
  13. Tomorrow is bank/grocery/laundry day for me, but luckily the bank and grocery store are close together and to home. Got my Christmas shopping done last weekend including getting Karl a remote controlled mouse he loves to chase.
  14. Is it as cold there as over here by the lake? It's been 7 degrees Farenheit the last two days when I leave for work at 6:15 AM!
  15. Ai War:Fleet Command's newest expansion is out for 4 dollars! I've done some work for the beta, but can't wait to see all the massive changes to the old and all the new stuff as well!
  16. It's worse today than yesterday, at least over here! The drive home required much fighting against the wind to stay in my lane on the freeway. We had to use rda bunji co to secure the main gate as it would not stay open or closed without it!
  17. Kenosha and Racine had tornadoes. Luckily I'm north of Milwaukee instead of south.
  18. Crazy weather this morning for sure! I can still hear the wind outside and driving home on 45 was a pita.
  19. For all you BBB fansout there, I have many other things going on (especailly now that I'm working again), but I have not stopped completely, just taking some time away from it. It's a bit dull to do, and my lack of patience doesn't help. I do want to give BBB to most/all of Speedbuster's work, the Apachii Goddes Store, and 2Pac4Eva7's DM wardrobe, and some other 'independents' as well.
    1. Salamander8


      I also need to use the space key properly, and not fumble-finger typing especially. *flogs self with sandwich*
  20. Actually got to to rank 8 as a nation as Japan and am now a great power (in Victoria II)! Once I get my navy modernized it's time for some expansion!
  21. Woohoo! Was able to pass the Meiji Restoration as Japan in Victoria II and now am ranked as the 12th most powerful nation in the world and that classifies me as a secondary power instead of the uncivilized and 68th ranked nation I started as. Now to push into the top 8 so I can be A major power and take on the other big boys!
  22. I play on some of the EGo servers a bit, although they don't stop spawn-campers well so kind of meh. Paradoxically enough, considering me and my friends that play are all atheists, we play on the Christian Crew's Fish servers a lot. The main reason is that they boot people being complete jack-wagons off the server. I also hit the X-A 24/7 2 fort server and found a Chicago Convict Clan server.
  23. Yeah I usually play Pyro, Engineer, Soldier, or Demoman, but I finally got the "Year to Remember" achievement (2004 kills as a Scout) last night.

    Medic is actually my 6th most played class as I will play it on occasion, but abandon it if my team isn't covering my dupa properly.

  24. I thought that you might like Origin. Relentless and powerful they are crushingly heavy and fast!
  25. Few things in lie are as satisfying as making the cocky punk sniper on the enemy TF2 team eat his words by beating him to death with my fish!
    1. Salamander8


      Bah in *life* not in lie, sheesh. And the fish in question is the scout's new melee weapon. Class play time in order-Pyro-Engineer-Demoman-Soldier-Scout-Medic-Heavy-Spy-Sniper.
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