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Posts posted by AGreatWeight

  1. Disabling a mod via your mod manager won't help if the mod in question contained loose files. They're still in your DATA folder so the game will still use them when you run it.

    As you only installed a few, it should be relatively easy to pinpoint which one is causing the issue, though you'll have to uninstall one of them first, then load your game to see if the problem still appears. If not, you've found the culprit mod.

    If the problem persists, then you can rule that uninstalled mod out, and proceed to the next one. Continue in this fashion until you've isolated the mod that is causing the issue with that glass texture.

    If you're using NMM, you can use the 'installed' tab to easily find the most recent mods you installed. With Mod Organizer 2, it's also relatively easy. Not sure about Vortex though.

  2. Hmm, aside from some things that are mentioned by the author (Midhras) in the mod's description page -


    having HDR enabled, Water Displacement + Anti-aliasing + anisotropic filtering all turned off, via the game launcher.

    Check that your Fallout3 .ini files don't have hardware anti-aliasing enabled.

    that you have the d3d9_smaa.dll, SMAA.h, SMAA.fx, and injector.ini in your Fallout directory, alongside the d3d9.dll

    Don't use any gpu-based multisampled anti-aliasing (either via Nvidia or AMD software/drivers.

    Before starting the game, delete the 'rendererinfo.txt' file that should be in the Fallout directory, then backup your .ini files somewhere, and remove the ones in your Fallout3 documents folder. Launch the game via the game launcher, it'll generate a fresh 'rendererinfo.txt file, as well as new .ini files (this way you can rule out if your original .ini files may be causing the issue or not - if not, simply replace them with your backed-up ones.

    Make sure you don't have any software active that adds an overlay (such as FRAPS, MSI Afterburner to name a few) as these can cause issues with enb... for example, an external program that adds an fps counter to FO3.


    - aside from all those, nothing really comes to mind, except one final stab in the dark.

    Though it might not work (or even do anything) you could perhaps attempt to download, then install the DirectX 9 runtime. https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=34429

    If when installing it asks you if you want to repair, select yes; otherwise install as normal. Perhaps having the DirectX 9.0 API's installed via this method will solve it...

    at this point, there's no harm in trying & nothing to lose. Wishing you the best.

  3. The C++ redist should only ever be installed into the default location (of your O.S. files, not the game directory) to the best of my knowledge, whilst the d3d9.dll from the enb wrapper only be placed in your Fallout3 directory.

    If you already have a redist installed & try to reinstall, it should (by default) ask if you want to overwrite or repair the existing version of that particular redist.


    With the v118 of the d3d9.dll, make sure you're only using the original version of Midhrastic.


    Looking at the error code you mentioned in the initial post, usually this happens when there are either missing system files or system components, which is what made me suspect it could be related to a missing redist dependancy, though with that not solving the issue, I'm a bit stumped.


    As an aside, I'm guessing that you'd already gone through the process of installing Games For Windows LIVE, then (via a mod manager) installed the Games for Windows LIVE Disable/d mod... and the FO3_3GB_ENABLER mod.

    (this part may be completely unrelated to your specific problem, but seeing as I've pretty much exhaused every other possible cause for having that error appear, I might as well throw these ones in here too)


    You might have to consider uninstalling everything and starting from scratch (unless your modded/unmodded Fallout3 was working fine prior to installing the enb preset/enb .dll)

    Again, apologies for being unable to help you narrow it down to the root cause & fix it.



    Doesn't a redist exe come with the Fallout installation by default? If so, I've seen it and installed it. No luck.


    Yes, but bear in mind Fallout3 came out in late 2008. Installing the game on a modern machine + O.S. may require that additional step I mentioned to fix the problem you're experiencing with the d3d9.dll from ENB.

    Here's some links that may contain useful info... hopefully this'll help you out further.






  5. I believe this issue is caused (or can be caused) by not having certain dependancies installed - in this case, Visual C ++ redistributables (sometimes your OS doesn't download/install them all by default, so you have to do it manually)

    I can't recall offhand exactly which version you'd need, but you can check to see which ones you already have by going into the control panel of Windows, and select Uninstall a program. From there, scroll down until you find entries that list Microsoft as the publisher.

    Here's a screengrab of all the ones I have (I'm on Windows 7 btw, and run Midhrastic ENB on Fallout3 with no issues)


    From the entries that will appear when you check on your machine, you can determine which ones you're missing, and just do a google search to download them from the Microsoft site.

  6. You could use the mod Videos of the Wasteland, it adds a framework for working TV's (both pre-war and post-war variants of the Radiation Kings, as well as new custom models) that can be placed in your settlement/s.

    Besides the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. vids that come included with the mod, there's a varied selection of additional mods that add new content to play on the TV's; check the VotW description page for links to them all.


  7. Moribund World is a weather/climate overhaul, whereas Dustbowl Overhaul alters the worldspace by removing most trees/vegetation from view. Both mods do completely different things and technically can be used together. The only caveat would come if alongside Dustbowl, you also want to install the seperate Western Weathers mod made to go with Dustbowl - doing this will likely cancel most of what Moribund World does, so you'd have to pick one or the other.


    Dustbowl itself doesn't cause game crashes (can confirm this) so whoever sold you that tale was incorrect. More than likely a mod conflict or an issue within your load order. The only issue that Dustbowl had was related to some instances where birds were perching on invisible trees.


    (@Undeadbob666 - Moribund World is only available on Beth.net for unknown reasons, almost like inverted snobery on the mod authors part. If I remember correctly, they made it for some competition that Beth ran with Nvidia to promote the (then) newly launched GTX1080 series)

  8. The only (minor) performance impact you'll notice when you have a lot of save files is right at the beginning when the main menu is loading, in the form of audio/video stutters, pops or mini freezes. Fallout4 scans all the save files to bring up certain info from them (mini thumbnail, name of character, game-time etc) Obviously the more you have in your save folder, the longer it'll take for the game to read all that data.


    Not sure how SSD's fare, I'm just going on HDD performance - if that's what you're using, backing-up all your saves, and only keeping the most recent 10 or so should be fine.

    A bigger problem with save files is 'savebloat', due to the save file containing references to mods that were used at one time or another in that saves history, but have since been uninstalled.

  9. From Vault 111 (pre-war) the nuclear blast seems to appear in close proximity to the crater in Canterbury, although post-war, there clearly isn't enough damage around that area to indicate a bomb hit anywhere near there (or any part of Boston city for that matter)




    In the concept art above for Fallout4, it's clearly visible that Canterbury was utterly decimated. The game never directly addresses the dissonance between what's depicted pre-war and what you encounter post-war... unless you subscribe to the whole 'Nora/Nate is actually a synth and their memories are just implanted' hypothesis.

  10. Start a new game, play through the the pre-war section and the Vault111 part, once you've emerged head down to Sanctuary Hills, wait for 2/3 in-game days and save your game there. Use that save purely for testing mods (but don't overwrite it, and make a back-up copy)

  11. A mod shouldn't be able to crash the game. Produce some error, sure, but if a mod can crash the game, the game architecture is broken.


    A badly made or poorly tested mod can. Aside from that, mods themselves don't crash the game.

    Installing mods that conflict with each other without the user attempting to resolve the conflict, badly organized load orders, and removing mods on an existing save/playthrough can cause CTD's.

  12. I think in the texture is applied to the body/breast mesh that's why it like so "tight".


    Yeah, a lot of clothing mods are made in this fashion, so lack the area of 'fabric' that would normally appear between breasts.

    @OP, short of making a custom mesh for the clothing (which would also involve creating new UV's for the textures, among other things) there isn't much you can do sadly. The bigger the breasts, the more noticable it is.

  13. From what little I know, the decriminalization and intentional demonization of cannabis (in the public eye) began thanks to the efforts of big business. A new device, called a decorticator, threatened to completely revolutionize the production of paper via hemp, making it cheaper and more profitable than traditional means of paper production via wood fibres, meaning (if not for interference) that tradional paper production would have most likely eventually become obsolete. Obviously, this was a huge economic threat to those heavily invested in said traditional methods, so they used their contacts in the government to collude to outlaw the use of hemp in all forms, as well as misinform the public by deeming it dangerous, as a way of maintaining their own wealth/vested interests.


    Various fictions were purposefully created in an effort to convince the people and the government that hemp was dangerous and should be outlawed. It's name change to Marijuana was another concoction of the propaganda, designed to inflame the passions and prejudices of the white man by demonizing Mexican and Black men via claiming they were using the drug to corrupt white women into interracial relationships etc. They preyed on peoples fear and ignorance to further push their propaganda and political motivations, all so that certain wealthy men could continue their monopolies in numerous industries undisturbed.


    It was certainly effective, considering we're still in the process of completely dismantling the myriad lies, disinformation & sheer dishonesty that's been purposely built up around the plant since then. Not to mention the devastating impact all these untruths have had on so many lives since their inception, such as all the people wrongfully incarcerated, as well as the retardation of scientific study into the numerous uses/benefits (including medicinally) that the plant offers. So much damage done purely for $$$'s.


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