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Everything posted by Vergessener

  1. Hello, do you guys have the same problem? Only while at Commonwealth, the Layout window shows hundrets of errors and the CK is terribel to use. While in interiors, it runs very well. My specs are: GeForce Nvidia GTX 760 Intel i-5 4570 @3.2 GHz 8GB Ram Win7
  2. okay. I want only one song in the radio, there is no problem with copyright, cause I've created this song by myself. I would like to use a simple radio, not a whole station. or a jukebox.
  3. wow thanks, thats a lot of work^^ seems like it will not work only with CK.
  4. Hello, I am working on a mod, a player home. but this will include a radio with my own song (which was deleted from nexus), but I don't know how to upload this song in the radio. My idea is a simple radio or jukebox, which you can turn on and you can hear the music. Anyone who can tell me how to do this in the creation kit?
  5. hello, I don't know how I can tell this kind of mod, so I will explain it. I am searching for a mod which changes the stars while flying a ship or around. There is already such a feature ingame, sometimes...and very very low. I want flying stars like hyper jump-stars, maybe not such extreme, but it would be better looking. When I fly, I can't see the changes to standing, except the speedometer^^
  6. Hello, I am Madhur and until G.E.C.K. comes out, I've started a new kind of "modding". Well, it is no modding. But for me one way to do something that feels a little bit like modding. I have a lot of famous characters, some better some not better^^. Long story short, I'm glad to present you my Collection :smile: The Collection PS: Feel free to comment, these characters was only made for the community, for YOU my sweethearts :D
  7. some of the vaults are still unknown, maybe vault-tec created more? I know its not exactly like bethesda told us, but let the modder just tell another story :smile: I'm totally cool with modders being modders, and if you don't want to follow lore that is perfectly fine by me. I 100% respect that. I'm just trying to make the information available to people just 'in case' it is something that is of interest to them. Just sharing the data I found in my own research for others who may find it useful. My personal opinion... a number is just a number. I think changing a number is so much easier than retconing part of Fallout's lore. But like I said, just my personal opinion. well, thanks for the information^^
  8. hello guys, I would be very very very happy if some hero could make the star-lord outfit. the long red jacket (maybe from piper) and the helmet. I would recreate his face and than we would have STAR-LORD, god damn that would blow my mind.
  9. some of the vaults are still unknown, maybe vault-tec created more? I know its not exactly like bethesda told us, but let the modder just tell another story :)
  10. I will add unique NPCs, for example if you join the community and if you have fun with voice acting, you can choose your own NPC. I will try to create him/her like you want and give him/her the lines you'd spoke. maybe your char could be a crazy scientist with your voice, or a simple vault dweller with funny dialogs. our own community represent the vault dweller in future. PS: sorry for my english, I am only a german guy, but I want create a mod for everyone not only for germans
  11. Helly guys, to explain my project in detail, I'll post the announcement of the steam group. If you are interested, read it, if you'll stay interested send me a private message. Dear Vault-Dwellers, the main idea of this group is a mod when the G.E.C.K. module comes out. If you don't know this module, it's Bethesdas modding tool which allows to create everything you want and editing the game. Mod concept: Vault 185 will be a special area to live, to build, to manage and to fight. It will be more than a simple player house mod. Maybe a small DLC. There will live NPC Vault-Dwellers, trader and someone special: - YOU You as protagonist have the opportunity to live there too, but I mean an NPC of your choice. Maybe you want be a doctor who can heal your usual protaginist, or a drugdealer, everything is possible. Vault 185 will respresent this Steamgroup. I have a lot of ideas to make this Vault special, to waste time there and play own modded quests. How can YOU help?: First, this group has no requirements. You have to do nothing, except you want. If you decide to own an unique NPC in Vault 185, you will have the opportunity to personalize him/her, with your voice. For unique NPCs I will need some custome voices, so you can record it after the script is finished and I will implement it. And ready is your favorite NPS. Of course there are more ways to help, for example simple ideas for the mod, or you can script and want to work with me on this project or something else. Feel free to comment your opinion. Prepare for the future, Overseer Hasenbuhler.
  12. Guys, I want my own Vault. I want be the Overseer and want have a creative mode like Red Rocket etc. Fully editable with dwellers and attackings, problems and solutions. Own Vault story with lies, love and brutality. Of course boobs. For the first time it would be enough to build in a vault like in other settlements.....for now. Pls do something like this, I love you all PEACE.....war never changes...
  13. guys I have a question, is there a way to build an own vault, or build in an existing vault? maybe vanila or mod?
  14. yes would be nice to fly like you want and how long you want. but probably we have to wait until GECK comes out :(
  15. yes the weapon disappears when you holster it and I don't understand why bethesda didn't fix that. I mean it was the same engine like skyrim and fallout 3, so it was enabled and they've broken it....like my lone wanderer heart....first person is no real opportunity. I play sometimes in first person, but only for tactic reasons. GIVE US THE VISIBLE WEAPON BACK BETHESDA OR YOU ALL WILL GOT AN ARROW TO THE KNEE!!!!!
  16. it's not really an idea, usually it's a fallout feature which don't exist in fallout 4
  17. hey guys, I know there is already a thread with a holstered weapon request, but I can't wait... I CAN'T!!!!!! In Fallout 4 are many bugs and not everything is perfect, but for me it's fine like it is. except this fu****ing point. It would be okay if we can't see the weapons on back or on side while in power armor, but if we are not inside, I and many others can't really enjoy the game. Is there just one hero who can save our life...gameplay...our fun....who is working on a visible weapon while holstered? Please...if there is no one working on it, maybe some hero can start right after reading this post. It would be enough to see only the equiped weapon, like in Fallout 3. I can't....no WE can't wait a few months until the GECK comes out, oh boy I would do everything, I would go on knees and....EVERYTHING.....love you all
  18. yes you can run fo4, with my specs I can witcher 3 on max settings (except the view distance to medium) remember my specs: Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 i5-4570 CPU 3.2GHz 8 GB RAM WIN 7 64 bit
  19. yes of course the spoiler idiots....beware of the steam group chat, they try the same there
  20. Hey guys, I know the requirements to run Fallout 4 but I dont know of their truth, or how it looks in detail. I think I can run it without problems on medium, but I want a beatuful, atmospheric game. So what can I downgrade for good performance and a good looking game? My ideas: - AA on medium/low - VSync off - Shadows on low (in my opinion I dont need shadows on max for a good looking game) My Specs: Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 i5-4570 CPU 3.2GHz 8 GB RAM WIN 7 64 bit What do you think, can I run it on max settings, just without the options I said above?
  21. Like the title says, what can we do? Here some options: - If not done yet, play Fallout 3 / NV - Play Fallout 3 / NV again! - Download the Pipboy App (even without the real Pipboy) for your Smartphone - Download the "New Galaxy News" App for your Smartphones and hear the songs - Edit your Phone, your PC and whatever you have Fallout based - Search the same helpless people which cant wait in the Fallout 4 Steam group - Write senseless posts in forums like these - Get everyone in your life on nerves until release - Try to make artwork of Fallout - Think about mods which you can create until CK comes out - Play the Fallout Quiz on the Internet - Prepare for the release, plan a big party and celebrate it when its out - Sleep as long as you can - Search on the Internet for Fallout gimmicks or something else - Remember the funniest or best moments of Fallout - DON'T look at your clock, cause time...time never changes...maybe slow... - Believe that Fallout 4 is essential, a part of your life. It can't be a bad game, It CAN'T! - Search everything about Fallout 4 on the Internet - You know all trailers and material about Fallout 4? Well, watch them again and again - Praise Todd Howard, our Hero Maybe I can help someone of you with these opportunities, I know we are all lost souls until release...
  22. If your mod is important enough, maybe the voice actors will record their parts of your mod^^ and maybe for money :)
  23. Did you guys saw the menu button for body? Maybe we can now set heights, muscles and other cool stuff like tattoos, bigger boobs and asses^^
  24. I've seen some footage of swords, cant remember of the name from fallout 3. it was the same as you build there, only longer, deadlier. anyway, knives and swords will be in, they was added in fallout 3 and stealth will care a lot more in fallout 4. maybe you can craft some kind of bows or crossbows in the game, I would celebrate it^^
  25. Maybe it will be like in Skyrim, the script was there but deactivated. Evereything you had to do was editing the skyrim.ini and add this: bDisableGearedUp = 0" With this line you are able to see all equipped weapons (only one of the same type of course). No mods needed. Well, maybe there is such a function too in fallout 4. otherwise wait untill CK comes out, someone will create holsters with animations. the game looks allready perfect for me, like a overmodded fallout 3 with 20 dlcs. I know, this will be my favourite game <3
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