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Everything posted by SynysterShadows1213

  1. After seeing all this stuff for Skyrim I've been drawing this random elf guy, I'll post it up later but yea been trying to get back into practice been awhile since I drew something, but awesome wallpaper jedimembrain :thumbsup:
  2. well... we already know we can equip stuff where'ever... at least I am pretty sure they have already said that. So equiping a sword in my left hand and using a shield(spell) in the right is definately an option, and I may do just that... but it is odd... I am a right handed person, and my character can only be viewed and played in a way I fully understand if the character is also right handed. -At least until I get used to it. (example,... if I use right button primarily, keeping my character right handed and not changing controls,. I can only press the button 5 times before it 'starts' to get difficult. While the left button can be pressed all day long- and I can't use the right button primarily thru an entire game session, my finger just won't last that long) The main point of this thread tho was to ask who else thought this would be wierd and odd to control, if even for a little bit. Well seeing as my middle finger is weaker than my index yea I believe I would have a problem....I guess I better get back to playing the piano and strengthening them for the next 2 months lol Yea i'd have a problem, it's not getting use to the controls it's just that since the index finger is used the most for a keyboard mouse game, it's hard to start playing and using your other finger. LOL you could always flip your mouse upside down and then you just have to remember that down is up and left is right XD
  3. Why is it that everytime i drink something, there has to be a post like this, just to make me a fountain of laugh after seeing it. Thanks XD Hmm i think i found a real life khajiit O,o A candidate for an in-game preset? He has no ears :/
  4. The day before......I will probably be out taking care of some business for the Dark Brotherhood....that and probably writing a paper that's due aaaaaaaand dying because there would only be 24hrs left until its release and it will feel like an eternity. Now the day it releases........that weekend will be an unproductive one ;)
  5. Being able to fly around would be awesome but drinking blood...you know the diseases people carry now???? lol I always liked the idea of Werewolf, I love wolves anyways they are my favorite animal.....other than a turtle....Can we turn into a turtle? :thumbsup: The sunlight penalty doesn't bother me, I like darkness but a werewolf, claws, and going around town and just going RAWR!!!! Vampire is more like a HISSSSSSS...I dunno how to spell that sound they would make but anyways....I would like a cape. But yea werewolf!
  6. I would imagine that you can change the settings to your liking (PC). Bethesda wanted Skyrim to be more realistic, but I think they will have an option to change that b/c let's face it, most of use the RMB for blocking and sorts and LMB for attacks. You could always use a controller as well I suppose, but I usually use the keyboard and mouse depending on the game, Elder Scrolls is to me a keyboard mouse if you're playing it for PC. Either that or maybe we can choose which hand to equip weapons and shields. If you can choose to use dual blades that means attacking with both mouse buttons so that could be a solution. So really it's just the darn shield, but either you can change the controls or choose which hand to equip what.
  7. Gooooooooooood just making sure :) 2 months seems like an eternity, but I've waited longer...*deep breath* I can do this!
  8. Well, I guess they either push back the release or just come out with a patch/update to fix some of this......I think that it will all play out, but i've sen what happens when people have their hopes very high.......if something is not to their liking or if they expected something else...well need I say more?.
  9. Question, I heard that Skyrim MAY be pushed back to Feb 2012. So far it is set to be released 11/11/11, but was this rumor true at all?
  10. With any game if there's an option of an Elf i'm taking it :) I will probably start as Wood Elf or Nord, Wood Elf probably....Though I am sort of drawn to play the nord character, I guess we'll have to wait and see. With Elder Scrolls I never want to play it ALL again so the character I decide to play as, i'm stuck with. When I played Oblivion I never did the main quest and I played as Wood Elf. Then a week ago I decided to play it again and made my character a Wood Elf........so I like elves :) However it seems that Skyrim will be a big step up from Oblivion, let's hope that's the case with all aspects of our newly long awaited sequel :D
  11. I accidentally used one of the lightning spells. I was at the mage guild place and I used the lighting spell that blows up everything and that makes things fly everywhere......I killed everyone in that building from one room.......I couldn't join after that.
  12. I sided with Yes Man, but I guess it's not really different from Mr. House b/c Yes Man says he's going to upgrade to become more assertive...so basically he's not going to listen to you and he's going to be running things his own way. The NCR and the Legion, they were the same imo. They both would kill and go to the extreme to get what they wanted but it was just that one side was more brutal than the other...They both provided something however to people like the Legion keeping the roads clear and the NCR....I can't really think of any good they do. They couldn't provide security and they would have ruled with an iron fist while the Legion would just rule with a bloody one. If only the Legion would get together with Mr. House...maybe they could have come up with something, something good.
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