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Everything posted by SynysterShadows1213

  1. That's what your doctor said :wink: Literally cause I saw your last thread lol
  2. I feel like I should be on meds, though I think it was worse when I was waiting for Fable 3 to come out on PC. Oh the horror :facepalm: I thought my friends were going to send me to a mental institution.....I was obsessed. And I knew Skyrim was coming out and you know what? A month or so ago it was fine, just another game I was planning on getting but now, I'm here talking about it 24/7, counting down days, hours, minutes, drawing about it, ANNNNNND reading every article/watching every video about it :wallbash: So close yet so far, I remember when it was first announced.....*sigh* now we just need to get through October. Monday is the beginning of the true battle of the wait of Skyrim. DUN DUN DUN
  3. Awww kind of disappointed, but oh well. 43 more days :thumbsup:
  4. I want a sandwich :( that would be hilarious though, I hope they don't have to build up cooking skill....wouldn't want to eat for the first few weeks :biggrin:
  5. I hate it that now every time something is said about a Vampire/Werewolf people instantly think of Twilight. Twilight did bad with the Vampires/Werewolves but I am not going to let that soil their reputation! I still remember and know Vampires as Dracula and Werewolves as the hungry no self control monstrous creatures who turn during a full moon. I love Vampires and Werewolves and that will never change. No matter how much people romantically express them in movies/shows/books. But I did think that Vampires were so high maintenance in Oblivion. Feed here feed there only do this can't do that. I hope we have a little more freedom in Skyrim and I never played Morrowind so I can't say how the werewolf thing worked. It hasn't even been confirmed or said if we can turn into a werewolf! I do hope we can or else all this would have been a waste of time and utter disappointment :( the talking about it part.
  6. Definitely would want all types of characters hunted...good, evil, blonde hair, green eyes, elf, cat.....yea :thumbsup:
  7. I've been converting the time from days to weeks to months/weeks/days....whatever makes it seem shorter. Now I've even put a timer on my desktop. Everything was fine, Skyrim was just another game coming out that I would buy, but now.....after being on the forums, articles, and my friends talking about it...I am counting every tenth of a second that passes by :wink:
  8. This seems more like a story than a quest, but quest=story lol but here it is. You’re riding your horse on a mountain pass, it's cold and the snow is dancing around you. The snowflakes fall down like feathers, but they intrude your line of sight. It’s cold and your clothes become damp and your horse begins to slow. It’s quiet out and the moon shines bright in the black deathly night, suddenly your horse rears and knocks you back and you fall to the ground! Your horse takes off in the other direction and you quickly pick yourself up, but not in time to retrieve your cowardly steed. A figure appears in the distance, it looks like a man, but the snow as softly as it falls will not let you make out the person or thing. It turns to you and all you see are these glowing red eyes and the figure begins to move away. You try to catch up to the hooded figure but suddenly you get caught up in a storm of arrows! You unequip your weapon(s) and heading straight toward you are skeletons aiming their arrows far too close for comfort. *short yet heated battle* The last skeleton disperses into dust and you head in the direction where you last saw the figure. You didn’t have to travel far before you reached the hooded figure and you spoke demanding to know who or what the thing was. The figure turned to you and a cold burst of wind blew against the figure uncovering its face. It was a man….a Dark Elf, his eyes glowing red, but there seemed to be no anger in his eyes. You demand his name and he smiles. You lift your sword threatening him and he begins to laugh. You become frustrated (so easily?) and charge towards the elf. He lifts his arms and clenched his fists and *yells some strange language* and you fly back viciously hitting against the side of the mountain. You are dumbfounded and confused, this was no ordinary man…he could speak the language of the dragons but how?! Was he dragon-born??? Suddenly a dragon appears from below and the snow dissipates with each flap of the dragon’s powerful colossal wings. The man laughs hysterically and speaks to the dragon, but you cannot make out his words. You perform a dragon shout and the man suddenly vanishes, but he dropped something. The dragon which you almost forgot about has not disappeared and you block it as it lunges for your throat. Personally I think it would be cool to find another Dragon-born person. I figure since you can be any character (and your character is ultimately dragon born) there's really a chance any one from any race can be one...anyways. A lot of detail, more like a story than a quest idea, but hey! You have to go and find out who this person is and learn if he's dragon-born like you or something else. Maybe he is a dragon? :O
  9. I have a countdown gadget for Windows 7 on the top right corner of my screen counting down until Skyrim is here XD It even has a Skyrim theme :biggrin: I have one too, but I can't for the life of me work out how to change the background. At the moment, it's just blue, which was the most Skyrim-ish colour I could find I got the gadget here, you can change which game you want to track, Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, etc. It automatically comes set up, you can change it but I just kept mine the same (just changed the text color). http://gallery.live.com/liveItemDetail.aspx?li=44cfa3a3-72c1-4568-9489-69ec5368b708&bt=1&pl=1
  10. Social life? Pfshhhh what's that? :tongue:
  11. Being a werewolf prevents you from wearing any form of chest armour though:) :O I completely forgot about that! Unless you had something like this: :biggrin: http://i645.photobucket.com/albums/uu174/knightwolf20x/werewolf665nl_1_.jpg
  12. I have a countdown gadget for Windows 7 on the top right corner of my screen counting down until Skyrim is here XD It even has a Skyrim theme :biggrin:
  13. Now I wish I could have embedded a clock on here, but I'm afraid I couldn't get it to work (probably b/c you're not allowed to embed something like that). So here is an official unofficial countdown until the release of Skyrim!!! :thumbsup: http://countdown.free-and-online.com/?timer=ogpsfl3112 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/Grandwood/Skyrim/Skyrim_Logo.jpg
  14. In Bethesda games companions seem to die very quickly and because of their stupidity which is why I hope in Skyrim you can heal your companions, have NO friendly fire, and I hope companions are a bit smarter. I think there is a good and bad side to your companions being killable....for one thing they would never die which means that you don't have to worry about them as much when fighting a group of enemies, buuuuuut then again if your companions never died you would never worry about them and it kind of takes away a connection. I think that if Bethesda wants to make companions killable they could at least give them more damage resistance and health.
  15. You know that's what I hated about Oblivion, your companions (well not really companions) died and very quickly I may add (FO3 as well). I hope in Skyrim you can heal your companions, have NO friendly fire, and I hope they just get knocked unconscious. Like what was done in NV or with your horse Shadowmere. The horse never died and your companions were just unconscious. Well, then again if your companions never died you would never worry about them and it kind of takes away a connection, but if Bethesda wants to make companions killable they could at least give them more damage resistance and health.
  16. Skyrim seems to have a heck of a lot new aspects. Family huh? Going on quests with you and such? That's pretty cool :) it's pretty boring to marry someone and just have them sit in the house all day. I would probably never be home anyways lol But as long as we don't have to have the responsibility of spending XXX amount of time w/your significant other and if not they leave you. I mean I understand if you go off for weeks, but anyways. I wonder however if I will end up getting married at all in the game. Probably just to see how it works but i'll be busy killing things and wandering Skyrim that I won't want to stay in one place or come back every so often. But children...hmmm if Bethesda does have it where you can have children I hope they're not born the night after you ummm share some love. It would be cool to have like a week or so of your wife being pregnant or something and if your character is female then you should have a boundary on how far you can travel from you home for xxx amount of time. That's if they even have kids but I'm just throwing my ideas on the matter out there. Also if you can have children they should grow up a bit, but then days/weeks or w/e would have to act as years. They did it in Fable but honestly they could have expanded on that aspect better. Actually after writing all that now I really want to get married (in game ahem).
  17. The Dark Brotherhood is basically a 'hand for hire.' You don't want to kill someone yourself? Pay someone else to do it :) I always have a good character, but then I go ahead and join the DB. I just love them, usually however most people you go off and kill aren't innocent (I said most not all). But I guess you really don't know in that sense seeing as the DB just say, 'here's the person go kill them'...you don't start asking 'well why do I kill him?' Just do it. But yea they are a neutral faction b/c you can't honestly say they are evil or good. Guess it's 50/50. ANYWAYS!!!! It would be cool if people sent them after you and it could be whether you have an evil character or not. I mean if you're a good character...you don't get a lot of people who love you without some enemies on the way and if you're evil....well that's self explanatory. Of course like someone said if you're part of the DB then you can't be hunted. But what if you're hunted by the DB and want to join the DB? But whether you're good or evil you should be hunted by whoever is willing to hunt you down, thieves, DB, common folk (who think they have a chance), guards when they're off duty, something like that. Which actually if you're an evil character it would be cool to not only go into a town and have some people cower from fear of you, but also have maybe some people gang up on you and try to kill you (as futile as it is for them). Or children can throw eggs at you lol
  18. Well seeing that the only time you really get to talk is when you use Shouts... the answer is no. Your characters never talk in the Elder Scrolls. If you go watch the character creator video, you'll see there is an option that says "Laugh Voice". Sounds a lot like choosing your voice to me. :P Which one, and when? I'm interested now. There is an option in the character creation video that has "Laugh Lines" but not "Laugh Voice." But it's in the character creation vid from the Tokyo Game Show where the person is customizing a Khajiit
  19. Well honestly if I had the time I would like to do at least 5 characters, but then there's the problem of spending more time with one, more than the other and also doing all the quests over again. But I think I can manage, if I can play Dragon Age 1 and 2 at least 5 times, Dead Space2 4x, Fable 3 3x, and so on.....but of course there is that little Skyrim has 300+hrs.....my goodness. However I will just think about 2 characters for now and take my time....now November needs to hurry. Quickly, now, can someone build a time machine? Please?
  20. Knowing your luck you will have to beat the MQ in order to get some special shout XD but yea really looking forward to it. I will probably do enough of the MQ to get shouts and such like you, but I will make sure to do plenty of sidequests and not one MQ after another.
  21. You know now that everyone is mentioning veteran's day.........hmmmmm I wonder if my college has that day off.....I better go check. *goes and check* :woot: HA!!!!!!!!! I do have that day off!!!!!! Forget chemistry! YEA BABY FRIDAAAAAAAAAY NO SCHOOOOLLLL!!!!! I feel like singing 0:34 and so on [View:
  22. I am marking the days on my calendar....everyday a day gets crossed off. As of now, 46 days or 6weeks 4 days....or 1 month 2 weeks and 2 days :dance:
  23. I think it's b/c once you finish the main quest there's nothing holding you to the game except side quests. That's why it ruins it or at least imo. I'm going to take my time, have fun and probably do mostly all the side quests before I even finish the main one. It'll be boring just to do the MQ right away. It's more fun when you mix both MQ and SQ together.
  24. Well, I will go to my Chemistry class/Lab probably mix some combustive chemicals by accident b/c I was thinking about Skyrim and then that day if I'm not burned, blind, or dead, go to my PC and insert that disc and sit there in awe of the menu. Finally after awhile I'll click install and jizz in my pants. Oh and then play it.
  25. Even if I had the money I wouldn't, I need that money for other things :/ When you think about it for the price of collectors edition you could buy 3 games. What you get in the CE doesn't add up to $150, it's just a way to make you spend more. If you think about it you don't need a guide and if you do it'll be on the elderscrollswiki, an artbook is fun to look at, but how many times are you going to sit there and look at it? You're going to be busy playing the game. The statue...okay is pretty cool and then the making of the game on DVD, ehhh it'll be on youtube or something eventually (sometimes they are). I'm not saying it's not worth it, but to me personally it's not. However for those getting the CE I hope you enjoy it to it's fullest :thumbsup:
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