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About PyroToaster

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  1. Hey guys, Im updating my follower currently and I thought it'd be neat to make an escort package. The feature would work like this: Id have an x marker be placed where ever the player puts his custom marker on the world map. The x marker would be referenced by the escort package that would then activate and the follower would travel to that x marker that was placed, kinda giving a intersting follower traveling play-style. Problem is I can't find any documentaion on referencing the players custom marker at all or how it works, was wondering how I can go about utilizing the players custom map markers because I cant find anything in the creation kit for it.
  2. Hey guys, Im updating my follower currently and I thought it'd be neat to make an escort package. The feature would work like this: Id have an x marker be placed where ever the player puts his custom marker on the world map. The x marker would be referenced by the escort package that would then activate and the follower would travel to that x marker that was placed, kinda giving a intersting follower traveling play-style. Problem is I can't find any documentaion on referencing the players custom marker at all or how it works, was wondering how I can go about utilizing the players custom map markers because I cant find anything in the creation kit for it.
  3. this sites pretty cool https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/?
  4. YOYOYOYOYO, SUP, so likeeeee, I need a voice actress for my follower mod, and for those wondering who the flippin heck are you an why are you asking for actresses, are you anthony weiner? No im not Im some dood that likes fire, skeletons, and mohawks!!!!! this is the stuff Ive made 2 Custom voiced followers Xanthys: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78797/? Genesis https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77840/? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who cares whats the ******Role? -So the role is a sword, not just any freakin sword, and enchanted sword, this is a sword you can decide to wield in your hand or to drop on the floor, (this is the cool part) It turns into a sentient floating sword and will attack your enemies with a mystical voice, preferably your voice! She is stern yet mystical Sincere yet militant Tactical yettt Kind She will refer to the Player as her champion and let it be known that is her sworn duty to serve an protect the PLAYER! What oh wow thats cool what does SHE look like Nexus's very own very sexy billyro has forged her, her name is Lemina Mortis she is your Your sword and your follower, she has a self serving duty to aid her wielder at all costs after finally being found all these years. Alright, low key this sounds fab as f*** what do you need from me, how do I audition, what are the requirements, what are you looking for in a voice etc? AMOUNT OF VOICE LINES ARE BETWEEN 20-30 - If your interested send me a pm with the subject line "Lemina Mortis Tryout" and Ill send you 5 lines for you to voice, you'll have to clean it up and if you able to Id like to see you add a mystical effect to it, for a reference I recommend taking a look at the voice lines for the mara statue in the mod "Alternate Start". - Unfortunately I would usually edit the voice lines but I have another follower I'm gearing towards a Halloween release as well as Xanthys big spooky update, a full time job with long hours, 3 mods goin on at once, trying to make it for the Halloween, I still have to voice his lines as well, so your gonna have to edit your audio, if you can edit your audio but not apply the mystical effects thats fine, you'll just have to make your voice lines all in one track so I can do it, but honestly I would freakin love for you to handle that on your own but its coo!!!! - Must be able to pull off a consistent tone and be able to sound mystical for a reference i recommend looking at the voice actress for the Mara statue in alternate start, thats the feel I wish to convey with this mod! - MUST FINISH ALL VOICE WORK BEFORE HALLOWEEN I WANT THIS TO BE A HALLOWEEN MOD (The voice lines are very sparse I'm thinking 30 voice lines or more including combat dialogue so you will wind up screaming mildly)
  5. YOYOYOYOYO, SUP, so likeeeee, I need a voice actress for my follower mod, and for those wondering who the flippin heck are you an why are you asking for actresses, are you anthony weiner? No im not Im some dood that likes fire, skeletons, and mohawks!!!!! this is the stuff Ive made 2 Custom voiced followers Xanthys: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78797/? Genesis https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77840/? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who cares whats the ******Role? -So the role is a sword, not just any freakin sword, and enchanted sword, this is a sword you can decide to wield in your hand or to drop on the floor, (this is the cool part) It turns into a sentient floating sword and will attack your enemies with a mystical voice, preferably your voice! She is stern yet mystical Sincere yet militant Tactical yettt Kind She will refer to the Player as her champion and let it be known that is her sworn duty to serve an protect the PLAYER! What oh wow thats cool what does SHE look like Nexus's very own very sexy billyro has forged her, her name is Lemina Mortis she is your Your sword and your follower, she has a self serving duty to aid her wielder at all costs after finally being found all these years. Alright, low key this sounds fab as f*** what do you need from me, how do I audition, what are the requirements, what are you looking for in a voice etc? AMOUNT OF VOICE LINES ARE BETWEEN 20-30 - If your interested send me a pm with the subject line "Lemina Mortis Tryout" and Ill send you 5 lines for you to voice, you'll have to clean it up and if you able to Id like to see you add a mystical effect to it, for a reference I recommend taking a look at the voice lines for the mara statue in the mod "Alternate Start". - Unfortunately I would usually edit the voice lines but I have another follower I'm gearing towards a Halloween release as well as Xanthys big spooky update, a full time job with long hours, 3 mods goin on at once, trying to make it for the Halloween, I still have to voice his lines as well, so your gonna have to edit your audio, if you can edit your audio but not apply the mystical effects thats fine, you'll just have to make your voice lines all in one track so I can do it, but honestly I would freakin love for you to handle that on your own but its coo!!!! - Must be able to pull off a consistent tone and be able to sound mystical for a reference i recommend looking at the voice actress for the Mara statue in alternate start, thats the feel I wish to convey with this mod! - MUST FINISH ALL VOICE WORK BEFORE HALLOWEEN I WANT THIS TO BE A HALLOWEEN MOD (The voice lines are very sparse I'm thinking 30 voice lines or more including combat dialogue so you will wind up screaming mildly) ALRIGHT I THINK THAT COVERES IT, ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT IT PM ME SO WE DONT CLOG THE FORUM AND THANK YOU!!!!!
  6. YO DOOODS SUP ITS BEEN A WHILE! SO LISTEN IVE BEEN BUSY AS BALLS WITH ART AN WORKIN ON A FEW COMICS AS WELL AS REAL LIFE s*** BUT I KINDA MISS XANTHYS SO FRIDAY IM PICKING OUT FROM A LIST OF UPDATES TO WORK ON, I LIKE ALL OF EM BUT CANT DECIDE SO ILL LET YOU, ILL ALSO BE REPLYING TO ALL THE COMMENTS IVE BEEN NEGLECTING SINCE IVE BEEN SWAMPED WITH WORK AN IRL STUFF SO HERES THE UPDATE LIST, JUST REPLY TO THIS COMMENT WITH A NUMBER FROM THE LIST AN ILL TALLY UP EVERYTHING 1. Voice Line Update: Voice Lines can be a s*** ton ogf combat an idle dialogue as well as giving hints about his life 2. Spells Update: Spells update can be just a s*** ton of random spells he can use and cast on the player 3. AI Update Comprising of him performing various actions: AI Update could be when you enter a dragon claw door room he goes up to inspect it in his human form an starts banging on it with a hammer while sayin s*** an make some doors enabled to have him destroy them expand on his drunk function maybe even have him lead the way in a vanilla dungeon an have him do cool an crazy s*** in it 4. Follower interactions: Follower Interactions could be just like what we did with jarek an add genesis to the mix 5. Armor Update: Armor Update could just be more armor for xanthys to use Bug fixes will be part of the update as well as tweaks
  7. Guys, after 10 months of hardwork, Ive finally finished it! Xanthys- The Skeletal Pyromancer
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