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Community Answers

  1. This is a general forum, so you should include the game's name in your title or your post, or tag your post with the game.
  2. This one can keep Susanna from getting killed. Read the description carefully. It will not save her unless you start a new game.
  3. Crash Logger SSE ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818 ) Crash Logger Reader ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/75430 ) Unofficial Skyrim Creation Club Content Patches ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18975 ) - to help prevent/resolve problems in the 'bonus' CC stuff you purchased. Get the crash logger and see what it has to say when you crash. The reader may help you spot problems faster, but use the full crash log when you need to post it for others. You might get faster results from the Skyrim SE forum ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/8877-skyrim-se/ ).
  4. That wardrobe is just behind you and off to your right as you are in front of (and looking at) the cabinet where you find the amulet. Very similar wardrobe to the one in the Sleeping Giant.
  5. I am not sure that you can reset the quest, since it has a special trigger. The console commands 'getstage' and 'setstage', followed by the quest ID, might be the most applicable. There are console command lists that you can find on the internet, I simply copied and pasted the info into a .txt file, and spent a few minutes cleaning it up.
  6. A couple of questions: I don't know that any of the above will fix your attempt at the quest. I have used Blood on the Ice Redux ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6126 ) for so long, I don't really remember much about the vanilla quest, but I know that there are/were a lot of problems in the timing of the quest stages. Maybe you could try the disable/enable console commands on Viola to see if you can get anywhere. If that doesn't work, maybe the recycleactor command on her. Save the game before you try any of this, just in case it makes things worse. This is from the uesp wiki - "Track her down (with a "Beware the Butcher!" flyer from Hjerim in your inventory) and question her." You could also use console commands to see which stage of the quest you are currently in.
  7. Did you search your computer for an extra skyrimprefs.ini? Once you do, you should make sure that it isn't set to 'read-only'.
  8. Well, loose files will always overwrite any matching files found in mod archives, so maybe the Vanilla Scripting Enhancements was overwriting other, needed versions of the scripts? Ones that would have loaded if the conflict resolution was correct.
  9. FWIW, try Crash Logger SSE ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818 ). It has an associated log reader/interpreter ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89860 ) that might help you figure things out, AND those most willing to help w/crash logs like the Crash Logger output log (not the analyzer log) better.
  10. @That1guy1121Are you using the .BSA or loose version of Vanilla Scripting Enhancements? I am using the BSA version - just in case it makes a difference.
  11. @NarktemberTake a look at This is Jorrvaskr ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/34276 ), maybe it is close to what you are looking for. I have not used it yet, only d/l for future use.
  12. That means that you are trying to use both the Bethesda mod manager and Vortex in the same game. This will cause a lot of problems, when you do this, Vortex cannot 'see' all of the mods, and the conflict resolution will not work. You might take a look at the Vortex extension (Import from Bethesda.net - https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/120) that allows you to manage Bethesda mods that you have installed from the game menu. This extension will preclude you from updating the mods through the in-game menu, however. You will have to manually d/l and install these mods through the 'Install From File' option, to update them, I believe.
  13. Yay! Glad that you were able to work it out, AND posted your solution! Hope that things go well from here. FYI - I use both Vanilla Script MicroOptimizations and Vanilla Scripting Enhancements (among many others) in my 1.6.1170 installation, and did NOT have the Alduin's Bane bug that you described, so maybe a conflict between one or the other with some of your other mods is really the problem. Cleaning the DLC does cause the file verification routine to trigger, and replace the files. But, it doesn't mean that something else was not altered/corrupted. If you wish the files cleaned, you will have to clean them again.
  14. @Tetrol88Using a manual LOOT run will override the results of the built-in Vortex LOOT routines, and disrupt Vortex overwrite instructions. I did this when I first changed over to Vortex, and found that I was getting a completely different LO. You should use the group assignments routine listed by @vortexposer.
  15. If you haven't already read that particular book elsewhere, this is probably some kind of mod conflict, where the placed book has been altered somehow. You could try the More Informative Console mod to see if anything has affected it. Personally, I use Alternate Skill Books ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25887 ), which has the effect of speeding up how fast your experience increases in that particular skill, making skill books much more useful, IMO.
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