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Community Answers

  1. Your version of Vortex is too old to auto-update, I believe. Norton is giving you false alerts. You haven't yet whitelisted the Vortex mod page on Nexus ( https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/1 )? If not, maybe you should try to.
  2. @vibeWmeWhen in that folder, you need to go to the 'View' command in the ribbon and check that 'file name extensions' has been checked. Both the Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini in that folder are not displaying their extensions. I am on W10 Pro, W11 might look slightly different, but the option should be there. You will see the files that you need to see, with their complete names.
  3. Have you tried starting a new character/game? Before you do, consider the following: If you use a mod manager, it should be easy to identify the standard .esp mods, and cull a few. If you know how to use SSEEdit, you could also use its script functions on loaded mods to check for 'Find esp plugins that could be turned into esl'. Once you have loaded your entire LO into SSEEdit, simply right-click on any of the mods in the left pane, and select 'Apply Script', and pick out that script (there is a Filter box in that dialog that you could use to speed up the selection by using 'turned into' in the text box). Once you do this, SSEEdit will do its thing, and you can pick and choose which mod(s) you can either flag as esl, or modify to be flagged as esl. Follow the directions given in the right panel carefully. (Pro tip: You can compress more than one mod per SSEEdit run by carefully proceeding from the highest numbered mods at the bottom of the display upwards). Any changes will be made when you exit SSEEdit, just make sure that 'save changes' is checked off on the exit window that shows you which mods you have changed. If you make a mistake, simply exit SSEEdit, and uncheck the 'save changes', and start all over. You should probably start with mods that only need to be flagged as esl first, that might take you below the 254 limit. 255 is reserved for all of the esl/flagged esl (light) mods (they all begin w/FE). You must start a new game/player character to take advantage of the changes. Previous character games will be broken.
  4. As you enter that area that is protected by a boss at the foot of the passage/ramp, look ahead and slightly to the right, Sorry for the lack of detail, I have only done it once, I missed it the first time I tried (tunnel vision during the last encounter), and I don't have any screenshots.
  5. @vibeWmeAnd it is just the Skyrim.ini that needs to be checked here - none of the others.
  6. @vibeWmeThe skyrim.ini that Picky is referring to is in the folder that holds the Saves folder, so is where you should be looking. My [General] section looks like this, only look at the SLocalSavePath value in yours: [General] sLanguage=ENGLISH sTestFile1=Dawnguard.esm sTestFile2=HearthFires.esm sTestFile3=Dragonborn.esm uExterior Cell Buffer=36 iNumHWThreads=14 SLocalSavePath=Saves\ ***** this is the one you need to check.
  7. @pipelighter1The note in the requirements stated that the original Crash Logger was only entered to give credit to the original authors. It was not needed. If you d/l and installed it, remove it completely. Also, if you did not d/l and install SKSE64, the Address Library will not work. I don't know why the CL SSE page does not also list that as a requirement. Once you get SKSE (for your game version - 1.6.1170 is the latest on Steam) and the Address Library installed and working, install the Crash Logger Hietanen linked for you above. It should work then. Trainwreck just isn't detailed enough to help in many cases, at least for Hietanen to help.
  8. Just in case you find that you need them - Achievement Mods Enabler ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/245 ), and its .dll helper (if you don't have SKSE64 installed - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3619 ).
  9. Here's a long shot - go back to the 'Saves' folder in the 'Open Game Settings' as described above, then open that folder, right-click on any empty space in the window, choose the 'Refresh' option in the context menu, then try to play the game/access your saves in Skyrim. Probably won't help, but it shouldn't hurt anything, either. @vibeWmeOn second thought, have you d/l and installed anything to allow achievements for modded saves? That might be the problem if you haven't, the game itself may be hiding the modded saves. I sure seem to remember that being a possibility in the past.
  10. @pipelighter1 Trainwreck is not Crash Logger SSE - Hietanen gave you a link to Crash Logger, click on it, read the front page for installation instructions, d/l and install it. It runs automatically when it detects a crash. Good luck!
  11. This happens for sure when you are using two mod managers, like Vortex and Beth's built-in. You can use only one. I prefer Vortex, since it handles all of the mods. I think that there is/was an extension to allow Vortex to handle CC mods, like ones that are separately d/l and installed from Bethesda.
  12. Did you search this forum for 'go/going bald' or 'frost from face'? IIRC it had something to do w/too many .esp files in your LO, or something important being overridden.
  13. Someone didn't look at the sticky post... You need to state which game(s) you wish to be modded, in the post, the post title, or tag the post (any one). Good luck!
  14. And it happens when the MA changes the file without changing the version number.
  15. I haven't used collections, I get myself into enough trouble building a few at a time (over 2000 now). I just know that I still have a few older mods w/an update notification in orange, but not the orange box highlight. That means that the mod has changed greatly, at least in name/version, or even total content.
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