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Everything posted by VulcanTourist

  1. Use of any mod at all will normally disable achievements; this is a feature of the game itself. In order to restore that, you need trickery enabled by an SKSE64 plugin DLL mod. A traditional mod cannot reverse the disablement. The DLL has access to the game in memory and can alter what is required to trick the game into believing there are no active mods when actually there are (or something like that). Achievements Mod Enabler is the massively endorsed one that I used before I discovered that SSE Engine Fixes included this feature. You MUST have something like this to trick the game into thinking you have no mods. It of course has nothing at all to do with which mod manager you might use (or none at all). Am I misunderstanding the problem?
  2. One of the many things that SSE Engine Fixes "fixes" is the ability to acquire achievements when modding the game. There is one or a few others that correct it, but SSE Engine Fixes is generally considered a must-have anyway. If I had to guess, the existing one that might have fixed it might have been the "Hotfixes" one, but I don't know what that is and the others by name seem very unlikely. Once you find it, I would replace it with SSE Engine Fixes (correctly installed according to the instructions). Third item down within [Patches]:
  3. Yes, the recipes would be difficult to script if not impossible. An actual AI with some fuzzy logic would be required to simulate how you decide what materials are appropriate. The script would be bigger than SSEEdit itself.
  4. I haven't use an ENB in five or more years, and I never understood the INI values enough to be helpful.
  5. I'd want this process for BD's armor set myself, or whatever one I happen to think is fancy two months from now. Could an SSEEdit script automate this process? There are consistent mathematical relationships between the values you change, right? I'm probably not comprehending the complete process, but if there's a pattern to it then it can be scripted! Otherwise the work required to do it for every armor set is just cruel.
  6. You shouldn't need permission to do anything at all by yourself and just for yourself. Only an egomaniacal control freak would dare try to interfere with that. That is anathema to the hacker philosophy upon which modding is built.
  7. If the Quick Light spell mod that I have and how it's implemented is any indication, your work will be in an ESP unless you tinker with brightness globally through gamma or the ENB. That spell mod is able to increase the intensity or effective radius or both of the light spell through a record change (and bind it to a key).
  8. I am belatedly so sorry that you had to endure this exchange, and that no one else was present to intervene. Remaining civil in the face of such persistent misplaced certainty is difficult.
  9. A mod's permissions are always explicitly declared in a drop-down list near the top(?) of a mod's NexusMods page, underneath Requirements. That is true at least for NexusMods.
  10. Some RaceMenu presets were created and published by people that didn't fully understand the necessary installation filepath for them. You might very well find them languishing in the Data folder... or gods only knows where. I've found ones like this and had to manually relocate them (or duplicate them to keep my mod manager happy). Also: if a preset doesn't specify the Race required, either in the title, filename, or at least the description, WALK AWAY. RaceMenu doesn't store the Race selection in presets, even though it is required to achieve the appearance (and neither is gender). Because of this, the Race must be preselected before navigating to the Presets tab! If you don't know the necessary race, you'll have to guess, and why bother? There are so many good presets made by people who knew enough to specify the race. It's for this reason that some preset creators seem to always use Nord as a base (because it's the default) and adapt it as needed to achieve the desired appearance, even if choosing another race would be a quicker path to that appearance.
  11. If your interest is such an edge case that no one else has yet thought to cut out the "visuals" of Wet and Cold, then you might need to learn to do it yourself, either just for yourself or, if permissions allow, the greater good. If it's just wholesale removal of those elements, it might not be that difficult unless there's interdependencies via scripting or whatnot. It's possible you might be able to do it just with SSEEdit. That mod has never been an interest of mine, so I know nothing about it other than the headline.
  12. Thanks for the pointer, and an authoritative one at that. I suspected that it might involve Outfit Studio, but the few times I've fired it up it wasn't very comprehensible to me. Neither was SSEEdit the first few times, though, and I've taught myself at least some of its advanced features, so.... It will be nice to induct those last few stubborn outfits into the New Order. :-)
  13. No, that's just it: these outfits don't even appear in BodySlide at all. I am referring to those like outfits that are part of NPC mods. What I need to do is "import" them into BodySlide and create the structure so that I can THEN do what you described....
  14. I just downloaded the Ninirim collection from a certain source (not here) for the first time a few days ago. I've barely scratched the surface of even looking at all of them. I have 94 outfits in that collection, BTW....
  15. You've already listed more than I use or knew about, with the exception of the one I did mention....
  16. Is there a potential generalized way to solve this programmatically through scripting, so that it can be applied to any outfit regardless of its original type/class? I suppose, even if it were possible, the scripting required would be too burdensome to make it practical.
  17. No one has yet attempted this? I can't say that I have deliberately searched, but it's a rather obvious niche that could or should be filled. Have you also considered whether you might also have differentiated male and "risque" versions of each outfit? It could be a huge undertaking. It's sad that the game didn't have an integral means of dynamically applying armor values based on armor class, similar to how the game has body weights from 0 to 100 to which everything dynamically adapts.
  18. One more thing to consider is using BodySlide to create a custom variant body that "embodies" the morphology you want "baked right in" and thus won't require any Morphs twiddling in RaceMenu except for extreme edge cases. Even I've managed to do it (finally), and I will never again rely on a stock body mesh or even someone else's BodySlide mesh preset. It's my fantasy, step aside!
  19. I already know (and have in-game) several avenues to achieve what you're talking about, including the console, EFF, Manipulator, and MHIYH, but I was just idly musing here! Most of the time I couldn't be arsed to pursue that process for "common rabble" or even guards. :-)
  20. Is it possible to create a BodySlide group(?) for an outfit that doesn't already have one, so that it can be rebuilt to a custom body preset?
  21. With that mod, that poor giant in Blackreach is gonna have to seriously limbo under those overpasses!
  22. I'm going to download that mod just to peek at what record was changed, rather than rummage in SSEEdit for half an hour trying to find the same. The file size is "0KB", so it almost certainly does change just one record! No, you should quit before you get demoted. *ducks* (And it does indeed change just one value in one Game Settings record. Spending those few moments poking at it in SSEEdit was all it took to remind me of another Game Setting that irked me - fPickPocketMaxChance - and locate it and create my own new tiny one-value-in-one-record plugin to change that from 90 to 100.)
  23. I don't think it should be that hard. One similar SLE mod has an ESP that is only a few KB in size, so it doesn't contain very many record changes, and that's all it was, just an ESP, no BSA or loose files, and that was a mod that was adding new variant spells, not simply changing existing ones; this will be even simpler if the goal is to simply change existing ones. You could perform the port with SSEEdit, no CK required, even flagging it ESP-FE as well as making it Form 44. The first attempt often fails.
  24. Port it. I'll bet it's just a few changed spell or magic effect records and the porting would be trivial. Now's your chance to advance your skillz.
  25. I actually did wind up doing it, tempering and enchanting all three of a Midwood Isle guard's weapons and using Manipulator to give them back, but the guard didn't equip them! I had better success - or at least the appearance of it - when I gave little Sofie in Windhelm a fire, tent, and bedroll in her assigned corner sleeping spot. I positioned everything so that it looked like she was actually sleeping on the bedroll, though of course the truth was that it was still the script just determining the spot. I posted a couple screenshots some days ago. And when Vilja commented on the view from Vlindrel Hall and wished there was a place to sit, she of course said nothing when I fufilled her wish and made room for a nice bench outside the front door, though she at least did make use of it. Lack of situational awareness is a common shortcoming with NPCs and meatsacks alike....
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