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About TodaY

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  1. Open your console and use the tfc command (make sure youre in thirdperson first) this is only for screenshots since it disables you character from walking (walking keys are forcontrolling cam). You got a lot of requests ;p
  2. Yes, calling modders that isagood way to ask them a favor. Way to go.
  3. You might be interested in CLS Craftybits
  4. Whenever I start a new game or try to load a save without fook2 while fook2 is running, it asks me to assign unbound hotkeys. These hotkeys are for melee lock on target and something else I cant renember right now. Whenever I assign both hotkeys, the messagebox still pops up and asks me to assign hotkeys again. Anyone knows what the problem could be? Load order:
  5. Try boss on your LO, and use wrye bash to make a bashed parch. It might solve your problems.
  6. Because it is added as an enchantment on said items. The script needs to be running on the item itself. It should probably be safe to just add these two blocks to the orgininal script.
  7. Are you using the landscape editor ( press h in render window) or the heightmap editor (toolbar)?
  8. After rereading my post there, i realised i was quite rude and i cant edit since im on iphone. Im sorry, it wasnt my intention.
  9. There is a text file in your data directory where you can change most settings - which is very clearly stated in the readme several times. There called read me for a reason, its because they contain crucial information about the mods youre using. If the settings arent found in the ini youll have to open the cs yourself.
  10. Flip the normals (a low explanation post asks for a low explanation answer)
  11. Im always working on a mod o.o But working on one mod doesnt mean i cant work on another for me (hmmmm maybe thats why i always have 15 projects at the same time)
  12. We'll need some more information, like did you patch your game to the latest version, do you use obmm to install mods, do you use any tree mods/texture replacers, do you use obge ect
  13. I can finish modelling and rigging today, and do texturing in 2 weeks, then test and upload. It's kind of rude to like mainly ignore my work and continue asking for other modders when im spending the little free time I have on your request. (Eventhough it might be my own fault due to not havign much time) http://i806.photobucket.com/albums/yy348/0xxTodaYxx0/nearlydone.jpg
  14. This is your lucky day - I made a whole site on graphics: Oblivion Visual Overhaul I'm assuming you're new to mods and modding. In this spoiler is usefull stuff for beginners. If youre experienced, dont click the spoiler button Some mods I can't play without are OOO (Adds new items, rebalances the leveling system, lots of features, high compability) If it looks like this site is asking you to pay when you click download, it isn't, there is a very small button that says continue for free. Cobl More of a resource mod, but it's effect ingame is still very noticable. I love it. One last mod, though a bit instable, is Craftybits. Just try it, you'll love it. Hope I helped :)
  15. But I only have about 12 more hours left to work on it and in that time I wont be making it
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