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Everything posted by blippyp

  1. I just ran into this or something similar, I have a couple of possible solutions for people if they'd like to try it, but I highly recommend saving your game first just to be sure. For unrelated reasons a couple of years ago, I required a need to quickly purchase breezehome for testing purposes and the solution I wrote down for this was: setstage housepurchase 10 setobjectivecompleted houepurchase 30 1 ;select proventus prid 1a67d moveto player purchase house Since I just ran into this bug, I took a peek at this to see if it would get me past it. But I noticed something really odd. While looking at the housepurchase quest, there is now only a stage 10 and no stage 30 or any other stage. So clearly something's changed since I messed with this last (perhaps it was on le previously and se is different, whatever) point is that this quest has at least two different possible stage setups for it, I have no idea why. If you have more than one stage for this quest, I would recommend looking at whatever my notes were previously for this type of thing. If you are on SE at the very least and you only have one stage for this quest. Then this is how I finished it off. The quest was already started, so I didn't have to do anything with that, I simply had to set the stage to stage 10 (it was currently on 0). As soon as I did this, my game immediately purchased the house (maybe have been due to some script lag or something from previous attempts, I have no idea). Point being the moment I set the stage to 10, everything moved forward for me again. Take this info with a grain of salt please and use caution especially if you've never messed around with quests before on the console. Having said that, I doubt this is dangerous in any way even if you have no clue what you're doing (especially since your game is also likely already bugged out in more ways than one). Hope this helps someone out there any way.
  2. I just ran into this issue, and it was driving me nuts also, luckily my CK was working and suddenly it wasn't, and there was only so much that could of broke it. I was in the middle of working on a mod I was making, long story short - After rebooting and the other obvious attempts to solve the problem, going thru CK Fixes and it's options and trying to find some solution to this and getting no where. Edit: (I tend to ramble, I removed a ton of crap here) tldr; My directory structure was too long. I moved a largely named audacity project folder in my dialogue folder while I was working on my dialogue edits for my mod. This created a really long path. When the CK tried to load up my modlist, it was crashing because I had a really large directory structure (this is an OS limitation). I zipped up the audacity folder instead and that solved the problem for me. ie: keep your directory size/filenames smaller so you don't generate such large trees to read and crash the CK. hope that helps someone else out there, luckily I didn't spend days on this like many others I've been reading about and only lost a couple of hours of scratching my head.
  3. I just ran into this issue, and it was driving me nuts also, luckily my CK was working and suddenly it wasn't, and there was only so much that could of broke it. I was in the middle of working on a mod I was making, long story short - After rebooting and the other obvious attempts to solve the problem, going thru CK Fixes and it's options and trying to find some solution to this and getting no where. Edit: (I tend to ramble, I removed a ton of crap here) tldr; My directory structure was too long. I moved a largely named audacity project folder in my dialogue folder while I was working on my dialogue edits for my mod. This created a really long path. When the CK tried to load up my modlist, it was crashing because I had a really large directory structure (this is an OS limitation). I zipped up the audacity folder instead and that solved the problem for me. ie: keep your directory size/filenames smaller so you don't generate such large trees to read and crash the CK. hope that helps someone else out there, luckily I didn't spend days on this like many others I've been reading about and only lost a couple of hours of scratching my head.
  4. actually scratch that, although i was wrong about the scripting part (took a little playing around with that to figure that out), although it was related to her memory model like I was hoping after posting here, I did FINALLY get what I was after and even made a mod out of it. I'm a happy 'camper' now :smile:
  5. Thx, I can already do all that other stuff... I really enjoy the cuddle animation and the 'idea' of cuddling after adventuring. It's already built into campfire, it just doesn't work for Serana for some ungodly reason. The issue here is that campfire is (as it is for many/most people I would assume) to be a permanent and vital part of my load order. Therefore, clearly my 'wife' would have to sleep with me using that system. It makes no sense for a married couple to sleep in different beds (hell, I don't think Serana EVER sleeps, which is probably 99% of the problem). I've seen her lay down, but I have never seen her actually sleep like other followers, she never uses the empty bedroll. I actually just tried the "Serana Stop Sandboxing" mod, after my previous post in hopes that I missed something before and that maybe this mod would fix the situation but nope. I think it has to do with this Mental Model stuff tbh. But I have no clue. She acts likes she's going to do it (I think I had to 'push' campfire to get that far also last time I tried this), but then she just refuses to lay down and sleep, so like I said, I think she just refuses to sleep at all. I just don't know what is making this happen.
  6. I've been trying for well over a year to get Serana to cuddle as a spouse using the Campfire mod without any luck. I just came across this thread, and I'm not gonna lie, it's a little out of my scope atm. I am a programmer, but to get into all of this would still take a lot of work. You seem to really know your stuff regarding this topic, and can therefore likely easily and intelligently answer my question Could this 'MEMORY MODEL', be why Serana refuses to cuddle with the player like 90% of the other followers? And if you think it is (or have ANY idea what could be causing her to not cuddle), please let me know. This is likely an easy fix, but I can't figure it out, it's probably just a line changed in script somewhere or something. To be honest, I'm astonished that more people aren't complaining about this or that a mod hasn't been made to fix this issue yet. In all my testing, with the mods I use (I tend to use BV, Marriable Serana, Serana Dialogue Edit, Shared Serana Dialogue, Spouses Enhanced, Vampire Lord Serana, many other vamp and relationship type mods that are also related). I have tried limiting these mods, and adding more, I've tried all kinds of combinations of these mods in different load orders... Pretty sure I even did it without mods except for campfire to see if a mod was even causing the issue to begin with and that also failed, which is when I basically gave up until I saw this thread, which seems to explain a lot. I'm certain this is a simple fix. I would LOVE it if you simply made the fix, but if you have any answers for me and can at least point me in the right direction to solving this mystery, you'd make my immersive desires SO damn happy. With all the Serana mods out there, she is basically the best female wife imo, she has a ton of dialogue and literally has a lot to work with, but this one issue is driving me nuts. I just want to camp with my vamp wife and cuddle when we sleep! Is that really so much to ask! ;-P Yes I have also asked Chesko, I can't remember his response (or if he even did) just that it was basically a dead end as far as results. I'd even go with a whole new mod that works with campfire that does basically the same thing, i don't care if it's ONLY for Serana. But she just refuses to cuddle. It's been a long time since I've attempted modifying this, so i can't really explain in detail what I've done myself, but I can assure you I have gotten down to the scripting level to test this out, and I can't figure out any reason why she refuses to acknowledge the campfire code, this is probably my last hope without me becoming putting a ton of time into becoming a serious modder. All I can say is that I've checked the variables and it seems to work great, and have even 'forced' her to run the code, and it all goes fine, but then suddenly it just stops and fails to continue to go further and lay down and sleep. I have no idea why. I don't know if there's a package attached to her that makes is so she can't sleep or whatever. I just don't know enough about modding Skyrim to have the answer. All I know is that I really want this feature in my game and for the life of me I can't figure it out. Such a stupid little thing, but I've clearly gone bonkers over it already.
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