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  1. I'm seeing the same behavior as OP--the quicksearch can search partials, but the main search page seems capable of only searching full words. I can't say that's a new behavior or not, I don't think I've ever tried searching a partial in the main menu before.
  2. I feel like this would be a very useful tool, especially for older games. We have the Version field, but the problem is that it doesn't really mean anything except to the mod authors. To me it seems that having a field with a dropdown that the authors are required to have set with one of a few status indicators would be highly beneficial. At its most basic I think the goal would be to mark mods as either "in development" vs " feature complete" If you can then set it as a search attribute you would have the ability to filter down to mods that at least claim to be complete. Modders would be more easily able to find mature files, and mod authors could expect that people who are downloading "in development" mods would be more inclined to leave useful feedback. Or at least that's how I think it would end up. Possible drawbacks? Maybe that it would cause some confusion over "feature complete" mods being more buggy than expected because there would be fewer people testing them during their development. Or the reverse, where you have a mod like SkyUI under SE which, per the dev, is an unsupported alpha version. Arguably that means it would fall under "in development" in this theory of mine. That could mean very useful mods go unrecognized or that the utility of the status field degrades because incomplete mods still posses an important function for their communities. Unsure of any technical difficulties this kind of implementation would face. Maybe not applicable unless it can be set on all mods, which would be a mess for any existing games.
  3. How does that translate to periods of time that aren't 7 days though? Or are you saying it always uses endorsements over the first 7 days of its existence?
  4. Seems to be working better now, though differently. So now if I add an endorsement filter it still loses the Unofficial Patch, but the maximum on the filter bar changes from 136K to 720K. So once I push it up to that everything is fine. Same behavior on Firefox and Vivaldi. ETA Went to Skyrime SE's Gameplay category in both browsers as well, it starts with a max of 136K, after applying an endorsement filter it gets locked to 1753. Can't seem to reset it short of clearing the browser history. :psyduck:
  5. I saw this happening a few months ago, seems to be happening again, though only with one mod this time, so maybe a different problem. Basically, the maximum for the filter 136672, but the highest rated mod is Unofficial Patch at 136673, so once you apply an endorsement filter the Patch vanishes. Not a huge issue since it is, after all, the Unofficial Patch, but it seems odd that it could happen at all.
  6. So example. Let's say I sort by Trending over the entire lifetime of a game on the Nexus, I think Trending is determined off of endorsements / time. What I'm not sure about--when I sort by all time, is it going to measure endorsements for a file / the time since each file has first existed, or divided by the overall lifespan of the game?
  7. Is it possible to change the distance at which NPC dialog starts to fall off? It's realistic but annoying when trying to listen to them talk. In a similar vein, it'd be nice if subtitles would trigger from further away, and if there was a way to have more than one character's subtitles available at once. Would something like this be possible?
  8. I don't like how quickly NPCs become quiet as I move away from them, or how the subtitles don't trigger if I'm not close enough. Any mods that can fix that? Or maybe an ini file?
  9. Resurrecting this thread to note that what appears to be the same issue is happening with Body, Face, and Hair where its Endorsements capped at 5090. I was able to fix it by going to another category (armor in this case) and then going back to BFH, but as soon as I tried to filter it by Endorsements it capped at 5090 again. I use Firefox (64.0.2) so I tested it in Vivaldi which is a Chromium browser where I wasn't logged in and the same behavior recurred. So at this point it seems to be on the site end. ETA: Also happening with Bug Fixes, goes from 95K to 58K. ETA2: Similar problem is happening with the Skyrim (Oldrim) Nexus when browsing mods. Confirmed with Alchemy so far.
  10. Just curious, are there operators for the search boxes on the filter menu?
  11. Maybe I'm using it wrong, but to me the Tracking feature what you should use to keep track (lol) of the mods that you plan to use or are using. But the Center doesn't seem well equipped to handling anything more than a few dozen mods. A lack of column sorting, filtering by keyword, and no ability to edit more than one at a time, particularly for removal, makes me wonder if maybe I'm misunderstanding what it's for? I feel the ability to export a text copy of the information would be helpful there as well.
  12. Is there a mod that will cause NPCs to change clothing based on where they are? Looking in particular at a Frostfall playthrough and I'd like it so that if NPCs are outside they wear clothing appropriate to Skyrim's climates. So in the northern area if they go outside they wear fur, heavy leather, and are completely covered. But if they go inside they would do things like stop wearing heavy clothing and transition to something lighter, like they're actually sitting next to a fire.
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