Currently im working on a dungeon mod. 28 dungeons are finished and they are all ayleid extensions. Hidden vaults that are heavy guarded to protect the most precious relics in all tamriel. My point is that i want to make a mod that relives many other awesome mods that contain weapons, armors, clutter, clothing, races. I will be using the work of direstorms, divine avenger, lord frostcraig and many other great moders if the give me permission to use there work. Now to be more precise, the Blood Demon Race from divine Avenger:"This is a perfect boss in one of my high level vaults". Ive uploaded on the nexus an example how these vault extension will look like. They are dark, mostly simmetrical(most of them), huge in space and full of enemies and riddles. Currently i have a problem connected to moving activators like FXTwinkle light and clouds that are not static. they all want to appear in CS but none of them want to appear inside the dungeons. Its sad because of the atmosphere. I need every resource to make these dungeon unique but if these problems persists i have to find something else. Well for now i am finishing the current undead races(Kluun, Quatall etc). For now on thats all about it. If you have question, put it here and i will sure answer them. THNX for youre patience reading this. Stay modded.