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Everything posted by Lexx666

  1. i will try the last one out when im home. I have killed all ambient light but the visibility is 3500units in the editor. It should work because the nifmodel for the activator has a emissive color and its applied as Highlight, not modulate in nif.
  2. I might be interested, what exactly do you need for info. A walkthrough? Some advice about using the CS? Updates would be cool indeed. What will contain this mod? Items? Races? New regions? Landscapes? Edited gameplay settings? Dont be shy. Im waiting for the reply.
  3. Banning you all till you banning in youre pants. :tongue:
  4. The activators dont seem to be collision sensitive, or in size variable. I could be the editor reference. I don't get it... Ive looked in the other ayleid ruins where they are widely used and nothing seems to keep them from spawning these twinkling light. The same goes for the FXThick & Thin gas clouds(Small clouds also). It only affect animated activators. All other statics are rendering fine. Damn i need some potato salad... :/
  5. If someone could make 20 different lightningbolt textures that would be more than great. I want to use them in my new Vaults Of The Ayleid Mod to spice up some weapons. Like the fire effect on many other weapons i will attach these, but i dont have great texturing skills. So if theres anyone out there to make a decent looking lightning, that would be MEGAawesome. Please post a comment if someone is interested. Stay modded. Lexx
  6. Currently im working on a dungeon mod. 28 dungeons are finished and they are all ayleid extensions. Hidden vaults that are heavy guarded to protect the most precious relics in all tamriel. My point is that i want to make a mod that relives many other awesome mods that contain weapons, armors, clutter, clothing, races. I will be using the work of direstorms, divine avenger, lord frostcraig and many other great moders if the give me permission to use there work. Now to be more precise, the Blood Demon Race from divine Avenger:"This is a perfect boss in one of my high level vaults". Ive uploaded on the nexus an example how these vault extension will look like. They are dark, mostly simmetrical(most of them), huge in space and full of enemies and riddles. Currently i have a problem connected to moving activators like FXTwinkle light and clouds that are not static. they all want to appear in CS but none of them want to appear inside the dungeons. Its sad because of the atmosphere. I need every resource to make these dungeon unique but if these problems persists i have to find something else. Well for now i am finishing the current undead races(Kluun, Quatall etc). For now on thats all about it. If you have question, put it here and i will sure answer them. THNX for youre patience reading this. Stay modded.
  7. I really have no idea what could be the problem. I have one time created a dungeon with two levels. In the first level the all appear without problems, but in the second level they didnt appear anymore. Sounds like some other animation problem. Maybe the cell must be reloaded and tested within the CS??? I have no clue. PLEASSSE HELP.
  8. Edit in what way? To edit your esp files, CS is the best way. Of course you can edit them through bashed patch so the will be edited with all your mods together when you override something with BP. Merging files you do best with TES4Gecko. Be more precise please!
  9. Well, it seems i have a activator problem. In CS beneath activator i putted vanilla FXTwinkleLights and FXCloudThick and Thin into my dungeon. But it only appear under havok turned on when im in CS. Ingame they dont want to appear. WTH.??? Does somebody know this problem. Under "vaults of the ayleids mod" on the nexus you can see what i mean. Ive putted TWINKLE LIGHTS next to the skeleton guy by the crystal. It wont appear. Only static clouds without movement work. ?????????????????????????????
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