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Posts posted by lovender

  1. Hi, Mr.Hammonds....


    I managed to move the vertex with proportional editing.

    But did you know how to get the exact same size between the left side & right side of the body?

    I mean, when i edit the left breast, i can't get the same size for the right breast.


    So, what should i do? Thanks...

  2. Hello, guys...

    First, i'm hoping i'm writing a post in the right forum.


    So, to the point...

    I really love to use T48b helmet with night vision.

    I got the textures that make the helmet looked its lamp & infra-red ON.


    But now, i want to make every BoS knights that already dead have their lamp & infra-red OFF.


    So...any idea how to do it?


    I think i need a script that makes every NPC in-game re-equip another helmet (with lamp & infra-red OFF textures) after they're dead.

    Can somebody help? :facepalm:


    Thanks a lot...

  3. (IE went to great lengths to force me to use Firefox - so I see this as a desirable solution)



    Wow...r u a magician? It's magic...

    Problem solved with firefox.



    PS: Please fix this Dark0ne, cos i already favorited so much mods using IE.

  4. Yep! :yes:

    Quickly, give it a try... :dance:


    Just one teeny point - have you ANY idea how badly this would hit your frame rate if you managed to get it to work?

    Mmm...i just want to comment about the lag: When i grab the glowing gem & run around Cyrodiil, it's not that bad.

    So i'm just hoping if we already found the script that makes the gem follows the weapon, the lag won't cause us trouble... :thumbsup:


  5. Sahardoom in DwemerPlasmaBladesV2 main file have a lightsaber weapon that use torch mesh.

    Maybe u can try to do something with it...I ever tried to use it (the lightsaber torch) as a weapon, but since the ID in CS is still weapon, so it didn't produce light.


    I have a question:

    If we use grap button (z in my computer), we can move the ground mesh such as glowing gem whereever we want to.

    & i can still grab the glowing gem while running...

    So can we create a script that move the ground glowing gem to follow the weapon movement while attacking, running, etc?

    If so, maybe the problem solved...am i right? :ohdear:

  6. Ermmm...i tried to understand how your ideas work. :ohdear:

    But since i'm not that good with computer things, it looks i'm out of luck... :biggrin:


    But since we can set the light radius for the gem in CS (i use 512 for my gems),

    so i'm hoping your ideas still give all of us the flexibility to control the radius. :thumbsup:

    Anyway, i'm hoping these ideas will make sense, so people can work together the realize them.


    Btw, i'm trying to make the lightsaber blur like this:



    Anyone can help?


    I'll create a new post for this matter in Technical Support forums... Thanks :thumbsup:

  7. @ MarkInMKUK:


    Yea, thanks for your advise...

    I remember a nexus member ever told me about this.


    But let's find a solution.

    Kyle Katarn; a Jedi Master, @ the end of the Jedi Academy video game said:


    "If there's one thing I've learned - never say never..." :thumbsup:

  8. I want to say its possible, because I want it to be so.


    SO... :wallbash: DO... :wallbash: I...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wallbash:


    Btw, did u ever play Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy?

    I'm playing it...Bought it from Steam. & u know what?? The lightsaber glows... :thumbsup: :biggrin:

    Another special effect i love is: wall scratch... :happy:


    Take a look:



    I think we need to change blood sprinkles in Oblivion too, into somethings that connect to lightsaber...

    & a friend of mine also asks me to create lightsaber blur when we swing it.

  9. Really?? Well, that didn't happen to my lightsaber mod's gem...i tried to check it after i read this message.

    Maybe that's bcos i didn't use any script for the gem...i just put it in the box.


    I found this Rotating an object around another object with a script tutorial.

    I mean, if we can rotate an object around another object with script, can we rotate a "world space" gem (that produces light) around lightaber?? That's what i'm trying to do all this time...but i don't really familiar with scripting... :(

  10. Wait, so the gem gives off the light, and the light can be customized to be different colors? If the gem has a script for a light source, while idle(on the floor, on a table), cant we just add that jem to the mesh? For example, lovender, you pull out your green light saber, which is a weapon.


    Yes, the gem gives off the light & can be customized to be different colors, bcos it uses the ID under the Light tab in the WorldObjects tab in CS.

    Every ground mesh you choose to be the mesh for the light ID, will produce light. & it doesn't need a script! :thumbsup:

    Mmmm...i ever tried to add the gem to the mesh in NifSkope, but since the right hand weapon is recognized by Oblivion engine as weapon, it doesn't produce light, even there's a gem mesh added to the weapon.


    Cant we just have a script that equips the gem as an amulet that is weighted to the lightsaber? You know how some weapons auto equip a left hand weapon? Lets just replace it with the desired jem that has the corresponding color? If the jem kept its light source script, cant it illuminate your weapon and fake the light effect?


    My offhand-lightsaber uses an armor ID, shield mesh with lightsaber model & lightsaber weapon ID for the ground mesh...& it auto-equipped when you unsheath a right-hand weapon (using script from Shield on Back mod).

    But...since the ID i use for the offhand-lightsaber is armor/clothing (i.e: amulet, ring) ID, it didn't produce light... :( To produce light, always have to use light ID. But light ID can't be used as shield, so what's the use of offhand-lightsaber?

    So, i think the 1st idea is impossible (i hate so say that!)....



    Edit: Or we can make the jem a left handed weapon. Think about this: You know how, in blender, a weapon has to be laid out on a plane in order to fit into a characters' hand? Lets just make the light source jewel a weapon that occupies the exact same space as the blade of the light saber(or my blade). If the script for the light source is radical, we can put it in the center of the blade, or manipulate the script to occupy the correct light dimensions. This way, it doesnt take up an extra equipment slot(amulet/tail) and it should fake the light effect into making anyone think the weapon was giving off the light, instead of the light source being tied to an offhand weapon script. If Im right, it shouldnt hang off to one side like an unwanted sprite. How about that?


    About the 2nd idea, i think a lightsaber author known as heavywaters is working on with that idea...I still don't know how it works, but it's possibly possible... :sweat:

  11. @ Natterforme :


    Haha...got you! :biggrin:


    Well, actually the purple shadows casted on my char's body is truly a light source from Oblivion engine.

    But still, the light isn't coming from the blade, but from the gem in front of the char.

    I use Screenshooters Illumination 1_2 mod, set the position of the gem (light source) using getpos x/y/z console command.

    I don't use Photoshop or post-processing, since i'm not that good with photoshop. Besides, i want to see the shadows as natural as possible for any of my lightsaber screenshot.


    In my lightsaber mod, i also include the light source gems in CS; together with the light sabers.

    All i need now is the script that makes the gem to follow the saber movement; hoping that in the future it will be easier to make screenshots with lightsaber.


    If u don't mind, u can try download that mod & see what can u do to create the perfect script.

    The color of the gems has been made to match perfectly with the saber color.


    If u need help, let me know.

    I'll do what i can... :thumbsup:


    P.S: Thanks a lot for this discussion. At least, i can see a ray of hope for my favorite game (Oblivion) & weapon (lightsaber). :ohdear:



    @ fg109:

    Thanks to u too...

    It looks like you're an expert in this matter. Good luck in everything u do.

  12. Hello...


    it looks like finally i have the information i need to make my lightsabers glow.

    It's been a very long time i wanted to attach gem (light source) to my lightsaber, but so far people always say that's impossible.

    I'm sure that a light source can be attached to weapon using script, but then another person said that the game will be very laggy...

    I have 19 lightsaber colors in my mod & i want it so bad to see my char running around Cyrodiil will lightsaber in hand & it casts shadows.


    Please share any other useful information to make this dream comes true.

    I'll keep getting back to this post to find the latest or even final info that works perfectly.


    Thanks & good luck.




  13. Wow...I never thought i'd get help from the Site Owner... :happy:

    Such an honor, Dark0ne... :dance:


    Finally i could upload the file...i think there was a problem with the internet connection too.

    I was wait for an hour to upload a file... :tongue:


    Well...greetings from Indonesia. :thumbsup:

  14. There's a message:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function apc_fetch() in /home/tes/public_html/members/upload/getprogress2.php on line 3

    after i click submit.


    Fyi, i enabled Active Scripting in IE tools > Internet Options > security tab > custom level

    The size of the file is 10.7MB


    Please help ASAP. Thanks

  15. I'm hoping that someone will convert the knight armor from the Witcher 2 to Oblivion...




    For the female knight armor, i'd love to see Saskia the Dragonslayer's armor.





  16. Hey...i'm glad that finally Nexus bring the Witcher 2 game to this modding community.

    The Witcher 2 is an epic game in the age of kings.

    Looking to the knight & soldier's armor, it looks close to Joan of Arc history.


    Hopefully this modding community will give the very best mod ever for the Witcher 2... :thumbsup:

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