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Status Updates posted by _frost_

  1. Are you ok?
  2. I wish you a nice weekend too *g*.

    Your German is ok :).

  3. I'm happy, butt now ähhh I mean but now ;) I have to go *g*.cya :]
  4. just want 2 c if your b... is "saved" ;) [windows and games...]
  5. Grüße aus Düsseldorf.
  6. Thx. Deine Page hat aber mehr Stil - meine ist eher sachlich aufgebaut hehe.

    Schöne Grüße aus (dem noch immer kalten) Deutschland.

  7. Hübsches Profil amnis.
  8. Bei was anschließen? Or do you mean to be friends, James?
  9. I'm very disappointed ;)
  10. Thx slygothmog, but I would have helped even without the kudos system.

    About profile: i don't know what's the limit, but i think much more is possible ;)

    The files for the pix and animations are all on external servers(webspace).

    However. thank you and good night :).

  11. i see you've changed the pic *g* - of course i expect 4000 kudos.

    just kidding. nice videos/music. cya

  12. oh fast vergessen *g*

    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!!!

  13. Hallo Surenas,

    Ich hoffe mal Du hast Dich vom gestrigen Debatten-Stress erholt. Las es etwas ruhiger angehen(ich konnt zum Glück ja rechtzeitig eingreifen *g*). Schönen Tag&machs gut

  14. P.S. i'm sorry for the late answer - James ;).

    I don't often look till the bottom of my profile-page.

  15. hmm true highlander?

    Is there a reason for your posting? :)

    However - welcome to my ähm.. fantastic page ;).

  16. hey und mich deinen Landsmann hast Du nicht mit einer Abschiedsrede bedacht?Ich bin empört *GG* - just kidding - komm gesund zurück hehe
  17. k :). so now i go - REALLY ;). bye
  18. i don't know. but for pc are several gamepads and steering-wheels and whatever available.
  19. why don't you use a controller - gamepad?
  20. so i think i'll go now :). it was nice to talk to you. maybe in some days, i'll perhaps visit you and you can tell me about your card-experience;)
  21. k - i understand - this kind of "hardcore" ;)
  22. it means- if you buy the newest game - you can't set everything to maximum. (resolution, details...)
  23. you know that 4670 is not a card for "hardcore-gamers"?!
  24. some play with 3 screens :P
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