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Everything posted by McMuffin

  1. Paid Workshop mods dead already? I'm getting: on anything I click. That business with Chesko is just what I feared most, that good people would get burned by this experiment and a rift would be dug in the community. :/
  2. You can find them by Form ID, annoying but it works. Load your plugin and find the magic effects you want to remove, note their Form IDs. Then open the details panel and widen it until you can see "Offset" and "Length" across the top. Expand the tiny collapsed column next to "Offset". Find the offending Form IDs in the list, hit delete and "Yes" to ignore. Load your plugin again and save. If you check the Details panel again, the offending entries should be completely gone.
  3. No one here said or implied any such thing. If we were talking about an individual case you might have a point. This is about banning a whole site and stopping its funding, for the independent actions of any one user, with the sites' owner having to prove their innocence after the fact. That, to my mind, deprives them of freedom and property without due process. Punish first, investigate later. That's doin' it wrong.
  4. This bill would likely be a direct threat to the Nexus sites, as there is almost certainly unreported ripped content on here at any given time. At the very least, re-textures and re-model mods which alter copyrighted assets, while tolerated currently, are strictly speaking not legal. If someone gets mad and complains, the Nexus' traffic and funds could be cut off from the United States if I understand correctly. Shutting down sites for users' postings would be like shutting down the bus system because someone traded a ripped Finding Nemo while riding to work. Would every city then have to hire copyright police to make sure all media on the bus are lawfully purchased? It probably isn't constitutional, since it makes sites guilty until proven innocent. The thing that nags me is that I have this feeling that if big moneyed companies like Google weren't opposing it, there would hardly be a debate and congress would fast-track it right into law and worry about all that bothersome free speech stuff later.
  5. Sounds great but I have one concern. How will the Nexus client handle mods which are later pulled down by their authors? Surely it won't suck them back into the Nexus, deleting them from users' computers. I'd rather not have my game broken just because a mod author got pissed off one day.
  6. Logically, zero parties is the same as one party, since there would the government, and not the government. I think you need at least one "opposition" party to keep the "establishment" party in check at any given time. On the other hand the more parties there are, the less weight each one carries and the more they resemble one party again. The trouble we have in America is that everything is a complete package deal between our two main parties. If you're pro-gun, you have to be anti-gay. Pro-gay, then you're pro-union. Anti-union, and you're anti-immigrant. Each party has an almost totally reliable block of voters, and these wedges divide the populace so neatly in half that the balance of political will always comes from money. :wallbash:
  7. I see what the game is. This is a place for status conscious parents to send away their defective kids for embarrassing them in public.
  8. I'm guessing those are things you can't do to prisoners of war ( somebody correct me if that's wrong ), and they're supposed to make people better? That article was very nonspecific about what they're supposed to be treating. Why do I get the feeling it's good ol' fashioned "You're not right. Zap you 'til you're better!"?
  9. My house is brown. The neighbors all have white houses. I don't like white houses. I could go around and tell them all how I'm tired of seeing them, and that they should paint them another color. Would that be a good idea?
  10. How about a good ol' fashioned drought, combined with the lack of an emperor would cause widespread famine and descent into anarchy. It would actually explain all the abandoned forts and bandits everywhere. "What is the sun? Magnus is the sun, the largest hole in Oblivion, and the gateway to magic." says The Imperial Library. So maybe something causes the tear to enlarge, causing a hotter, drier Nirn. ( A wizard did it! :P ) You could make it in modular stages, starting off making the landscape and plants dry and dusty (texture replacement ). Then make the trees appear dying as the drought worsens, adding dust storms (tree and weather mod). Dust inundates the cities and they are slowly abandoned and fall into disrepair (city overhaul). Then you could lower the water levels in Cyrodiil exposing dry, sandy lake beds and add new dungeons which were previously flooded (dry shipwrecks!). Most of the people would move to better places or perish, and those left would need to protect themselves from the sun ( NPC, clothing/armor mod, maybe sun damage & hydration mod? ). I would think Khajiit and Argonians would be the best suited to this landscape, being from a hot province or having reptilian physiology. The story could center on the widening of Magnus causing not only drought, but also a jump in magical technology. So in classic save-the-world fashion, the hero has to figure out how to return Magnus to normal before everyone toasts, while users of the new technology try to stop them. Or the hero could help the techo-folks find a different solution, or just hog all the technology and watch everyone else starve. Went a little nuts with ideas there, sorry. :teehee:
  11. Is it this one? Well Used Map, Version 2 - Colour or Well Used Map, Version 2 - Antiqued The colors and folds look the same to me. edit: ninja'd. Or I guess with tin eye, robot ninja'd
  12. I did, among other things, and that basically worked in terms of its center, except if I make the convex shape very low res, it seems to fall through stuff more often than primitives. If I make it from the full mesh, it causes more slowdown in an already heavy area. This is for an update to Sunburn Ranch, an exterior-only home, so I need to keep things as light as possible. Also from the standpoint of realism, a convex shape causes it to lie against the rack on the edge formed between the end of the handle and side of the blade. Rather than resting on the handle, it appears floating at an angle. Another experiment I tried was importing and re-exporting an axe from vanilla Oblivion. While it ended up less wrong than my paddle, it still showed a sign of the same problem when the center on the exported axe wound up much closer to the blade end than on the original. Could there be a bug in the exporter? TLDR:This is 'fixed' now, by crudely copying the Center and Inertia from another NIF. It's not exactly right, but it doesn't fall through or bounce around the room either. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
  13. Maybe that we heard much of this before Oblivion, but what materialized was robotic conversations about mudcrabs.
  14. When I export this paddle, the collision behaves oddly. I've made it a weapon with basic primitives for collision, a cylinder handle and boxes for the flat part. If I export with just one shape, say the handle, its center of mass is correct. As soon as I add a box to the end like vanilla OB axes, its center of mass ends up way down at the end, much further than you would expect. I'm intending to put it on a rack, and in this state it won't stay put and wobbles right out. Even more oddly, when I add two boxes as pictured, the center of mass moves way past the end, causing it to spring forever upright. I was wondering if someone could take a look at my blend file and see if anything stands out as blatantly wrong or even try exporting it to see what you get. I redid the collision on this far too many times using different methods and I'd just like to confirm I'm not crazy or missing something obvious. edit: wow, did I kill the whole 3d forum?
  15. Does it look sort of like this? This started for me when I installed Oblivion Graphics Extender v3, and went away when I removed it.
  16. I think it's more the intolerant reactions of some on the forum being called "immature", i.e. calling folks pervs and such. I would favor the idea of category based Hot Files. What if it were to work like this? Take the categories which have had mods uploaded in the last two weeks or so. From each of those categories, pick one Hot File which has the most downloads recently, above a certain threshold to keep down noise. The most popular clothing and armor mods will still get a spotlight, but mods such as towns, lands, and quests will also get a better shot at front page publicity.
  17. "We have a strict policy against uploading stolen mods, so when we stole your mods we should have contacted you. But we totally weren't stealing your mods in the first place, so if you had just told us that we were, we swear we would have fixed it!!!" -Derp Derpington, CEO of Durrr.com Sounds like your typical sleazy corporate noncommittal non-denial. This seems to be the latest thing for gaming sites and file hosts. Wasn't there a thread just the other day? You'd think with copyright law trending toward draconian, that they'd be less brazen if they have much of anything to lose. Charging for access to Oblivion mods definitely runs afoul of Bethesda's EULA.
  18. Please, lets not casually throw around the word "terror" or "terrorist". Ultimately it's a game mod website, which people were briefly delayed from viewing. A minor and temporary inconvenience shouldn't bring us to threat level orange. :wallbash:
  19. Define the snout, jaw and eye socket more, and give it a good snarling expression. As well, I would add more definition to the muscles of the shoulder. Making the body look a bit like *this* would make it very disturbing to see chasing you. Beginning modelers tend to make things a little too rounded, so don't be afraid to "push" and exaggerate a model's lines somewhat. Pay attention to hard lines and points...you're doin' it right on the paws and back legs.
  20. Everyone, including the author, seems to have forgotten about Uncommon Controls. The quickset feature is basically just as you've described. The only downside I've found is that slot detection is fiddly with modded items which use unusual assignments (i.e. shirts that use upper+hands, armor which covers lower+feet).
  21. I could perhaps make use of some audio work for something in the near-ish future. Although not very soon as I've only just begun planning that project. I think I would mainly need voices edited and cleaned up, provided I can get voices in the first place, but that's another matter. Anyway I'm bookmarking this thread for future reference. Thanks for the offer.
  22. I'm thinking that the permission display could use colored icons or text, for easier at-a-glance review (ie green=yes, red=no). And perhaps, as some have noted that old files may not get updated soon, display a note referring users to the read-me where files have unchanged default settings.
  23. Do you mean like this? It's from the Sulhwa race, but I don't know if a plugin exists to add the hair to vanilla races. If not, it isn't difficult to make your own with the CS.
  24. The F-INevOblivion skinset for EC and HGEC has face textures with make-up layers. Grab the PSD files and open them up in GIMP.
  25. The wiki page on Resurrect has a good example script which you might adapt for this. Then you could probably use AddScriptPackage to make them follow and fight.
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