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Everything posted by draco1122

  1. ok I downloaded the FO3edit how do I load the esp in it. I have fallout3 tried putting in the data folder. Is there a guide to this program.
  2. k I didnt make any interior navmeshes only exterior ones I converted to a master it works but all the landscaping I did out side is missing and trees I deleted are back.
  3. Ok so since the update to 1.5 my plugin broke I found if I converted it to a master file it works fine all but, when I load it all the terrain doesn't update or display right. Where I redid the terrain and deleted items like trees doesn't show changed. I am loading it as the last master to load. I tried making a esp with the terrain data using tesnip but, I found the error that broke my plugin to be in the world space cells they are in the master not sure why they are not loading any help please. P.s I used tesnip to convert my esp to esm
  4. Good luck getting a real answer I also been have getting CTD since the new update on a mod I was working on worked before update is broken now.
  5. Repost from other forum. I tried removing the nav meshes data in tesnip not sure how to remove them in CK. Well I have no idea what to do my game was working fine it updated to 15.0 and now my mod causes CTD when loading in cells I have been in before on my mod. I turned my mod off it works fine what happened I have no idea. Tried using a old backup of the mod still getting CTD old backup worked fine in 14.7 but now is broken in 15.0. Tried removing nav meshes with tesnip still CTD when rentering cell. Tried redoing nav meshes still CTD when rentering cell. Tried removing some cells still CTD when rentering cell. Tried renaming and making plugin into a esm did small test and it did not CTD, but all the stuff I deleted in skyrim world space and landscape I edited are there again and screws everything up. Dont know how to proceed now on hold until I can get a answer. Please help. here is my mod http://skyrim.nexusm...le.php?id=12792 So since i was able to fix the issue when I rename / converted the esp to a esm. I tried using tesnip, I remove the tamiel worldspce from esm and left only it in the esp and made the esp master the esm. And CTD again so problem seems to me to lay in the esp tamiel world space but I need the world space to overwrite the skyrim one due to my changes to the landscape and removing of trees. Tried the esm and still fixes it if i just use it as a esm but all the trees are in everything and landscape is reset to normal screwing everything up.
  6. yea I didn't realize but it is when i go to reload into a cell i was in before.
  7. I have reposted a post I posted the other day below. I have been having a seemlier problem. Well I have no idea what to do my game was working fine it updated to 15.0 and now my mod causes random CTD when loading in cells I turn mod off it works fine what happened I have no idea, if anyone is having same error or not let em know help please. Tried using a old backup of the mod still getting CTD old backup worked fine in 14.7 but now is broken in 15.0. Dont know how to proceed now on hold until I can get a answer. Someone suggest dragon script update I will wait for it but I removed all of dragon script still didn't work.
  8. Well I have no idea what to do my game was working fine it updated to 15.0 and now my mod causes random CTD when loading in cells from the mod I turn mod off it works fine what happened I have no idea, if anyone is having same error or not let em know help please. Here's my mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12792
  9. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. But, it looks like this is a mod help finding post. Looking for Mods to use in my castle player home and town mod. Need the Statues from oblivion in the temple of the one. Mainly the dragon. Need royal looking decor for a castle. A throne that lets you use the camera to rotate. Banners and rugs (Red and gold with dragon details). Retexture Mage Tower or Custom tower. A round water sheet Like the square one in editor. Items For a good treasure room. Piles of gold and items like that static ones. Also, like to see a mod cleaning editor and LOD generator like they had for oblivion. Will credit anyone that helps. http://skyrim.nexusm...le.php?id=12792 Here is link to mod.
  10. Looking for Mods to use in my castle player home and town mod. Need the Statues from oblivion in the temple of the one. Mainly the dragon. Need royal looking decor for a castle. A throne that lets you use the camera to rotate. Banners and rugs (Red and gold with dragon details). Retexture Mage Tower or Custom tower. A round water sheet Like the square one in editor. Items For a good treasure room. Piles of gold and items like that static ones. Will credit anyone that helps. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12792 Here is link to mod.
  11. ok, I am working on a mod player home castle and town. I am almost to Needing LOD's. I tried to do them with online guild and ended up corrupting my esp. I am use my old version of esp now need help get the LOD's Done for the Objects. Here is Link to mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12792 When I go to do Lod's it comes up with a texture error. Which guild say you may get and then doesn't tell you how to fix. I tried debugg mod on it which is how I broke it. I have both the broken one and old version on link so if someone knows how to fix it Thank if you can do it for me. Will give you credit in mod.
  12. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12792 here is link to mod and other details
  13. Ok, I have working on a player castle mod everything was going well for first week and then i went to load mod after some changes and now the mod crashes to desktop on startup. So I was thinking, maybe i have some conflict with the items I deleted maybe cleaning the mod will fix it but i don't see a tesedit yet how do i clean my mod or any advice on how to fix? it loads fine in editor well i get the usual errors but ctd when i go to load in game.
  14. i set mine to do not update every day for some reason steam puts it back to always update every cpu restart. I really do not like steam....
  15. No camera zoom on kill moves (so you see the move better, I always have horrible clipping) with slower times or longer effects for players enjoyment.
  16. Ok, for any other people with this problem, Not sure what fix it. I had to reinstall due to a mod glitch. I didn't reinstall the ENB patch (which was what glitched my game when i updated it) and tyantis mod I was using updated. Now i can ride a horse. Tested for about 2 hours ok
  17. yea i am using skyrim 4gb, at first i thought it was a speed mult mod however diabling mods didn't fix still ctd on horse. It's almost like rendering can't keep up is it possible that my draw distance is to high for my system? I am using the draw distance guide on the nexus game looks great and no crashes just playing. system spec's AMD Phenom II x4 (3.4 ghz) 965 black edition Motherboard M4a79xtd evo 12gb ram 1600 dual channel geforce 460gtx with drivers up to date asus onboard audio (was having audio problem where i needed to set it to 44100) Was also have random crashes before i used skyrim 4gb but that fixed them.
  18. This has happen every time i try riding a horse i will ride for a short time and then Crash to desktop. It is the only time i crash, looking for any help you all got. Mod wise i have no horse mods.
  19. I was just writing a topic for something like this. It would be a great mod, beyond my skills tho.
  20. New animations, Like Chopping down trees, then cutting them up into firewood with respawn timers like ore. Camping where you make a fire, put a tent down, do some cooking, warm hands by the fire, chat with your companion or other hunters (Like the rumor option in oblivion), and skinning or some crafting options. Fishing rather then catching fish. House Building like settler mod in Fallout new vegas. And Of course; Sleep, Hunger, and thirst debuffs (Like reduced stamia or magicka that leads to health loss and death). Even, cold damage during blizzards.
  21. I like the mod that adds the release trailer to the intro movie but, it can get old when I am testing mods or textures. Would be nice to skip when i want and not when i want to watch it.
  22. Arena Quest Chain Like in Oblivion or Brawling pits that you bet on
  23. i don't know havn't beat just what hope for in a mod like kvnatch rebuilt
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