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About Aen9ine

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  1. I'd wait for next gen Intel or go AM5 which is supposed to have long-term support. I was pretty disappointed by Intel 14th gen. As for OP… I recommend following the Midnight Ride as a baseline for modding, it should perform better than vanilla. Also Fo4 has several fps-killer settings like Godrays and weapon debris you can lower or disable. And installing PRP (or at least the old Boston FPS Fix) is usually required for good framerate around downtown Boston. The area has always been known for performing terribly.
  2. It's probably Load Accelerator. It still works, but you should already be using High FPS Physics Fix which also unlocks framerate during loading screens. I haven't used LA for a while.
  3. Yes, I realized that in the middle of my meltdown, while rushing to look at profiles of authors I've been following. Sorry again.
  4. Oh god, but people have useful info in there! Like overriding permissions for mod use from authors that are gone from Nexus! Or links to their other works and such… Damn… I hope data is migrated into 2024 profiles then Thank you for the response. EDIT: Never mind, we can read that in their forum profiles now. I'm making a panic over nothing. Apologies.
  5. Maybe should update the site news post then, where the following now-incorrect information is provided: Friends The 'Friends' feature will be removed from the main Nexus Mods website and you will need to visit the new forums to use it. As for "only showler gets it"… feedback was requested in this thread, so it was provided. Couple people were rude about it, I don't like that either. But… "You get it, thank you"? That feels so dismissive of everyone else as "those that don't get it". I doubt most were assuming Nexus was removing features for laughs or out of laziness. Instead I see a lot of valid feedback. For what is worth I was excited by the update, and I still think the new forums are nice and sleek. But I got a *single* nexus friend some weeks ago… and I got all giggly for once. You clearly don't see value in the feature, or you wouldn't coldly dismiss its reimplementation, and that's fine. It's not our website, it's yours. We were just giving feedback though. In my opinion site news could have been much more straightforward in describing that features would be lost, permanently and out of necessity, and maybe people would've been less upset by the situation. For instance: There WILL be some quirkiness and missing features. We will be working to quickly bring them up to speed. This is still there, implying all features will be restored, and quickly too. It's setting incorrect expectations. My last bit, and hopefully I won't be a bother any further… please consider prioritizing the feature to edit "About Me" in the mods site. It's a bit awkward having a bio we cannot change anymore. Hope you all have a good day.
  6. Well it said "friends". It seemed to be for people to add whoever they considered a friend. I don't know it did any content tracking, and I'd bet for most it was a social feature, as Lena said.
  7. I don't want to show "achievements". I don't want my About Me hidden in a tab. I was hoping the new update would make Nexus a place where I'd want to participate.

    Who knows, though…?

  8. …And I thought the previous site was confusing.

  9. Rather disappointing to see the friends feature gone. If it's supposed to be "followers" now, that's… awful. As if the internet needed more narcissism and less community. My post count is gone too, and I don't love it being exclusive to forums either. It was nice to participate every now and then and see it in my Nexus profile. All considered… If this update is intended to drive people towards the site and away from Discords… I'm sincerely not feeling it yet. Lovely new look though, it's got style. E: Profile banners are nice too. Heh.
  10. This site is confusing…
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