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    Eternal Return / Age of Wushu / The Lord of the Rings Online / DotA 2

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  1. Oh wow, sorry, I've been busy and I've not been checking in here. I wasn't expecting a reply here years later. I haven't been modding so fact-check the info I give below if you can: ^ You can put a GetRandomPercent condition to a dialogue so that the game isn't guaranteed to play it 100% of the time that it can. If there are no or very few other lines in the quest, though, then it's likely that it will get played fairly often still, is my assumption. You can also add a cooldown to dialogue lines via "Hours until reset:". It doesn't have to be hours.
  2. Hi. I'd like to ask a favor from anyone as the mod author of Nightbringer. The mod's latest version is properly released on Classic, but the SSE version which was done by someone else (Still, thank you to that person for the attempt.) isn't working. I don't have SSE but I don't want the current SSE users of the mod to be left with the older SSE version. It's been too long now but it still bothers me everytime I visit the site. I had no luck in other platforms with the requests being forgotten and I don't want to keep repeating myself. :sweat: So I'm trying to request here for the first time. I'll possibly try again in the other platforms since it's been a long while. Links: Classic - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77238 SSE - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14691 Thanks in advance.
  3. This game has always been rather curious to me. :) Good luck, everyone.
  4. *Hey, thanks for the reply. And sorry that I saw this only now. I didn't get notified here for some reason. x_x Good thing I checked my e-mail. lol I guess I'll just leave it alone for now 'cause reset-stop-start is working (and I'm feeling lazy :3). I've also made some progress and recently discovered the 'sqv' console command so I can check my quests to see if aliases are filling or not. They are, apparently. I also created a separate aliases quest for the (DQ) followers 'cause I thought that getting their aliases refilled intermittently is a bad idea since I added quest markers for them when they are waiting for the player. *shrug* The problem now is that text replacement (i.e. <Alias=aliasname>) won't work. The markers are properly pointing to the followers but their names show up as '[...]' in the objectives. @_@ I already tried various combinations with the Stores Text and Uses Stored Text flags in both DQ and the Follower Aliases Quest (FAQ, lol) but I've had no success. The aliases are also properly assigned to each objective. I guess text replacement with forced alias refs is impossible? I can just type the followers' names themselves in the objectives if it is indeed impossible.
  5. I have 3 quests: 1 - Dialogue Quest; 2 - Aliases Quest; and 3 - Aliases Quest Resetter. Dialogue Quest (DQ) has aliases that are intended to be refilled every now and then (via AQ and AQR). DQ intends to use these aliases for certain dialogue conditions and for two '[follower] is waiting' objectives. Aliases Quest (AQ) intends to fill its own aliases and then forcing their refs onto the matching DQ's aliases using a stage script ('forcerefto'). AQ is not 'Start Game Enabled' and is started and reset by AQR via scripting. Aliases Quest Resetter (AQR) simply intends to reset AQ through its stages' scripts ('reset', 'stop', 'start'). It also resets itself (without the 'stop' function). AQR is 'Start Game Enabled'. *Reset timer is currently at 30 seconds. My problem is that the aliases won't seem to get filled in-game. I test this by telling my followers to wait. Both followers have Unique Actor - Reference Aliases assigned to them (as they are, well, both unique actors). The '[follower] is waiting for you.' miscellaneous objectives show up in-game, however, their names appear as '[...]' and no markers are pointing at them, leading me to believe that the aliases aren't filled. In DQ's objectives, the texts are written in the following format: "[Alias=FollowerName] is waiting for you." and the AQR can reset itself indefinitely - proven by its debug notifications appearing in-game. The script properties are also appropriately filled in the Creation Kit, and all the scripts compiled successfully. Scripts below: Thanks for any help. :smile: Scripting and aliases are still relatively new to me, especially aliases.
  6. ^ Wait, I just checked out your profile ('cause your name seemed familiar) and you seem like you can pull this off. :) You seem to have more spellmaking experience than I do. If you'd rather have someone else do it though, give me a week 'cause I still am unmotivated. xD
  7. I think I can create one, but I have other preoccupations and I'm feeling lazy. xD Convince me, haha. So the idea is - create a spell that, when cast, consumes a soul gem which then restores magicka to the player? Should all types of soul gems be included? Also, should there be an additional cost (e.g. health, stamina, etc.) to the spell?
  8. Found myself smiling reading this request just because I'm also a fan of spell combos and chains. Unfortunately, the sheer amount of time and effort required to pull off such a mod effectively is scaring me from pursuing it.
  9. ^ Also, Ebony armor isn't categorized as daedric. Even so, the Vigilants should be smart enough not to attack someone in ebony or other stronger armors. The Azura Star cannot be detected by the Vigilants as well because it's a non-equipped item. They weren't set to use the same condition(s) the guards use to check for items in the player's inventory. That said, I think I can create a mod that will have Vigilants attacking the player if they carry Daedric artifacts. Just not sure how I would implement it immersively though. I don't want the Vigilants to keep sending themselves to their deaths because, face it, the player will likely be the triumphant one every time. For now, there's a mod called Radiance which is an encounter mod. It's old but it's not broken and is as good as it is, same with Extended Encounters. Radiance includes an encounter that has Vigilants attacking you if you completed 5 or more Daedric quests, if I remember correctly. However, because it's an encounter, the chances of that happening is random.
  10. I think the only option we have is the Become High King of Skyrim mod. :\
  11. Fixing this is easy enough, just add GetRandomPercent conditions and maybe timers as well to the dialogues. Unfortunately, I don't have SSE so I can't do this, sorry.
  12. Good luck to everyone~ May the light of certitude guide your efforts
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