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Everything posted by TerraEx

  1. Glad you got it working :smile: lol, no problem. I'm more interested in sorting out Morrigan's dialogue issues at the moment, but I do try to stop in from time to time :) I'll be uploading a new version of the program to guard against this problem happening in the future.
  2. I've finished fixing up these problems for Loghain, its currently an optional/update file within the Morrigan Restoration Patch (its called "Loghain_Dark_Ritual_Fixes"). I will probably integrate it into the main patch with the next update though. It's still classed as a beta however, I tested it and it worked with your save. Obviously the fixes only work if you load a save prior to the Dark Ritual. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1120 List of fixes: - Loghain's dialogue now branches correctly in the epilogue based on whether he participated in the ritual, knew about it and/or knows about the child. - Loghain's line "One life. After all this trouble, it seems like such a small thing to give up to see this land safe, doesn't it?" has had its condition changed. The player can no longer activate this dialog if Loghain knows the reason behind the ritual since Loghain's lines don't make sense in the context of this knowledge, - Extensions to Loghain's scripts and plot files to facilitate the above.
  3. If you've got an appropriate save game prior to the dark ritual available that you can send me I can probably fix it. I've not currently got any saves with Loghain still alive at that point so I can't test it. There is of course the possibility you have conflicting mods as I've not heard of this particular issue before.
  4. Hmmm... that is an interesting error. I'll look into it. Can you post a pic of how your paths are setup in the program. And also, you should probably be putting those files in your "My Documents" override directory rather than the one in program files. EDIT: I'm betting you've got both of your paths set to "C:\Program File(x86)\Dragon Age\packages\core\override". Hence, it gets checked twice and you get duplications and an error. Be sure your My Documents override path is set correctly, there's a guidance image in the images section of the ChargenMorph compiler page. Something to address in a future revision I guess.
  5. All the chargen related mods are essential for creating a decent player character - tints, hairstyles, Bidelle's stuff, etc. Maybe a couple of the better armour mods (such as ChiZ's mods), most important to me however are the mods that address dialog and bugs in the single player campaign, I'd much rather have those installed than the prettiest of face morphs, weapons etc.
  6. The devs have stated that a bunch of stuff in the toolset (including ages) is outdated/incorrect. It's not adversely affecting anything, so I don't let it bother me :).
  7. This happened to me for another npc. The issue was, iirc, to do with path depth, the game only reads 3 folders deep from within the override directory. So, if the armor files referenced by the creature are stored within a bunch of nested subfolders, they won't be found by the game and the character ends up nude. Any affected npcs are stuck that way until you remedy the situation inside the override folder and reloaded a save prior to entering that area. That's what fixed it for me anyway.
  8. A story along the lines of the BG saga would be fantastic, imo. Opinions are somewhat divided over at the Bioware Social site, with some wanting to wipe the slate clean and start a completely new story and characters. I (and many others) think this would be a waste, far better to go the Baldurs Gate route and continue developing the existing characters, mixing things up with some new faces and putting the Warden into difficult situations. As someone who romanced Morrigan on my first playthrough, I have to say the potential for that plot thread is too great to ignore. I didn't feel the conclusion of DA was "epic" enough to warrant ending the Warden & friends story in Thedas. I think there is more that can be done before moving onto a new set of characters. I want to see some BG2 style developments - bringing to things to a acceptable conclusion ala TOB, once that's done I've no problem moving onto a new "story arc" with a new set of characters.
  9. .ncs files are compiled scripts created from an .nss source file. The conversion is one way - you can't edit .ncs files. What you need to do is find the corresponding .nss file (the author of combat tweaks has made his/her source files available so download that) and find the talent_modal.nss and talent_scattershot.nss files inside that archive. Open these in notepad. Open the toolset, navigate to "Scripts" in the resource palette and find the talent_modal.nss and talent_scattershot.nss files in the resource browser. Open them in the toolset. Now copy and paste the appropriate .nss file from notepad to the toolset, make your changes, hit save and compile. Repeat the process for the other file. - export as normal and you're done.
  10. I don't think DA would really benefit from scares. The game just isn't set up to give you the kind of scares that say... DeadSpace can. You've always got your team members backing you up which immediately offsets any measure of fear that you may be experiencing, and since you can play with the camera zoomed out it simply isn't workable.
  11. It's very rare for me to stop half way through a serious playthrough and begin again from scratch - simply don't have enough free time to justify throwing away 40+ hrs of a partial playthrough. I used to do stuff like that though, I'd conciously stop when I sensed that I was nearing the end of a game and start it all over again... maybe it was some way of artificially prolonging the game - knowing I always had something to come back to, I dunno...
  12. My Morrigan Restoration Mod causes this. It is intentional --not a "problem" as it's tied in with a new plot event that I restored to the game (Morrigan's character quest had a lot of stuff cut out/not functioning correctly in the vanilla game). It is a necessary change to prevent the player from bypassing the newly restored scene by doing something stupid like dropping the grimoire or giving it to her as a gift before returning to camp (which is easily acheivable via the party picker)- making it a plot item prevents these two possibilities. This change is clearly noted in the mod readme and project page. Provided you haven't got another conflicting mod installed that modifies the morrigan_main.dlg files, a new scene triggers automatically when you return to camp, enabling you to give it to her via a scripted dialog sequence. Refuse to do so and the "gift" version will be restored to your inventory. As stated above though, if you've got any other mod installed that alters Morrigan's dialog files then you'll likely have problems such as the newly restored scene failing to trigger. I'll note that the mod works perfectly and has been verified as such by numerous users - provided no other mods are causing a conflict, a responsibility which lies with the end user.
  13. On the Denerim city map, there's a small icon of a map towards the bottom, click that and you'll be back on the world map.
  14. Morrigan's "I could juggle flaming knives for you if you like. While dancing. Or perhaps you have something more... personal, in mind?"
  15. I'm fairly sure that David Gaider said Morrigan was in her twenties...
  16. I didn't know the toolset had character ages hidden away in there, thanks DarkeWolf :)
  17. I'm glad you like it DarkeWolf, its one of the reasons I mention in the readme & project page that I'd like it promoting as much as possible, and I'd like to extend my thanks to everybody who is getting the word out about the program. The reason most modders moved away from including a chargenmorphcfg.xml file was probably the amount of complaints they got about their mods not working (due to multiple chargen xml files). If enough modders become aware that a safe, automated solution is now available, it's better for everybody. I have got future plans for a couple of new features but I'm working on another project atm so I'm not sure when I'll get around to implementing it.
  18. It counts folders from the "override" directory itself. So, wherabouts are the eye colours in relation to the override folder? For example: F:\ell\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\Folder1 Would be a nested depth of 1. And F:\ell\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\Folder1\Folder2 would be a depth of 2 And something like F:\ell\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\Folder1\Folder2\Eyes\EyeTints Would more than likely be too deeply buried - at least in my experience. Like I said, as a test, drop your eye-related files straight into the override directory itself and see what happens.
  19. ell46, how many subdirectories deep are your eye colour files? iirc dragon age only digs down through a maximum of three subfolders - had a similar issue myself recently where certain overidden files were not showing in game as they were too deep within the override subdirectories. As soon as I moved them into a parent subfolder, they showed up. Try moving the eye files into a "higher" directory and see if they show up. Many mods ship with a overwrought series of subdirectories, and if you chose to add another "parent" folder on top of that (when you extract from the RAR/ZIP) this might be the reason for your trouble. Just did a test and moved all my eye colours into override\eyes\newfolder\newfolder\newfolder and sure enough, all my eye slots turned black, so I'd definitely check if moving the files helps you.
  20. Not really sure what's going on but my ability to allow/block endorsements seems to have vanished from my account - I could have sworn it was there 2 days ago. Additionally, I have several comments for my recently added mod/utility endorsing the file (with the standard "I have endorsed this file" message), however these do not appear/update as positive endorsements on my endorsements page. Affected files: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=971
  21. I've just finished work on an application for dragon age that performs that very function - might want to check it out: CharGenMorph Compiler Designed to completely automate the process of merging chargenmorphcfg.xml files by searching through the Dragon Age & My Documents override directories and constructing a single master xml file. I'm hoping if there is enough support all future char gen related mods will include a chargenmorphcfg.xml for this app to process, allowing the community to bypass the process of manual editing that has plagued the scene for too long now.
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