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Everything posted by TerraEx

  1. Bit late but I'll clarify, though I've gone over this numerous times and it's in the readme, which I really wish people would read before installing mods. My mod, Morrigan Restoration Patch is the mod that transforms the gift grimoire into the plot item version, it is intentional and not a bug. This is stated in the readme quite plainly. The reason it wasn't working properly for you is because you have a conflicting mod installed, almost certainly something else that alters morrigan's dialogue effectively reinstating all the bugs that my mod fixes. (after dealing with flemeth, you're supposed to get a new cutscene which I restored when you return to camp, if you have a conflicting mod installed you get an infinite loop when returning to camp as well as experiencing none of her extra dialogues.)
  2. If you're editing someone else's mod you really should ask them to make a B2B (DADBDATA file) instead of editing them in the generic GFF editor - it'll make it much easier on you. Regardless, if you really *must* edit them this way try this: Open the UTC file. The very first child entry in the tree is called LocName. This stands for localised name, since the mod isn't really packaged as it should be (no talk table, loads of unecessary files, etc) and you don't have a b2b file to import the strings the toolset can't find the required string in the talktable, so in the "Type" column change it from LOCSTRING to String. The creature's name will then appear in the Value field and you can edit it there. Change it to whatever you want, then change the "Type" field back to LOCSTRING - save and you're done. Now, this works in the toolset, whether the changes will show in game or not, I can't say.
  3. Not got the toolset in front of me but you can probably get back onto solid ground using the console command: runscript zz_jump_around Failing that, you could try the debug script for the warden's keep area, which apparently allows for teleporting. Or just write your own mini-script to teleport yourself to a suitable location. Though, it looks like there's another npc stood in the void as well, so you might be best reloading an old save tbh, for whatever reason the actors haven't jumped to their places in the area...
  4. Most likely your talktable seems to be overriden, the screen shows the game is displaying mapping tags instead of the correct strings... Never happened to me but try deleting everything in "My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\toolsetexport". That'll probably fix it.
  5. Well that's the thing DarkeWolf, unless it is our existing characters that encounter her again, any answers that she provides to a new, completely unrelated PC will be meaningless. Bioware have stated that she will be back in the future, however imo, its got to be the existing warden who meets up with her & dealing with the consequences for it to have any kind of impact. Much of fans current frustration comes from the fact that Bioware have said nothing regarding where DA2 is going...
  6. I finished the broken circle quest last evening and was not given any option to state I was a blood mage. Am I doing it wrong or is it a 1.03 issue? It's semi-bugged in the vanilla game (I believe it was deliberately disabled as if you end up killing both the templars & mages then you can't tell Eamon you're ready for the landsmeet). There's an optional component of Dialogue tweaks (blood mage package or something iirc) that restores it and adds some non-spoken lines for Eamon to get around the aforementioned problem. As a side note it affects Greagoir's dialogue file, which is also used in mod (if you have it installed) to restore a separate scene, so the two won't play nicely together atm since I chose not to reinstate the blood mage confrontation.
  7. Sadly the ritual scene itself was the most compromised part of the final game. Gaider stated there were supposed to be ritual variant scenes for a romancing & friendly warden that had specific dialogue for those who romanced her/befriended her. These got cut - completely, so we get a one size fits all Dark Ritual. Heck, he also mentioned there was supposed to be at least some element of magic involved as well, but this was apparently too taxing for them to add as well. I did restore I think one branch of dialogue to the ritual, which allows you to ask her why she never mentioned it earlier iirc as well as fixing bugs where a female warden could do the ritual herself :unsure: But sadly, there's nothing more to work with in the Dark Ritual scene - it was cut down & no great revelations are hidden in the dialogue... The closest thing you can hope for is the comic that Gaider & Aimo collaborated on, which attempted to show a softer, more caring side to Morrigan, undoubtedly a scene that was planned for the game.- http://blog.bioware.com/2010/03/01/dragon-age-the-revelation-comic/ So yeah, its the one scene in the game where those who romanced her were expecting some kind of recognition for their efforts, but we get naught but disappointment unfortunately. People have speculated that she's out of character in the ritual scene, or that she's been possessed by Flemeth etc, the common consensus on the Morrigan thread over on the bioware forums is that the ritual scene was essentially hacked together to compensate for said cuts, hence her demeanor toward the warden throughout the scene. Based on Gaider's comments in the above comic, its the logical assumption. With regards to the baby itself though, its obviously a plot hammer moment to be used in a potential sequel and the choices you have available don't allow you to ask any meaningful questions. It's accepted that Flemeth will return for example, then how does it make sense for Morrigan to say, "yep I'm going off solo, don't follow me..." while the threat of Flemeth remains. Surely it would be a smarter idea to allow the warden to stick around considering he's already taken her down once before. Whatever the case, the Flemeth/Morrigan plot thread is one of the main reasons I'd like to reprise my role as the warden in DA2, but that's a whole other rant and I've bored you enough already :)
  8. For me, 1.03 did appear to fix the memory leak problems (decreasing fps and enormously increasing area load times the longer I played, etc.) But it also made the game unplayable on my rig due to CtD. Finding the FO3 "Large Memory Area Flag" file header fix saved the day (well, about three months, actually!) Ever since using it to (very politely) hack the .exe, all my issues have been "broken script" ones. Plot flags not tripped, wrong dialogue branches firing, etc. You know, I wondered why my game hadn't been crashing much lately (despite the fact it CTD'd constantly after installing Awakening. THEN I remembered I'd patched the exe using CFF explorer. 1.03 still introuduced a whole host of annoyances for me and I notice that Bioware's current list of fixes for the new patch doesn't look that extensive... Now now Stardusk, I seem to recall either BG2 or TOB they messed up Imoen to the point where none of her dialogues triggered at all (vaguely recall all her dialogues referencing the creature "Imoen" when her actual creature was "Imoen2") - my memory's a bit foggy on that one, its been so long since I modded BG2. But to the point, Bioware have always had extensive bugs and psuedo-annoyances in their fantasy rpgs, and it has always ultimately fell to the community to fix them. The fact that they let Godchild's childhood friend have such a crippling bug in the shipped game still sticks in my mind to this day. Personally, as DA is a multi-platform title I was expecting them to make a bit more of an effort as console players are truly screwed when it comes to bugs, but EA is holding all the cards now...
  9. Never done it myself but- on your "file attributes" page there's a box for giving editing rights to others. Find out what WolfheartHU's member ID is (I'm presuming this is the User ID displayed on the member profile page on the main DA Nexus site) and put it in the box and it should give them access.
  10. Yes, it works perfectly alongside Dialogue Tweaks, just be sure to use the latest version of Dialogue Tweaks since the older versions used to modify morrigan_main.dlg.
  11. Well, with each passing day I too lean more toward this line of thinking. It's entirely possible they don't intend to make expansion modules editable by end users, which will leave us with all these joyous bugs for the forseeable future.
  12. Well, my opinion may be somewhat biased :) but I'd encourage you to crack open the toolset and then you can see for yourself what's going on under the hood with Morrigan's files. You'll find they're littered with comments from the devs stating TBD (to be done). Things like making the real grimoire a gift were a method to cut corners to get the game out of the door. I think when you've taken a look at just how messy some of this stuff is in the vanilla game you'll draw the same conclusion that I and many others did. Take Flemeth's real Grimoire - what do you think bioware really intended for the final act of Morrigan's sidequest? A quick 4 line "thank you... blah blah." or Morrigan actually asking you what happened between you and Flemeth and whether you got the grimoire or not? The scene is in the game but none of the correct flags for it to trigger were completed by the scripters, hence it didn't trigger. The flags it was dependant on were coincidentally marked TBD in her script files. Another example, the Greagoir betrayal scene states categorically in the scripting comments section that it was cut as the devs had not completed the cinematic sequence for Morrigan to escape. Innumerable parts of her dialog have incorrect/non-working condition checks - refusal to teach shapeshifting, indifferent break up dialogs - the list is extensive. Essentially, for whatever reason, the developers simply didn't properly finish many parts of the game. This is true across all romance companions and other scenes in the game. Ask any modder who's worked on the dialogue/script files for the single player campaign and you'll get the same answer - the game is bugged and liberties were taken to meet deadlines. So taking these things into account and the discussions that people have had with the writers over on the bioware forums I and many others feel that the patch brings Morrigan closer to what was originally intended than what we got in the vanilla game. My mod corrects all these issues and restores Morrigan to what the writers intended, going off notes in the toolsets and various discussions with the writers on the Bioware forums. As with all mods there is a certain element of risk involved, there are no guarantees obviously. Ultimately the choice is yours whether or not you want to experience the restored content :tongue: Were an official patch to be released that corrects all these issuess, well I'd be delighted but I really can't see it happening. When I started the project I too held similar view to your own, I didn't want to alter anything that could potential screw me over in any future sequel and I was holding out hope for Bioware to fix some of these issues. Eventually however I got sick of waiting and resolved to fix the stuff myself. The question I asked myself before taking the proverbial plunge was "do I want to continue playing a bug-ridden romance & side quest" and my answer was no, and the patch came into being. The same thing happened with the Baldurs Gate series - fantastic titles but still riddled with bugs even after Bioware's final official patch, since they don't have the resources to fix up every issue it fell to the community to fix the remaining bugs (and that took several years iirc to finally accomplish). Regarding your issues with the vanila game, well you've pretty much answered your own question in a roundabout sort of way :) - you're in the "friend zone" because at the end of the game there's a conversation with Morrigan (optional) that allows you to talk about last night. This conversation deactivates the romance and activates the STILL_IN_LOVE flag. This has the side effect of giving you her "friend" dialogs in the post game. Awakening looks at Morrigan's Romance_Active flag, and since in vanilla, that gets deactivated in the final optional conversation in Origins you end up missing out on Morrigan's epilogue in Awakening - one of a litany of bugs throughout both games sadly.
  13. Look for a file called "core_en-us.tlk" in your override directory (might have a slightly different name if you're using a non-english version of the game). It's probably located in "My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\toolsetexport" Delete it and the problem should be solved.
  14. Happens to me all the time, alt-tabbing to desktop after loading the game then switching back to DA solves it.
  15. They probably want to address the significant number of issues with the expansion before making the module editable by end-users. Sure are taking their time though, I expect the verification processes they have to go through to release patches for the console versions are having a knock on effect for pc users...
  16. Yeah, there are tiny remnants of what was obviously supposed to be some sort of quest involving several of the people in Eamon's estate. Sadly I don't think there's enough to reconstruct the questline and the involved npcs don't seem to have any dialogue branches pertaining to the quest so it was definitely cut during development.
  17. Resources can be exported / imported via Builder to Builder packages (*.dadbdata files) - http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Builder_to_builder. A B2B is essentially a zip file containing a set of xml files which allow the toolset to construct a resource based on the xml nodes within each xml. I believe (though I am not certain) the toolset probably stores all files as serialised xml data. The toolset doesn't look at ERF packages as these are used solely by the game. The initial game database is premade by bioware (it's actually available on one of their project pages I believe as a B2B package, search for "Single player and core resource source files" on the Bioware Social site if you want to see that). The toolset creates its initial database by importing this file. Exported resources such as .dlgs are encapsulated within Bioware's GFF format (http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/GFF) and are not in any kind of user-friendly format for working with. If you want to get at the dialog contained within a .dlg file you'd need to reverse the GFF file format then write a program that could reconstruct a valid xml document for that dlg file to be loaded via B2B - this is not a trivial task by any measure. Long story short, it'd be faster to simply edit the .dlg from scratch again and remember to backup via b2b packages.
  18. Were you altering lines of dialog in his conversation file? If so the StringIDs may have been reassigned when you committed your changes. The game ties StringIDs to individual voice clips, if you modify a single player conversation line in your own module I believe it gets assigned a completely new StringID in your own module's talk table, thus breaking the link with the voiceovers. It also could be linked to the robobrad/facefx functionality if you've been playing with that. I'm really hazy on this even though it happened to me and I fixed it. I vaguely recall the toolset occasionally generating a new *.fsb / *.fev files (which it dumps in one of the override directories) which overrides the basic voicebank... Look for these in your override directories and delete them to force the game to use the originals: cir230_cullen.fev cir230_cullen.fsb bhm300_cullen.fev bhm300_cullen.fsb Sorry I can't be of more help, but it happened a while back and I can't remember for the life of me.
  19. Dammit, I'll stick with the dual swords of doom & gloom for now then.
  20. Permissions issue I believe, daupdater.exe doesn't have access rights to files in your my documents directory. Do you have admin rights and are you running the daupdater program as an administrator? Have you tried using DAModder instead, it might not have the same issue with security as daupdater?
  21. Yeah, Witherbark is a pretty nice weapon, helps mix things up since the game is pretty sword-centric. What I'd love to see though is decent scythes, they would look absolutely amazing on the right character. Though, we'd need a whole new set of animations for them so it's not likely to happen. Hmm, and just after posting this I notice someone made a pretty nice looking scythe and uploaded it just yesterday, I think I'll be testing this later today :) http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1245
  22. It comes very close but I don't think it quite matches Baldurs Gate 2 or Planescape Torment. If various aspects of the game hadn't suffered cuts then I would probably say it was their equal. Definitely the best rpg of the past decade though.
  23. Morrigan appealed to me from the beginning, her general demeanour brings a special something to the group resulting in some fantastic banters and conflicts of interest. I can't be bothered to go into great depth here since I've discussed this at length over on Bioware's boards, but she is without a doubt the best written and one of the most complex character in DA:O and has a pretty non-conventional romance sub-plot as bioware rpgs go. The dark ritual scene was sadly cut down from what the writers originally intended due to time constraints, giving many a poor impression of her in the game's closing moments, which is a shame. Ultimately though she's a great character with many different sides to her, she keeps you guessing throughout the game and I can only hope that she and our current warden return for DA2.
  24. Here's my current PC, Terra Cousland: http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/9610/screenshot2010050714330.jpg Who most certainly won't be getting taken down by any darkspawn via some ill-conceived DLC content: http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/732/screenshot2010051902594.jpg http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/7262/screenshot2010051903104.jpg http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/9360/screenshot2010051903020.jpg Should probably have resized these, but w/e.
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