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About scottmack

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  1. Sure but it still requires modders to go in and splice what they need together which will take longer than just recording it, still doable just more hassle. Im more peeved about the way dialogue choices are presented than anything tbh.
  2. Graphics look fine to me, I like a lot of the new stuff that was teased, the only things really bothering me is that voice acting will make it more difficult when making quest mods. But most of all I don't like the bioware style they have chosen for selecting dialogue responses. They don't tell you exactly what your character is going to say only instead giving brief preview of the general response. I find when using dialogue choices like that I select one I think sounds the way I'd like my pc to respond only for it to come out totally different to what I was expecting.
  3. I have just finished witch hunt after power running it all but that CC will be useful for people who befall the same mistake as me. Thanks for all the help! :smile: Onto DA2 now!
  4. This was a big help! I tried the CC but it doesnt mention the grimoire, only killing flemeth which might include the whole quest but I didnt want to risk it. The Skip Fight has been so useful, just refinished the campaign doing some side quests I missed the first time, got a nice ending. Just gotta rush through Awakenings Main quest tomorrow, pretty sure the sidequests dont carry much over anyway in the expansion. Kudos Given!
  5. Well thats put a dampener on my weekend :tongue: Seems like my best course of action is just to rough it then, I'll probably just put on godmode and get a ridiculously op 1 hit kill weapon for my party to storm through it again. Hopefully it wont take long :wallbash: Appreciate the info tho! EDIT: Also would there exist a list somewhere of all quests that effect DA2 from Origins and Awakening. This way I can skip past some sides I did to save time?
  6. Hi all, im on my first runthrough of dragon age and have completed the main quest and awakenings it was only after i realized I still had flemeths grimoire in my inventory and i thought i had spoken to morrigan and given it to her. Apparently not, my origins save is 42 hours on the epilogue of origins and my last save outside of the final quest is only at 34 hours. I'd rather not speedrun the rest again, is there a toolset editor so I can check whether I did complete the quest or manually mark it as complete instead? :confused: Or is it possible to give her the grimoire in witch hunt?
  7. Bookmarking this, spears are the only thing that could get me back on skyrim :O
  8. Britain made a big sky shield over the isles out of crumpets and the nukes subsequently bounced off and rained down into France. The residents of the UK proceeded to enjoy carefree lives drinking tea with the queen while complaining about the weather.
  9. In response to post #10359806. Dont do it, the graphics suck.
  10. Couldnt get the bloody game to install myself. Disc 1 was always unreadable, got a replacement and same story. Ended up getting a refund instead.
  11. A) Marmoset Toolbag B) Dont think theres a shortcut for that kind of thing C) There is the NVSE Flashlight mod but otherwise i havent a clue.
  12. I use GIMP to make my textures and when im finished save it as a .TGA then convert it to .DDS in paint.net GIMP's DDS plugin leaves purple/green miscolored pixels throughout the textures.
  13. The reload and grip animation for it is fine the problem is the firing animations, the charging handle wont move when its fired.
  14. FNV4GB should be your launcher you use. The ENB should load when you boot up using it although im not sure I dont like ENBs myself and dont use them. To get NVSE to work with FNV4GB you will also need this.. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35262/?
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