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About woodsman30

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  1. Why fix something that's not broke? Please keep the old design up for option as it is clean and simple and makes browsing easy.
  2. Did you run FNIS? only reason I say this is because only times I have ever heard of t-poses is due to animation mods and FNIS not being ran and or installed. If your computer was weak it would CTD.
  3. Skyrim is a game for entertainment but some how due to its popularity money has been the skeleton in the closet. Most people who I see who mod do it for entertainment and just with to share. Creation club to me seems like a money grab for all the wrong reasons.
  4. T pose is usually from animation mods that were installed and you don't have FNIS.
  5. Not really accurate but ok.... Oldrim as people like to call it works just fine my current load order I have is 208 mods and 243 plugins and no CTD perhaps learning about how to run mod is the answer. SE is ok but it is not the holy grail nor is loot learning how to run mods is the best advice take time and learn you will thank me later then you can take full advantage of 50,000 plus mods here who knows how many on other forum. This is where to start if you really want to learn. copy and paste hot link seem to not work but the author of the page is trusted and used by many. good luck
  6. I was worried that would still be the case. Maybe if someone would make an identical clone of her that would appear after finishing the Dawnguard quests, and fix the bug for the clone. That way, we shouldn't have to worry about breaking the story-line. I think a lot of problems stems from her unique follower file as at certain times she cannot be dismissed.. I use AFT however I only use her follower dialog "come with me" never try to change her with any follower system it never works out. Then i give her all new armor and get rid of the dwarven dagger she has.... Oddly it helps. I only really use her after Dawn-guard quest line is done as a follower. I have found once I start Dawn-guard just keep with it and only do Dawn-guard till it is done it seems less a lot less buggy.
  7. Similar to her asking "what do you need" all the time.. Serana is a bugged NPC probably the most bugged in Skyrim. And no never heard of a fix for her the attempts I have seen of messing with her breaks her and her quests.
  8. So here is the bigger question you should ask is all bandits re-spawn aka what they look like face gen including what type they are ect.. you do relies if you marry one the odds are in ten game day he/she will be different looking right?
  9. I run both and both are fine depends if you can get a stable running game with the older version and/or can run the new version. The big difference is the available mods 54,000 mods for the older version nexus alone vs 8,000 new some will never be ported due to the age of mods and also mod authors "retiring". My self I like the older version if you take the time and learn how to have a stable game it is still a top tier game and has to numerous of possibles to even count. hope this helped happy gaming :)
  10. First time this is where you want to start if you really want to learn how to have a stable game and add mods https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE7DlYarj-DdhDG41roBVJfNCqvO5MmKP Gopher videos are legendary and a must watch it will save you lots of questions and save you from lots of headaches.
  11. Try this its a good armor set read how to get http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Ancient_Shrouded_Armor Almost forgot this one it is good also see link for info http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Blackguard%27s_Armor
  12. try this its a good armor Try this its a good armor set read how to get http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Ancient_Shrouded_Armor
  13. Vilja is beyond large and DLC size no doubt about it she basically can go start to finish with your player as she has dialog for most if not all quests as well as a large assortment of quest she has. Rigmor of Bruma is also very well done it will pull you in and make you want to finish her quest. Sofia the funny is also a very well done mod much like Vilja she has a very large vocabulary and is quest aware no real quests but is a great follower. Arissa the wandering rouge is yet another well done mod .
  14. Dragons reach is one of those places that puts a big pull on CPU power and memory... try entering through the dungeon aka jail... there is lots of scripts involved in at Dragons reach lots of textures and often many people CTD happens a lot when Delphine is there again lots of memory usage.
  15. Logistics and environmental issues do factor into warfare and sieges in Skyrim, that said, the Nords, as a people, are used to fighting with each other and against common enemies in such an environment. I think the real stalemate of the civil war has less to do with the environmental and logistical issues and more to do with the insurgency/heart-and-minds aspect. Militarily, the Empire could likely surge more forces into Skyrim in an attempt to overwhelm and defeat the rebellion, but there is the concern (sometimes voiced by Nordic soliders in the Legion) that such a move would simply add more fuel to the Stormcloak fire. Many holds and people in Skyrim, as you noted, simply want to be left alone. A forceful and overbearing move by the Empire could easily persuade many of them to join the Stormcloak camp, which is what the Empire is trying to avoid. Bandits are, and always have been an issue, in Skyrim and though out Tamriel. But to suggest that they are a real threat to the government forces (of the Empire, the Stormcloaks, or any of the individual holds) is inaccurate and unrealistic. If you want to play a mod where they level up and get ridiculous armor and weapons, that's your call. Me personally, I don't think its realistic or lore-friendly that they be carrying high-level armor/weapon sets or that they should be able to defeat guard/army NPC's. In fact, i think it should be the opposite where the bandits are barely scraping by and carry low-end stuff while the guards/army NPC's should be allowed access to better gear. But that's a personal choice for each player to make. As for there being a 3rd option where all "factions" leave Skyrim to the people, that's basically the same as letting the Stormcloaks win. Skyrim has always had a system of semi-independent Holds which was subject to a high king's rule through a feudal relationship. Jarl Elisif would never be taken seriously as Skyrim's ruler, with or without the Empire's backing. So if you want an option where a high king rules over the Jarls and Holds of an independent Skyrim, Ulfiric and the Stormcloaks are the best option and closest option that brings you to that reality. There is no reason to believe bandits are weak and ill equipped quite the opposite most would be ex-soldiers, mercs, hunters, and mages who have seen their fair share of combat. Look around Skyrim White-run is surrounded by bandit camps the Jarl has done nothing about because he cant same with many holds. Also no reason to believe only the "Dragon-born or soldiers" should be the only ones allowed leveled weapons that is just does not make sense even vanilla camps have boss chests that may spawn dadric or dragonbone equipment so clearly they have them. If it is available in game it should be able to be used by all JMO. As far as leaving the civil war alone is like letting the Storm-cloaks to win does not make sense either.. they can't win nor can the Empire hence the stale-mate and your involvement both sides need help to turn the tide in their favor ...and oddly enough most of the time they want you to clear bandit camps because they cannot.. Ulfric will slaughter his own people just to gain power and Tulis is just a lackey for the Empire who cares nothing for Skyrim...Hence I leave it be
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