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About natzo123

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  1. In response to post #24563004. #24572634 is also a reply to the same post. "... this will most definitely destroy the modding community and a big part of PC gaming" How many times have we all compared our games to their console ports? What did we have that they lacked? This. The modding community; the freedom and that true feeling of ownership. Having access to endless amounts of modifications and additions to our beloved games, for me, made me feel that we really really owned what we paid for. We could do whatever we wanted with it and no more money would have to be spent. The mods came with the package that we bought; they were part of the game, part of being a PC gamer. What will we be now? A glorified iphone?
  2. I'm already seeing single armor sets being sold for money. How is this different than the infamous HORSE ARMOR dlc? Have you not learned anything? I wouldn't mind if bethesda allowed big, total conversions or expansions to charge us (Tamriel Rebuilt for Morrowind for example), but this is just so in-app purchase garbage,
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