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  1. Did it just happen again? I haven't been able to get on for the past few days.
  2. Thanks for the reply White Wolf, I was just curious. I guess we don't learn that much about Britain individually, but in the context of our own history, or a general European era (i.e. Medieval, Renaissance...)
  3. former NATO Commander Wesley Clark just entered the race for democratic nomination today! Good Luck! http://www.americansforclark.com BTW, George Washington (hope you know him http://mwsource.com/forum/html//emoticons/smile.gif ) warned against the formation of political parties in his farewell speech, but no one payed attention. It might seem limited and dysfunctional to some, but it's created the world's only superpower in less than 250 years. Quite a track record. This question is OT, but for all those Brits out there, how is the American Revolution taught in school?
  4. Did you see his little MWC closing/goodbye joke?
  5. My Screenname has also stayed the same, Feanor11. I hope you don't mind those PM's I sent you about this. Here's the link http://dynamic5.gamespy.com/~chronicles/ya...ername=Feanor11 Good Luck on these new boards, and continue enforcing the rules http://mwsource.com/forum/html//emoticons/biggrin.gif
  6. Just to start, the monument fiasco is just like George Wallace standing in front of the door so black kids coudn't enter. There complete religious fanatics who although are part of government, refuse to put it above their religious and moral beliefs. But since the government, not religion is the law of the lands, that can't mix. As for the seperation of church and state debate as a whole, I believe that they should have nothing to do with one another. Unfortunately, when our founding fathers created this country, their religious bias took hold in some places. As for our pledge of allegiance, the part "under God" should most definitely be removed. In fact, it wasn't even added till the early to mid 1900's, so why not take it out? Finally, when a President is sworn into office, he places his hand on a bible. This, at least to me, is the most blatant example of church overlapping with state. People should be free to practice whatever religion they wish to, and even if they choose to not practice any. And government should be seperate. Unfortunatley, changes will never happen when you have a President who would stand in front of the 10 Commandments monument too, given the chance.
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