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Everything posted by NeoKingArthur
I just want Tifa to have her stockings removed. Back to original design. That's all. The Aerith Short Skirt is good enough for now. But it's nowhere near the quality of detail from the Remake version of: Shortest Skirt for Aerith (Optional Length Variants) at Final Fantasy VII Remake Nexus - Mods and community
With the new Legendary Explorer tool being released. Is it possible to have this outfit modded into the game now?
Hi all, I've been seeing quite a number of new apparel mods being posted for Mass Effect Legendary Edition. And I was wondering if I could request someone to be able to create a Dress mod for Shepard to use and possibly for NPCs as well. For use for Shepard as casual clothing in Mass Effect 2 LE (Attached ): ME3 Miranda Cerberus Official Skirt (XPS) by SonYume on DeviantArt .MESH and .TGA files available here For use for Shepard as casual clothing in Mass Effect 3 LE (Attached .MOD and .TPF files): this is just where I put mods I wanna get — giantmudcrab: Day 2 Alliance Smexy Dress... (tumblr.com) .MOD and .TPF files available here For use for Jack in Mass Effect 3 LE: ME3 Jack Grissom Official Skirt (XPS) by SonYume on DeviantArt .MESH and .TGA files available here I've provided the link that can be used to download the files that was available. I wonder if someone could make a usable apparel mod for the Legendary Editions using these files. Thank you in advance.
Fixing Miranda changes?
NeoKingArthur replied to RJWidowMaker's topic in Mass Effect's Legendary Edition
In the end censorship is wrong. Especially if they keep stuff in for the guys thats not right for the girls I think it depends on the context. Censoring someone for speaking out criticism to the government is wrong. But reworking a camera angle that the creators feel should be changed seems like a harmless level of change. I don't think we should see in black and white, that Freedom of expression is always right, and Censorship is always wrong. There's a lot of gray in between. There are some levels of changes that are deemed acceptable for the greater good, and there are lines that should not be crossed. Similarly, too much of a freedom is bad too, so there has to be some level of freedom that can be accepted, and some line of freedom that shouldn't be crossed. To me, a change in a camera angle of Miranda's butt can be categorised as a harmless change. Especially since it doesn't affect the entire scene or dialog altogether. If they cut an entire scene out, then yes that would be going too far and unacceptable. But this.... this is just a minor thing. Besides, it's probably bad for them to market this change. If I were them I wouldn't change anything, but If I feel like changing the ass camera angle, I would do it quietly. Don't publicise the change, and no gamers would have noticed it. Even if someone noticed it, it would have to be playing side by side with the old game at the same time, and it would be too late, everyone's already bought the product and playing halfway through the trilogy already instead of going through these arguments. -
[mod request] Dress to replace N7 Dress
NeoKingArthur replied to coffe4meplz's topic in Mass Effect's Legendary Edition
Something like this would be nice... ME3 Miranda Cerberus Official Skirt (XPS) by SonYume on DeviantArt I believe that web page has provided the TGA files ready... I just don't know how to package that as a usable mod. -
Fixing Miranda changes?
NeoKingArthur replied to RJWidowMaker's topic in Mass Effect's Legendary Edition
I'm not going to open the debate here considering it's been had everywhere else. Some are for it and some aren't. I'm simply asking if someone who wasn't for it, and with the skills and time to donate, is planning on a mod. Mods are optional, after all, so I feel the reasoning isn't worth in depth discussion here. I know.. it just feels like a 2-weeks worth of work to do for a 2-second scene. A scene that gets jumbled up into the game itself as if it's finding a needle in a haystack. It just doesn't seem to be worth doing it and even more silly to refuse to play or even being upset with the hundreds of hours worth of gameplay and engaging story, just because you're unhappy with a 2-second camera placement that's even difficult to find in the first place, unless you're planning to rework the entire scene camera work so that 100% of dialog scenes with Miranda, the camera is fixated on her ass at all times. Then I guess it would be worth the work. -
Citadel elevator speed.
NeoKingArthur replied to allanteer's topic in Mass Effect's Legendary Edition
I guess it's possible to slow down the elevator ride if you install the game onto a WD Blue 5400 rpm HDD into a SATA I interface. -
Heavy Armors for all classes
NeoKingArthur replied to Micaelbarone's topic in Mass Effect's Legendary Edition
I know that if you use the console command, using the GiveItem Self .... command will make your Shepard to wear whatever armor that you have given them. So it's technically "wear any armor class" Works for your squadmates too using GiveItem Target while targeting your squadmate. The only drawback here is, don't remove or change their armors, once you unequip them, you can't equip them anymore. This method is how I give my Sentinel Shepard to wear the Heavy Onyx N7 armor in ME1, while she's technically unable to wear anything other than Light Armor. -
Fixing Miranda changes?
NeoKingArthur replied to RJWidowMaker's topic in Mass Effect's Legendary Edition
Why is a 2 second ass shot that important compared to the hundreds of hours that the game has? I honestly don't even remember there was this scene with this camera angle in the original ME2. -
I agree with this, I love the JohnP's Alternate MEHEM that edits just small enough to have a significant impact in the ending without changing too much of the story going into the ending like the original MEHEM does. But that doesn't mean we have to hold off from buying it. There's 3 games to go through, so if it takes a month or two for the mod to be developed/ported into the legendary edition, so be it. There's still time, since I'm starting the entire trilogy from ME1, then ME2, and even then there might still be time while I play through ME3 and just stops right before the cutover before the mod to trigger. It'll take me hundreds of hours to complete the entire trilogy, and with me playing no more than 2-3 hours a day. There's plenty of time to get the mod ready while I play through.
Light boots texture problem
NeoKingArthur replied to NeoKingArthur's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
Yea, the amount of mods I have is what prevents me from identifying the correct culprit. I could just remove all my mods completely, but even if it does work solving the problem. I still wouldn't know which mod caused the problems. Maybe it was the Rules fixpack mod, but then again I never had a problem with that texture thing when I play using it last time. Even during Leliana's song never had the same problem. But maybe it's because Leliana is flagged as the "main character" for that campaign and in Origins, she's just flagged as a "companion" and NPC since my Warden never had the boots problem ever even when leliana's boots are whiten that way. I'll have to try to remove one by one from the hundreds of mods I have and see if they make a difference. That'll take a while though, and given the minority of the problem to even affect gameplay. I'm simply inclined to just bear with it and temporary fixing it by unequipping and reequipping the boots. Thanks for the advice, I'll see if I can find what caused it. -
spoiler Do Dwarves make better Reavers?
NeoKingArthur replied to Alehazar's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
Those are some really great questions... Unfortunately I can't really answer them since I usually just get all the specialisation, and the talents and skills and just kill enemies and finish the story. But, i'll try: I think Dwarves make a decent templar. Know that Dwarven race are literally immune to magic, so basically any non-elemental magic done to them are pretty much immune. Fire, Cold, Electricity are still as they are even though created by magic, and Dwarves can burn, freeze, or electrocuted still no matter where the source is from. But magic like sleep, death hex, blood magic, etc should be immune to dwarves. In a way, Dwarven templars don't exactly need templar abilities. They just simply walk to the mages and punch them in the guts (they can't reach the face) without worrying of getting spelled. they might need some fire/cold/lightning resistant armor though. And permanent stone wards may help them too. But I'm talking about lore and my assumptions. I know as far as the gameplay are concerns. They're not exactly totally immune to magic. Aahahaa. -
I have some assumptions myself: Flemeth is a dragonborn (in Skyrim term) or basically the same as Morrigan's child. A human born with the soul of the Old Gods.. (Dragons)Flemeth's body is not an immortal one even though her old god soul is immortal. That's why she needs to switch bodies every generation to refresh her vessel.She has lots of "Horcruxes" that stores a copy of her soul so that she can survive even if one of her body is destroyed. Hawke unkowingly helped her to ressurect her body in Sundermount. I assume she made her horcruxes through murdering Lord Connobar and his men and allies. The act of murder splits one soul to be stored into inanimate objects.Morrigan's child is the Warden's child or other grey warden's child. If it's not either the Warden's or Alistair's or the secret companion's, probably be Riordan right before the night of the last battle. (without his knowledge/our knowledge). In other words, she will be with child nevertheless. And this child may be the main protagonist of Dragon Age 3.Dragon Age 3 starts in the middle of the Circle - Chantry war. Which is actually the plot of Flemeth as the Vanguard of the Old Gods in Thedas trying to destroy the Maker and his influence once and for all. So basically, it's a clash of the Gods, between the Old Gods and the Maker.The main character of DA3 which is also a "dragonborn" must travel throughout Thedas. From the southern uncharted territories of the Arbor Wilds, through the farthest reaches of the Donarks, Seheron and Par Vollen in the north, with a mission. Siding with the Chantry and the maker, or heeding is true nature of an Old gods and side with the Mages.I would like to see the ressurection of the Griffons, with the Hero of Ferelden leading all of the Grey Wardens to destroy every single darkspawn in existing deep within the Deep roads
spoiler Anyone think Daveth should of lived?
NeoKingArthur replied to ninjafish's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
I prefer to have people lived.. I never liked death and i certainly don't like people die just because "they deserve it". So personally, I think the Warden should have taken the joining FIRST... That way, the warden will survive right? That will give Daveth and Jory the confidence of taking the Joining. Probably Jory won't be as coward as he did in the canon. With the warden survives, Jory should come in second and believing that he will survive since the warden survives, he'll drink the blood anyway. And my guess is may have survived and become a grey warden. since he lives, he'll be more confident in fighting darkspawn. Daveth..... well he's screwed. So yea, Jory's cowardice is just out of his common sense and his ignorant to the grey warden's necessity. He believes that Duncan is a psychopath who makes the joining an excuse to poison the trio to death and that Alistair is his accomplice. If only the warden did the joining first. He would be more comfortable in taking the joining and there would be no need for a stabbity stab stab and pathetic death. Also, it won't be as dramatic as it should. Hahahaha. -
Downloads opening in Photoshop
NeoKingArthur replied to vintagexsparks's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
I'm not sure what's going on with you.. but I assume you were trying to open ERF files. ERF is by default an Adobe Photoshop file. But ERF in Dragon Age case, is similar to a Zip compression format that combines multiple files that the game reads into one file for easy management. By default (at least in my computer) ERF is always depicted as having a Photoshop icon and double clicking it will open the file in Photoshop with an error message. So, ERF can just simply dumped into your override folder which is contained in Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\packages\core\override If you want to open it just open the Dragon Age toolset / PyGFF editor and simply drag and drop the ERF file there and you'll be able to see the contents inside the ERF. -
Missing Textures?
NeoKingArthur replied to rizuhbull's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
Hmm... interesting... I thought you haven't installed Dracomie's textures yet.. But I see you already did. -
DaZips wont install in updater
NeoKingArthur replied to Deathhollas55's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
A tips, when you install a DAZIP using the DAUpdater, make sure that your Dragon Age game is not running, and the Dragon Age Toolset is closed too. From my experience having any of those two programs running will always give me Errors. But there might be other factors too. -
I usually use Dragon Age Rules Fixpack mod which includes a helmet mod. It doesn't exactly work as the No Helmet mod. But it works as when you equip a helmet, it will be taken off to your inventory. But when you are in combat mode, you will automatically equip the helmets and after some killings, when you're finished and out of combat mode, your helmet will automatically be taken off and stored in your inventory again.
spoiler Your Ending
NeoKingArthur replied to cheburator987's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
That's a really nicee ending :) I'll tell you mine... Origins: Awakening: Witch Hunt: -
I prefer to have as many people alive as possible. And being a grey warden is like something awesome. I like forgiving people and I believe in redemption not through death. So I keep him alive. Sure alistair will leave, but at least he's hardened King and married to Anora. By the time of Awakening, Alistair would have forgive my warden for sparing Loghain, even though he still despise him. So, my ending would always be: Magi Warden = Alive and become the next Warden Commander and next become the new Teyrn of Gwaren after marrying with Leliana, the new Teyrna. (while his cousin is a Kirkwall nobleman. Imagine, Two Amells as two separate noble houses in Thedas. Can't get anymore epic than that.)Alistair = Becomes king and married to Anora. His hardened personality would make him express enthusiasm to the art of governing. Able to govern the country with humourous smile yet firm and just. Anora who are already loved by the people and her governing skill is the other side of that coin. (Awesome Royal family)Anora = Happy that her father is alive and well and married to Cailan's "Twin" but a better person because of his contributions during the blight and his governing skills that keeps getting better and better. Unlike Cailan who spends his time daydreaming while Anora's busy running the kingdom. Loghain = Become a grey warden and finally understands the necessity of the order by experiencing it first-hand. Transferred to Orlais, the land that he hates the most but realise that the Grey Wardens of Orlais is an independent order separate from the Orlesian Government. He soon understands that and still happy to be able actively defend the land from Darkspawn.See, everyone's happy. Even if I kill loghain, There's only eliminating that fourth point. So having Loghain survives is just better ending for me. I may not be making good decisions during the game, but I always make sure that my choices has the best outcome for everyone.
Light boots texture problem
NeoKingArthur replied to NeoKingArthur's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
I don't exactly use any texture mods that changes the textures. Only some that is used for custom armors. I don't think I used any other texture mods for light boots though. I do use a HSLI armor replacement mod for the female light armor. But I thought it was only used for light armor and not the boots. And if the textures are the problem, how come I could simply unequip and reequip the boots and it shows up correctly. I just realised that I posted in the wrong category, it should be in Mod Troubleshooting instead of DA Tech Support... Maybe moderator can move it if this is a problem. I apologise for the inconvenience. Topic moved to correct Forum as requested. --TNL