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Everything posted by CJD

  1. You should hav a couple of Bandits assault the castle every once in a while, that would be awsome, and put resoawning slaughterfish in the pond.
  2. will there be any ppl out in the courtyard, you know sitting on a bench and reading or something?
  3. umm.. just asking, how many non-guard NPCs are there in the castle?
  4. can you make real opponents in the arena instead of skeletons and goblins? i don't kno if it's already in the mod, can't find it, so if it is plz put it in, oh and link for the mod?
  5. man this mod is going to rock! I can't wait, hats off to everyone. special thanks to Warkirby. Chorrol shall soon feel my wrath. mwahhaha
  6. I like the dragon. tho it will be interesting to see how you guys can fit the dragon onto the sheild, and cuirass. :D oh, and Warkirby. I can't test, my video card just went. oh well time to blow $250 on a new one. YES!!
  7. I would but im having probs with Oblivion right now. The insignia is big! for me it can be the deciding factor, of course not with your mod, bcause its amazing, but can i see the insignia. so i can give you my thoughts.
  8. oh, my god. Torture weapons hahaha, oh there will be alot of fun there, oh and dont forget to do Torture arrows.
  9. i wish that, weapons and armour, could be 2 different categories, for all those ppl who want to find weapon mods, and hav to go thru 300 armor mods.
  10. im not sure, i dont hav paintshop but a friend has it and he said, that theres a specific type of file it has to be. r u sure it isnt photoshop
  11. hehheh corpse mashers Heehee. dont mash a deadroth, they fly all over the place, when only half their body is in. ever use the mashers while the guy under it is still alive? Woah scream city, he wouldnt shut up, i think it was a glitch. it was funny, a dead deadra sitting there going AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Woah 90!!! ok here goes nothin Falcath Yuraj Laster Hyuter Potan Manad Kaster Kuhet Frederick Ujaii Polas Romulus (captain of the guards) Remus Jorge Derrin Nardith Noth Nayt Kerrick Kuiner Barren Coith Joss Namithan Lohak Yuthaj Yakath Sandof Bruden Kilgor Gerik Gorring Hermin Sagoth Sal-man Three-fins (Argonian) See-Keemen Horton Tim Valeri Vastol Astor Warthun Maserth sorry, dont kno how maay names that is.
  13. if u fortify ur acrobatics, past 100, like say 234. u can jump anywhere. except white gold tower, or whatever its called.
  14. when u hav to sit around, and watch Bellamont kill most of the Dark Brotherhood, i could hav taken him out, bfore he got his sword out. >:(
  15. alright u heard the man, i made a topic to list ur ideas, for a castle name http://forum.gamingsource.net/index.php?sh...c=23869&hl=
  16. im reading Tyranny Of The Night by Glen Cook I highly recommend it :D
  17. all right, the bugs the door in the room with a sh*t load of beds, has a wooden door that when opened leads to a wall. the door at the end of 1 of the hallways with the "needs a Key" thing that leads to black should be removed the end of 1 of the hallways is missing outside where the Oblivion spikes are, there is a bunch of deer running into them, (i killed them and scored some dough so thats okay) ;D in 1 of the bedrooms the books and a pot are stuck in the shelf when i went into the east wing thro the left door i couldnt go back thro it sorry i couldnt be more specific :D
  18. I can wait, theres no way im settling for 2142, ill hav to stick with Oblivion, and illl probably get SVR07
  19. its going to replace BF2 for me. And i hav no intention at all to buy 2142, EA is old news for me, I try to avoid buying their new games :D except FN3, and NHL07
  20. i tested the mod, found a bus load of bugs, including the wooden door that leads to a wall. :D fix those bugs i cant wait for the finished version thats furnished, and judging by the beds streaming with NPCs I saw the arena, great idea anyways, to the reason why im posting i saw the castle, and the only name that fits it for me is: Castle Mynaroth if u dont like it thats fine its just I wont hav anymore names for u so this is the ONE (for me) ;D
  21. STILL!!!! oh well here goes nothin Castle Strador Castle Therrien Castle Akatosh Da Castle (just kidding) Castle Dranathor Castle Karikan Castle Szalor
  22. I stick around the Imperial City and sometimes Chorrol. I go in the market district p.s ILL TEST IT!!! :D
  23. Castle Aerie Aerie means: the nest of a bird on a cliff or mountain top Castle Dralon Castle Ardor Ardor is a synonym for fire a couple of names with a meaning :D if u want u can look some of these words up
  24. Castle Ither Castle of Stendarr The Keep Castle Nurnin Castle Durtin gots lot more :D
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