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About noparts

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    Fallout 4, Skyrim, Oblivion & Fallout 3
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  1. When B.O.S.S. closed its doors, LOOT seemed - to me - the best alternative. I use it for Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3 and FNV, with no problems. Except, over the last few months, I have had CTD issues with FO3. A few tweaks to the ini allowed for much longer game play, before the inevitable CTD's. I haven't got a great deal of mods installed, maybe 30 to 40, with all the DLC's. I do have the latest unofficial patch. I stay away from the really big mods like FOOK, FWE, etc. At any rate, I'm glad I asked. I'm going to fire up B.O.S.S. in hopes that it corrects whatever ails FO3. Also, I have used Wrye and B.O.S.S. since Oblivion, so I was really bummed when they decided to end work on B.O.S.S. That was my only complaint with LOOT - it did not integrate with Wrye the same way; although it does re-sort when I bring Wrye to the foreground, after running LOOT. Thanks for your input and guidance, I appreciate it.
  2. Funny you saying that. A moment after I clicked on the 'Post' button, I thought "Wait... Why didn't I just send a PM?" Also, yes; bad title. I don't do much posting, that much is obvious. However, I have been perusing the Nexus Forums for, what feels like, a lifetime. I've always preferred to search and read, as opposed to posting, when I have an issue. Between The Elder Scrolls and Fallout; well, suffice to say, that's a lot of issues! Point taken, however - and thank you.
  3. I was going to hijack the post which you most recently provided a quick answer to, but decided against that. I am most curious as to why you feel LOOT will make Fallout 3 unplayable?
  4. So, lets say - hypothetically, of course - I've got several hundred posts on The Nexus Forums (which, obviously, I do not) dating back to 2011-ish. If I decided I wanted to add a sig to my next post, perhaps one including my system specs; or a photo of my cat - or whatever. Would my new sig be automatically added to all of my previous posts? You know; for continuity. How about an avatar? Would that be added, as well? Thanks.
  5. Your load list is a mess. If you go to the FWE mod page and scroll down, there is a sample load order there. Compare it to yours and make the changes. Compatibility patches must load after the last mod that is being patched. You do not need the RH_EVE_Bridge with the Blackened patch. You do not need the RH_FWE_Bridge with the Blackened patch. Do not try to play through the tutorial with mods active. Wait until you are in the vault tunnel, make a save, activate your mods and exit the tunnel to the wasteland. Make another save after you are in the wasteland. This will allow you to start a new playthrough without going through the character creation or the tutorial. If you want to change your character, use the save you made in the vault tunnel. DO NOT USE LOOT to sort your load order if you want a playable game. Okay. I'll bite; what's wrong with LOOT?
  6. The FOOK-link that's provided, ends up at a Princeton Watches store site. Of course, it is now 9 years since the original post, so I suppose anything is possible where links are concerned. I recently fired up Fallout 3 for a new run, having last played through in 2013. I don't have FOOK installed, but I am experiencing an anomaly after the flash bomb is thrown, in Vault 87. Upon regaining my eyesight, I seem to be on the floor - perhaps propped up with my left arm, but I'm unable to use any controls. The two Enclave soldiers walk into my line of sight, then behind me, and my field of view is quite limited. Here's the thing: Colonel Autumn enters the room from the same door the two soldiers did - only he is walking backwards, with his pistol drawn and that $h!t-eatin' grin on his face. But, he continues the backwards walk, right through the opposite door and off into the halls of the Vault! (I know this because at the moment he comes into my view, I bring the console up and type "TFC" and follow him all the way to a vault door that transitions to another part of the vault! TFC, obviously can't follow him beyond that. Turning it off brings me back to the floor, my view wavering, but since Autumn has left the building - the quest won't complete, and the three of us are stuck. I've tried to set the quest stage to 30, to no avail. Using "SQS MQ08" as Olurum points out, does list one more stage: Stage 200. I've even tried that one, but no luck. I have a save, upon entering the floor that Fawkes is on; as well as an older save where I get the lowdown from Scribe (his name escapes me) about the location of Vault 87 and Little Lamplight. Either one ends up as described above. I'm using the exact same mods I did in 2013, except I did get the 2017 Fallout3 Unofficial Patch - latest update. I've played the game at least a dozen times since it came out, and always made it through this quest. The only thing that's obvious - now that I've typed this :ermm: - is that latest update. Guess I had better uninstall that, then try it again. Although, I'd have to start another new game... Anyone else experience this, perhaps?
  7. In response to post #31590135. #31592185 is also a reply to the same post. Sorry, I should have included the log: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware www.malwarebytes.org Protection, 12/6/2015 4:50:37 PM, SYSTEM, COMPUTERTWO, Protection, Malware Protection, Starting, Protection, 12/6/2015 4:50:37 PM, SYSTEM, COMPUTERTWO, Protection, Malware Protection, Started, Protection, 12/6/2015 4:52:36 PM, SYSTEM, COMPUTERTWO, Protection, Malicious Website Protection, Starting, Protection, 12/6/2015 4:53:22 PM, SYSTEM, COMPUTERTWO, Protection, Malicious Website Protection, Started, Detection, 12/6/2015 7:34:41 PM, SYSTEM, COMPUTERTWO, Protection, Malicious Website Protection, IP,, bidder.tlvmedia.com, 0, Outbound, Detection, 12/6/2015 7:34:41 PM, SYSTEM, COMPUTERTWO, Protection, Malicious Website Protection, IP,, bidder.tlvmedia.com, 0, Outbound, (end)
  8. In response to post #31590135. Well, as I am reading this rather long thread, Malwarebytes' just interrupted me with this notification: "Malicious Website Blocked". Further, this is not the first time its happened on a Nexus site. In fact, most of you probably see (in the lower left section of the scren, url's that are flying by so fast, you can barely make out the shortest of lines. I realize it's intended and that most of them are surely legit; but, as for me, I'm a devout Fallout / Elder Scrolls fanatic. I'm also pretty anal about this crap (pun intended) since I recently got zapped and taken hostage by a so-called FBI office, for ransom! Almost a month, to get back up and running. Without paying the $200.US that they demanded. So, I'm with what's-his-name, above; it's getting really hard to trust this site anymore - as well as many others! That said, I'm outta here. Oh, sorry, the block was: "Protection, Malicious Website Protection, IP,, bidder.tlvmedia.com, 0, Outbound, Detection, 12/6/2015 7:34:41 PM, SYSTEM, COMPUTERTWO, Protection, Malicious Website Protection, IP,, bidder.tlvmedia.com, 0, Outbound, " (end) From: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware www.malwarebytes.org
  9. No, just certain dialog text; the most recent that comes to mind, was a yes/no dialog (oui / ?) and for the life of me - I can't remember what the actual question was! o_O I know that I answered "oui" though. So far, they've been mostly like the "...gate opens elsewhere", "This lock cannot be picked. You need a key" type. I've not installed any mods that specifically relate to locks. But there are remote buttons in a few of the 'houses/castles' mods I've installed. However, none of the patches, either official or unofficial, are French versions; I just checked. Nor am I seeing any of the downloads with "fr" at the end. (I'm guessing you meant something like 'TheLostSpires-fr_v1.7z' ?) You are probably right, Birrii, I'll post my mod list, as well. Though for me, at the moment anyway, the mass lock-out hasn't brought progress to a halt yet. Watching the AI deal with a "closed" merchant is a trip. They don't say anything, or engage each other in conversation. They just pace; look around; ponder, and pretty much seem like they're really embarrassed or something. Okay, I'll get that list together. And thank you, everyone, for your input; I didn't mean to step on your topic, Birrii - sorry. It is okay to continue to post it in here?
  10. Or, so you don't have to worry about getting busted for breaking in - you can use the console; click on the Divine Elegance front door, then type unlock. I have the same problem, only it's ALL the shops - in all the cities! I noticed it first in the IC, when I tried to enter the First Edition. I decided to hold off on that one, until I could figure it out, Then, when I was in Bruma, I noticed there were two or three NPC's in front of each shop. Like they were waiting for them to open, only it was the middle of the afternoon! So, I tried the unlock command, at the Hammer and Axe, the door opened and I went in - as did the NPC's waiting at his door! I thought that, while impervious to me, locked doors and chest's were not an issue with the NPC's; that they weren't restricted by locks? Anyway, I'm still trying to figure out why all the stores are closed in my game. This is my second time round, as I recently began a new game. Additionally, as someone pointed out in another post, I too, am not leveling-up, like I did the first time through. So, whenever I sleep more than three hours, I use the console to do it. Oh, and I've been getting some of my dialog boxes in French. Namely, ones like: "This gate is opened elsewhere" and a few others. All stuff I can live with, though. Hope the unlock pert of this helped.
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